Resources for Seniors

Articles and Info

Tips for a Successful Client-Attorney Relationship

by: State Bar of Arizona

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Arizona Health Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) Eligibility Manual

The AHCCCS Eligibility Policy Manual contains information about covered services, programs and preadmission screening (PAS)

National Resources for Seniors

Arizona Resources for Seniors

Helpful phone numbers and hotlines

County Tax Assessors

Find information about your County Tax Assessor's Office and what services are available on-line.

Life Care Planning Packet (Advanced Directives), Information and Documents from the Arizona Attorney General

Find out about Durable Health Care Power of Attorney, Living Will (End of Life Care), Durable Mental Health Care Power of Attorney, Letter to My Agent (Representative) and More!

by: Arizona Office of the Attorney General

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How to Get a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate

To request a birth certificate, you must be at least 18 years old and an immediate family member of the person on the birth certificate. The Arizona Office of Vital Records has birth and death records.

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Question: Hello, if I have a No Soliciting sign on my door and keep getting sales people who want to sell solar panels, where do I report this?
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Question: I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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Question: I live in an HOA that has a file within my account called "owner file". This file contains personal information related to my history in the community such as violation notices, aplications for changes, etc. I would like to know which area, if any, of state law covers the maintenance of this file which seems to be an invasion of privacy.
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Question: Advance Directive forms
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Question: I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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Question: My mother has dementia / Alzheimer's and I am moving my mother from IL to AZ. Do the current power of attorney and medical forms need to be redone in AZ?
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Question: I retired in January of last year (2016). My former employer is using my photo in his yellow pages and internet advertising WITHOUT my permission. what type of attorney do I contact? I wish to sue for monetary damages if possible and to stop him from using my photo and name in these ads. I gave him over 20 years of full time service, and the first time I actually took my full vacation time (3 weeks), he called me (during week 2)and told me he only wants to use me part time after my vacation was up.
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Question: I am a disabled senior with significant brain damage. I have been taken advantage of (financially) by a former realtor and former friend. I cannot afford an attorney to sue her. Can anyone assist me?
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Question: My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

