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  • I am separated but still married. My husband is not paying his credit card debt and an atty has threatened to garnish MY wages and forced me to pay on his debt. He sent a notice to my employer seeking verification info which totally embarassed me and jeopardized my integrity. I have been paying him because I am intimidated. Is this legal?
  • I have been paying $20 a month since May 2006 on a credit card debt. I was taken to court and agrred to pay this much until my debt was paid. I believe I had around $1665 to pay. I have made every payment but in Dec of 2010 the collection agency stopped cashing my checks. I have called several times and was told my account is closed. They will not tell me how much I owe or where I should send a payment to. After calling several times they hang up on me or put me on hold forever. What should I do? I've been paying for 5 years.
  • I've lived at my current address for 2 years now I've been having issues with getting my mail the postman said he can no longer by law give me my mail because of my apartment doesn't exist I've told my landlord about this matter but I keep getting the run around about how it's the postman cause all of the issue and not the fact that my the landlord hasn't registered my apartment number. So what can I do within my rights?
  • How do I get an atlas number?
  • How does Family Medical Leave relate to time off for a work-related injury when the employee is receiving workers compensation?
  • joint legal custody, i am the custodial parent, but father has final say. Is the father allowed to deny the child to go to be better school to receive a better education? He has no reason to not allow her to go to the new school other than he doesn't think its necessary. She almost failed 5th grade at her current public school. If I take him to court what are the chances of the judge allowing her to go to the better school? Isn't it supposed to be about what is in the child's best interest, not just about who has final say?
  • I let a friend pull a travel trailer on my acre with an oral agreement that he would fix things around the land in exchange for staying there. My brother had to move in with me and I told my friend he would have to move out. I gave him a month and he didn't move. I gave him another 6 weeks and he did not move . then I gave him one more week and that is up in 3 days and it does not look like he is going to move by then. what should I do ? He did not break any agreement, nor did I.
  • My mother rented a place on a month to month basis, signed a lease, paid a $600 deposit, and was asked to give a 30 day notice when she planned to move out. She moved in 11/1/2017. On 11/14 she went to the ER and was admitted to the hospital because we found out she had a spinal cord tumor. On 11/20 she transferred to inpatient Hospice and died there on 11/22. Her things were moved out and the place was immaculately cleaned on 11/26. Her landlady knew she wouldn't be returning as early as 11/18. Is she obligated to return the full $600 deposit even though a 30 day notice wasn't given?
  • i got married on my husbands reservation at the beginning of this year, and now hes already wanting a divorce but i dont want a divorce just yet. if he files for a divorce do i have to give it to him
  • Advance Directive forms




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program