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  • My mother is renting a home and wants to increase the term of her lease, but she is wondering if she can terminate the lease early if she has a medical situation that requires her to move? Does she need to include a clause in the lease to cover that situation?
  • A lady with 7 cats and 2 rabbits has lived in my home for the past 3 years. Nothing signed but has been month to month. I gave her written notice 12/1/15 that must leave no later than 1/31/16. She has not done a thing to move out. What can I do if she leaves but does not take her animals?
  • my brother does a work to a company and he die
  • where can i get free or very low help in filling out a qualified domestic relations order (qdro)
  • Can a person who has power of attorney over a senior citizen ban family members from any contact with that senior?
  • Can I file for back child support for a child I raised for eight years if I did not originally ask for child support? Custody changed to the mother about a year and a half ago where she did not ask for child support and now she is filing for it.
  • We bought a manufactured home in a 55+ community and out next door neighbor is running a “workshop” next door. We are unable to enjoy our home in the evening due to his sawing metal, compressors, and loud banging well into the night. It sounds like we have a factory in our living room. Our property manager has tried to make him stop but he continues to keep us awake with his noise and is EXTREMELY defensive if he is asked to stop. We do not have the money to relocate our home, what else can we do?
  • I have a current custody order. I would like to present new information to the court in an effort to alter the agreement. I can not afford a lawyer. What can I do?
  • I co-own property in CA. There are 3 of us still living on the title, myself, my brother and 1 other lady. I need to sell at least my portion ASAP, but cannot get the woman to even acknowledge my attempts to contact her. I spoke to her once and she seemed very nice and said she would help in any way. Since then she has not answered any of my calls or letters. My question is, do I need a lawyer to help convince her to co-operate, and if so, do I need to get one in AZ. or CA.? If I don't need a lawyer, can you please tell me where I can get help with this matter. She lives in CA. Thank-you.
  • is annulment legal in az




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program