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  • Can both the parents be named custodial parent?
  • I was working as a health care worker and a patient didn't trust me because i was a new employee. So he made a big deal of everything making the environment difficult. I dont know whati did but he complained. My boss could have switched us out but he sent me back. He then says he could fire me and get my license took. I later find out that I resigned. I was an on call employee and he just stopped calling me in. No write ups, nothing. So i get a letter in the mail saying I quit. Do i have a case?
  • I am about to become a grandmother in December ~ my first ~ my daughter-in-law is making statements that she does not possibly want their child to have my son's last name, but rather her maiden name. I am not sure where she is going with this scenario, but I suspect she is anticipating something that would separate relationships between us. Is there any law that would allow the child to not take on our family name. Please advise. Thank you.
  • landlord is wanting to list the home for lease and have access to the home. Do they have this right? The lease is not up for 4 mote months. We have offered to leave earlier and she does not want that. But thinks she has the right to list and show the home.
  • I gave revocable guardianship to my mom when I moved out of state so the kids could finish that school year and I started my new job. Now that I have petitioned to revoke guardianship, she is suing me for custody. I am so far and not sure how to handle this.
  • What do I need to do to change one of my daughters last name. My domestic partner is not the biological father but he has been there with my daughter and i since about 3 months into my pregnancy. My daughter currently has my last name but both my partner and i want to change her last name to his. Her biological father isnt in the birth certificate nor in her life. And she is 1. What are the steps to change her last name?
  • My daughters father who has being in prison for 17 years is thrusting me with having custody of my child 7 days a week every other week. He is not on the birth certificate and has not been part of her life, she is now 5 months old, he asked me to abort when I told him I was pregnant. Will the court grant him custody. He was in prison for holding a family hostage.
  • My wife wants a divorce. Mainly to get my name and responsibility off of her. Is there a quick way to do this?
  • I am about to be sued for an old credit card debt. I am permanently disabled and on social security only. Can my social security be garnished?
  • I am currently working with HUD Counselor for two years. Is there a time frame for working these modifications? Also in bankruptcy; does this effect the loan modification process?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program