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Question: What is the procedure for revoking a power of attorney? What documentation has to be done to complete such a revocation?
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Question: I ask the City for help but they say they can not help me rid my self of a neighbor who is littering my yard & pool with his unkept trees.
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Question: My great grandmother is over 109 years old. She formerly was under the care of my uncle. 2 weeks ago he moved away leaving her unattended. For 2 weeks now My grandfather travels los angeles to tijuana every other day to watch over his mother in law. We have no documents for my great gram.. id like to be able to bring her to los angeles to spare my grandfather the stress and enjoy my great grandmother which im so proud to have the honor to have id like my 4 children to get to spend time with her.
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Question: New York has a property tax exemption or deferment plan for those whose income is under 13k a year and you must be 70. does Arizona have the same program? if so, it's well hidden from public.
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Question: I am looking for a Durable Power of Attorney form. There is no web site that addresses this. If not available on a web site please state where one might be obtained.
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Question: Is there any resource available for a senior over 90 years old. Needs caregiver Shehe has a TIN number no social security number.
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Question: Can a durable power of attorney be revoked from a elder with dementia without a doctors assessment
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Question: In the state of Arizona, can a person who has power of attorney or legal guardianship of a minor, attend a truancy hearing in the place the parent?
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Question: I don't know if you can help us or maybe direct us to someone who can. KayKay Properties took over as managers of our apartment building. This is not an assisted living facility, but regular low income senior apartments. I am one of the original tenant and the other original tenants and we have gone through several managers. But this company has come in and is trying to dictate to us, change rules that make so sense and threaten with evictions. We have been told that none of our grandchildren under the age of 18 can spend the night with us anymore, if they do, we will be evicted. If someone is on medical marijuana they can't smoke it in their apartment, they have to leave the building and smoke in the parking lot. If they smoke in the building they will be evicted. We can't go to check out mail in our robes, if we do we will be evicted. They will spray for roaches, but we have to count the number of dead ones, and if they have to spray again we have to pay for it. If we don't pay for the exterminator, we will be evicted. If any of us are ill and need family or friends to help us, we have to let management know who they are, where they work and how much they make, if guessed it, we will be evicted. Please, we need someone who can help this is like living in a communist community. Rose Turman 602 599 1033
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Question: I purchased a condo and garage in May 2015. Then went back to Oregon for the summer. When I returned my garage door would not open. I put the key in and manually opened the door to find some else's car in my garage. When I reported it to HOA they told me a mistake was made and the person whose car was in my garage was in Ohio and would return Nov1 2015. My personal items that were left in the garage were gone. What are my legal rights to reclaim what was legally mine and also how do I remove his car from my garage
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Question: Is there any information anywhere on the best way to fill out Form DE-313 for ALTCS? Ive almost completed the application and need assistance on what the SOC should be and how much to put into the Millers trust each month
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Question: my mom is in the hospital. she had minor surgery but does not want to do therapy at hospital. Now the doctor is saying they r going to put her in a home but she live with me at home . can the doctor do this with out some type of concent ?
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Question: I'v been married for 10 years.I'm need help getting my devoice papers.
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Question: In 2012-2013 my 80 year old grandmother sold everything she owns to move to Yuma, Az to live with her now husband. He has lived in Az for a few years. Now that he has depleted all of her money and she is ill he now wants to dump her off in a nursing home and move to Canada. What is your state laws on this? I believe if this is allowed to go on in the state of AZ this man will continue to do this to other seniors if he is allowed to get away with this. He has moved her across the country away from all family only to dump her at the state's expense so he can drive back and forth from Yuma to Canada as he pleases!
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Question: the irs has taken approximately $40,000.00 from my social security checks over the past 6 years without ever notifying me as to why they are doing so. i thought i had a right to know why and where the money was going. i am now unable to work to survive and desperately need the full benefit to which i am entitled. do i not have a right to know what is going on with my money?
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Question: My mother in law is not capable of making decisions for herself anymore how to I get gardianship
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Question: I need to know to get a general power of attorney that my grandaughter obtiened from me by telling me i was giving her power of attorney for my vehical only. I didnt realize she was doing. I need to know how to go about getting it revoked the legal way. Can you tell me how, and where to go to do this?
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Question: What can I do about the Guardian & Conservator, my sister, of the family trust who sued me to prevent my visiting my mother? She falsely accused me of being a threat to my mother. I have spent all of my savings, sold my car, sold personal possessions like furniture, jewelry and tightened my belt as much as possible to stay afloat. Jackie (the sister, guardian & conservator already mentioned) lies to the court continuously about, for example the assets in the trust and slandering and libeling me. In effect, I am paying for her to sue me.
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Question: My parents bought a 1.94 acre property in 2002, when it got survived and property got measured & flagged the next door neighbor moved the flags & stold 8 feet from the side of the property. They have tried talking to the neighbors but they said that they had a verbal agreements with the neighbor before them to borrow that extra piece of land so they are not going to give it up, since then my parents have paid 2 more times to get it surveyed & they keep moving the flags. Can they sue them for the tax and use of the property as well as the extra surveys for all the 13 years they have paid?
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Question: Durable Power of Attorney forms
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Question: Doe my will have to be probated in Arizona when I have only financial assets all of which have instructions as to what happens to the asset when they receive a copy of my death certificates?
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Question: What is the "senior" age cutoff to qualify for all of the services mentioned here?
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Question: Our son who was 41 committed suicide. he did not leave a will. I need to have power of attorney so I can deal with his estate. Do we have to file something with the probate court? If so how do I go about that?
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Question: I want to file visitation rights with the Court to visit my grandchildren. Their mother refuses to let me see them.
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Question: Can a convicted felon be appointed a power of attorney over someone?
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Question: i'm a tenant senior asking if my landlord has to provide heating for me in the winter. hope to hear from you soon. thanks
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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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Question: If I marry, will my spouse be responsible for any of my depts made prior to our marrage?
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Question: my sibling are taking advantage of my mother financial/real estate I am looking for a professional to guide my mother mother
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Question: We made out a will and had it noterized. It is in our safety deposit box. Does a copy of this will have to go to any city, county, state, lawyers, office? If so, which one? Thanks
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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

