Divorce & Annulment
Articles and Info
Whenever a court here is asked to decide about a minor they try to decide what is in their best interest, but what does that mean? Find out here.
How to Make a Spousal Maintenance or Child Support Payment to the Clearinghouse in Arizona
You were just ordered to pay spousal maintenance or child support through the clearinghouse. The order says an “income withholding order will be issued to your employer.” Until then you are to pay the clearinghouse directly.
Venue: The Importance on Where to File and When to File
You both filed at the same time, in which court will the case be held?
How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa Family Court Part 2: Default Through Discovery
In part two, we will discuss how to represent yourself in Default Proceedings and through Discovery.
How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa County Part 1: Initial Filings
This is the first in a multi-part segment on “How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa County Family Court." This section provides information about an initial filing in Family Court.
Should Your Property Settlement Agreement be Merged Into Your Divorce Decree?
What is Merger? Learn the difference between merger and incorporation in a divorce decree.
What Happens to Personal Injury Proceeds During Divorce?
The period of time between filing for divorce and actually getting divorced is a land field of potential issues when it comes to property issues in divorce. This article helps the reader understand what insurance awards they may or may not be entitled.
Divorce on the Navajo Nation - Grounds and Requirements
by: DNA- People's Legal Services - Window Rock
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Family Law on the Navajo Nation: How is Property Divided in a Divorce?
by: DNA- People's Legal Services - Window Rock
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Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.
General information and resources about the responsibilities of both parents when it comes to child support and how a support case moves through the court system in Arizona.
by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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Find out about the Parent Education Class and tips about how to help your child adjust to a divorce or separation.
by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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Things You Should Know About Divorce in Arizona
by: AZ Supreme Court
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For a covenant marriage, the court can only grant a divorce ("dissolution of marriage" in Arizona) or a legal separation for certain, limited reasons.
by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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Self-Service Guide for Divorce Cases
This guide has been prepared as a resource for use in the self-service centers of the Superior Court to provide general information, not advice, about obtaining a divorce in Arizona.
by: AZ Supreme Court
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Related Questions
Question: Is it required to file for child support? I filed for divorce and my ex and I are in agreement on everything, neither of us wants child support or spousal support and we filed a Maritial Settlement Agreement stating that neither of us is seeking Child support but when I am filling out the final decree it seems as though it is requiring me to also do the child support order and child support worksheet.
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Question: I am trying to get a contact number for the clearinghouse. I am retired military my ex wife qualifies for 42.5% of my military pay. When we the divorce was final my lawyers had the spousal maintenance taken out of my military pay instead of my civilian pay that was corrected this month now they are taking money out of my civilian pay but no one sent anything to DFAS so they are still paying her 1000 dollars a month and they are also taking 1000 from my civilian pay the court order says tha I will pay 1000 dollars a month spousal maintenance and she gets 42.5 percent of my retirement not 2000
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Question: My husband wants a divorce and only married 9mo. He moved his girlfriend into our home yes I am still in the home also! This is adultery and illegal in the state of AZ! Our home loan is in his name only but title is in both. We started the paperwork before marriage but closed on the home after married. We have a car loan in both our name. He is telling me that his lawyer said I’m not in titled to anything because he is the one who pays the bills. He is a City Emp with retirement and savings similar to a 401k. He is pushing to sign the divorce papers now and leave with nothing. I helped build!
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Question: I got married to someone incarcerated in 2005, at the time I didn't know he had a life sentence. I soon heard that a marriage was not legal if someone had a life sentence or had to be consummated. In AZ there are no conjugal visits allowed. I was not ok with some things he was doing and I asked for a divorce in 2007 and stopped all contact. We do not have anything in common and want to know if I file for annulment or divorce and how to go about that, I would like to be divorced and get my maiden name restored. He stated that he will not give me a divorce or sign papers.
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Question: My wife left me 8 mos. ago. We lived in Colorado (I still do). How do I find out if she has filed for legal seperation ?
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Free & Reduced Fees Legal Aid Resources
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- Please select your county of residence below.
State Bar of Arizona
www.azbar.org -
Maricopa County Bar
Referral number 602-257-4434 -
Pima County Bar
Referral number 520-623-4625 -
National Domestic Violence Hotline
800-799-7233 -
Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
866-553-0893 -
Certified Legal Document Preparer Program
- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
View full description - Catholic Charities - West Valley
View full description - Arizona Coalition to End Homelessness
View full description - Southwest Community Services - The Division of Disabled Persons
View full description - Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. - Casa Grande - Pinal County
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