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  • we are getting conflicting answers we need to know specifically : Is the ladlord responsible for paying trash service? we know they have to provide cans
  • Feb. 14,2014 Husband and I had a resolution meeting where he was suppose to rollover the per deim of his 401k plus 6k. it is on the paperwork to do so. It is now almost a year over and no surprise, he hasn't done a damn thing or how do I get him to or even know it is the correct amount? what if he has taken it all out by now? please help. I didn't say anything for I hoped he had done it and I just never got the paperwork, but I am pretty sure he didn't even attempt to. what can I do? sue him? hire my lawyer again? can I make him pay for my lawyer if I do have to get her involved again?
  • Can an attorney represent someone without their permission?
  • I have joint custody of my 2 older children, my youngest child I am engaged to her father and we are living together. My two oldest children's fathers pay child support well one does other hasn't and don't. My oldest child father is involved but my 2nd child father hasn't called, hasn't seen her,nothing in like 6 years (she doesn't want to see him). All children live with me and my fiance. I was wondering if my fiance could adopt them with me so we both have custody of them together & how would the child support work?
  • I want to leave my house and live my own life. What is the procedure to terminate my relationship from my father?
  • I have just gotten a divorce and my exhusband is ordered to pay back money he took from our savings account when we seperated. He says that he does not have the money and will have to make payments. He was awarded our personal property which is paid off. Can I put a lien on this title? He says he is building a home is there any other way of ensuring that I will get my money returned?
  • Is it legal for landlord to request me to pay service call of $70 for repairs which they gave home warranty.
  • A rocky marriage just worse.I have been living away from my children since May 2013. I had limited communication with my 2 children until the end of November 2013 when all communication with them stopped. All communication stopped with spouse the end of December. My numbers were blocked from calling... He said on 2/9/14 that he is filing for divorce. What are my options of getting the children or at least shared custody?
  • So my vehicle was towed in a free parking spot in my townhome complex. I know that within our HOA rules my vehicle was parked for a period of time so they had the right to tow it. One issue that we have is that there are not enough parking in our complex at all. It is a complaint all residents have. They have made parking available as if there are only families with one car per unit living in the complex, when there are residents that are renting the a unit and may have up to 4 cars per unit. I was wondering if there is a law that mandates a certain amount of parking for a complex?
  • Is a landlord responsible to remove bees from a property?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program