Child Support

Articles and Info

Federal and State Tax Exemptions for Dependent Children: Who gets to claim them?

This article explains how you can figure out who gets to claim your children on your taxes, you or your former spouse.

Child Support and Disabled Children Becoming Adults

Do you have a disabled child who is reaching the age of 18? This article will help you understand the child support laws that may affect your child.

Services Offered by Arizona Department of Child Support Services (DCSS)

Can DCSS help you? Read below to see the  services that the Arizona Department of Child Support Services (DCSS) offers and if they are right for you. Services are often free or at a minimal charge.

How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa Family Court Part 2: Default Through Discovery

In part two, we will discuss how to represent yourself in Default Proceedings and through Discovery.

How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa County Part 1: Initial Filings

This is the first in a multi-part segment on “How to Represent Yourself in Maricopa County Family Court." This section provides information about an initial filing in Family Court.

Wage Garnishment for Payment of Child Support

Garnishment is a legal process by which one party may collect money from another party, after a money judgment has been entered. Learn more about how garnishment can be applied to child support.

Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice

 All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.

The Cash Assistance Program and Child Support

There are many children who are not getting support from both parents. If you are not getting child support for your children, this article may give you information that will help you.

Child Support in Arizona

General information and resources about the responsibilities of both parents when it comes to child support and how a support case moves through the court system in Arizona.

by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division

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Question: I have been listed as custodial parent for our daughter since our divorce in 2010. At the time of divorce my ex husband wasn't employed but it was listed in the decree that he was to pay 100% for all health insurances including dental and vision and was responsible for 50% of all non covered medical expenses as well. From Jan 2011-March 2018 he failed to pay any of these obligations. We have a court ordered child support in place now but his self employed income hasn't been filed according to his then attorney since 2016. How will the court determine his income?
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Question: I never signed the birth certificate. The courts have found the biological father but my wages are being garnished why is that?
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Question: I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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Question: My ex and I have joint custody and a set schedule. I’m paying child support and I have back pay. Now that our child will be going to school we both have decided that it’s in our child’s best interest if the schedule changes one week off and on. I would like to know If there’s something I can file to terminate child support but continue to pay backpay only?
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Question: I filed for simplified child support modification back in March. Per the guidline my ex had 20 days to request a hearing regarding the forms. She finally requested a hearing but she did it at 25 days. Will the court still grant her this or not because she did not do it in the designated time frame?
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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program