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Question: I am on Arizona Workers' Compensation my surgeon has released me to a pain management doctor. My back has not improved and I have chronic pain half of the day an the other half I am asleep for the medication. I don't want to live this way I want my back injury fixed, what are my options can I ask for another surgeon.
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Question: My 85 year old mother passed away suddenly on May 25. 2013. She had a lease and a security deposit of $200.00. The apartment complex has suddenly (after 3 months of attempting to get it returned after perfect walk through results) decided that I am not able to get any security deposit. Also, refuse to return my extra monies paid to stay for 14 days to remove my mother's items. I was assured that all of the money would be returned to me but now that they have a new owner, they state that they will not return any of the money that they agreed to return to me. AZ law states that they were to notify me within 14 days if any problems with refund with her security deposit or they have to pay double the amount back. Is this applicable in this case? I have continuously attempted to contact them regarding this issue and I finally got a bunch of passing the blame answers and this is three months late.
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Question: how many months do one has to wait to reapply for ALTCS, if you have been denied and you are now in Hospice, awaiting salvation. Also, does the Nursing Home Care Reform Act of 1987 is still effective and can a skilled nursing facility force a relative or family member to take you in if all your Medicaid/Medicare benefit days have been exhausted and the facility corporate office has threaten to issue a 30 day notice to evict? Thanks
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Question: My dad will be coming out here from NJ. i would like to put a modular behind my house to care for him but let him live indepently. our post office is apache jct but we are in maricopa county district. so i don't have a city. where do i turn for information on this
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Question: What help is there to get my Dad in a nursing home with no cost to me?
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Question: Where does one go in Arizona to find a reputable attorney to assist with Medicare problems, more specifically recent denials? I'm told Elder Care Law, but thus far have found no referral source. Thank you
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Question: I have a case against a contractor in southern Arizona and it has been denied both in the original hearing and the rehearing. I would like to file an appeal through Superior Court. I need help with this procedure and understand I may be eligible for free legal representation.
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Question: I am continually having law suits filed against me by my son who alleges he is owed for services he supposedly provided in another state. How can I put a stop to the harassment?  I no longer have funds to protect myself.
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Question: Ineed to find a lawyer who is willing to take my "Age Discrimination" case. I was working for Arizona Department of Transportation since September of 2006 until I was terminated on April 15, 2011. I was doing a great job and performing well and was only 3 years away from full retirement. I believe I was let go on the basis of age. They want to dperive me of full retirement. P.S. I need a lawyer who is able and willing to fight for my case.
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Question: What is the responsibility of the Landlord of a 55+ park regarding safety from burglary and robbery? We have had a number of these lately and it doesn't appear our Landlord is doing anything about it.
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Question: Where can I learn how to resign as executor of a will probated in Pima County, AZ?
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Question: I need a durable power of attorney. Any suggestions where I can find one on line?
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Question: Is a feeding tube considered aritifical means of staying alive
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Question: My mother, 66, is having problems with the HOA of her condo. Before cancer, I could have figured out what they're saying and what she agreed to -- not now. Is there someone available to ask?
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Question: Where can I see someones will?
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Question: i am looking for a medical power of attorney, that i can print on sign over to my daughters.
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Question: What paperwork do I need to file a claim for non-payment of a debt owed for my business services to a client. The amount is $650 and the dates of service are 12/31/06, 1/02/06, and 2/15/07.
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Question: am i able to apply on line? I have trouble with transportaion but will make arrangements if this is not an option for me. Thank you.
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Question: How long do family members need to wait to be allowed copies of a Will? Do family members get notices?
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Question: Need a lawyer I don't have much money. They say I owe money I know someone has used my name Please tell me what I do to stop this.
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Question: When completing the living will, does this have to be recorded in the county clerks office in order for it to stand? thanks
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Question: Is there a place where we can get a Financial Power of Attorney Form with no charge. Do you know if more than one person can be names as POA? like my daughter and my son both?
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Question: I live in AZ w/ parents in Florida. Mom recently hospitalized, (treatment for previously diagnosed cancer, terminal) & signed papers for 'Hospice' while heavily medicated w/ morphine. Now bills are thru the roof as Medicare is not covering previously covered expenses. Mom is not "in" hospice care, just using 'pain management for medication'. She is still at home. Where can we get counsel as she signed papers without knowing change in coverage?
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Question: How do I get my property tax frozen as a senior?
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Question: My bank refuses to modify the note they are carrying on my home which is in my x husbands name (3 month marriage) where I invested the $40,000 down pymt and have made each and every payment since 10/05. what can I do???
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Question: i will be 65 in july, just retired on ss, was paying child support through my payrole, had ssbenefits for my 3 children in the amount of 204.oo each, child support was 600.00throughpayrole, ex wants me to pay even more from my 856.00 a month, can she get this?
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Question: I am asking in reference to my father who is living alone and has parkinsons and diabetes we need to put him in a home or assisant living. How would we go through that he is a danger to others and needs urgent care.
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Question: being a niece, how do i get a death certificate to take care of my aunts estate
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Question: who would be able to help me with a trip and fall incident which resulted in an emergency room visit, medical bills and aftercare, what are my rights in getting reembursement?
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Question: Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

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Question: Where can I find a specific Arizona Court online?
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Question: My late husband suffered from Alzheimer's Disease when he borrowed money and signed documents that deeded his home to another person. That person refuses to return title of the home to my late husband's estate even though the loan was paid off in full. What are my rights?
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Question: What is the law in Arizona regarding revocation of driver's license because of age, health, or mental condition for elderly persons?
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Question: Our living TRUST was updated for the state of California; should it be updated for Arizona since this is now our primary residence?
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Question: Our living will was updated for the state of California; should it be updated for Arizona since this is our primary residence?
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Question: Small Claims Court -- What are the boundaries of cases that can be brought before this court?
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Question: How can I avoid being solicited by telemarketers and marketing mail?
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Question: Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

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  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program