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Where to Find an Attorney for Specific Legal Advice
All legal service programs in Arizona differ, and their criteria for accepting cases vary as well. Find out what programs are available and where to go for assistance.
Model Parenting Time Plans for Parent/Child Access
Raising children presents challenges for all parents. The following information will help parents reach agreements about parenting time (access) with their children.
by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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Things You Should Know about Custody and Parenting Time
This article provides general information about custody and parenting time. Questions about specific situations should be discussed with an attorney.
by: Arizona Supreme Court, Court Services Division
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Question: I have sole custody of my 10 year old daughter. My child’s mother wants to do visitation with my daughter and I want to know what are the rules and regulations on the visits. For example: I’ve gave my daughter to her mother for visitation for a month and she doesn’t bring her back to me. What should I do and what are the risks?
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Question: There is a court order for visitation for my two kids to see their grandparents. what if the kids don't want to go?
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Question: my ex and my child live in germany, we have a german visitation agreement but she cut all contact and I didn`t see my child for a long time. What can I do?
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Question: I live with my boyfriend and the father (who is 24) of my 3 month old son. His father, who he has no relationship with due to past history, is demanding visitation and is harassing and threatening us. What are our rights?
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Question: I need to know how to get a copy of my visitation because I have a copy of my decree but it has no dates or times on it when it comes to visitation . Christmas is coming up and my babies mom is trying to cut my time short and I want to have the correct paperwork to make sure everything goes smoothly
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Question: My daughter is 15 and she still dont want to go visit with her dad, she says dad treats her bad like an inmate and make her feel bad and dont feel safe, she gets a lot of anxiety when its her days she has to go, can I take her to court and find someone that could help us support her at court?
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Question: I just recently found out the mother of my child let another man sign the birth certificate even though she knew he wasn’t the father. I’ve tried to be in my sons life since he was born but I can only see him on her terms. Now that I found out about this other guy, I can’t see him at all. I also just recently found out that my son lives with this other guy and not his mother. I want to file for custody but I don’t know where to start. I tried to do it before but she ducked and dodged the process server so my case was dropped. What are my options here?
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Question: My ex wife filed a order of protection,but I get supervised visits with my kids. But she will not let my parents or anyone from my family do the supervised visits. Also she keeps making excuses for me not to see my kids what can I do?
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Question: The father of my daughter wants to start getting visitation or joint custody of her. He has been out of her life more than 16mths. He sees her for 1 mth or 2 and then disappear again. What can I do to stop him from getting visitation or supervision visitation?
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Question: My ex fience left me for another girl when I was 8 month's pregnant, he showed up the day I was induced and left 2 hour's after our son was born never signing the birth certificate or meeting me after to sign papers he always had an excuse, he finally told me because I was having so much trouble getting Dr appointments and other help because our baby had no last name he told me to give him my last name, so I did he does not have his father's last name. Our son is almost 11 month's old now he wants to see him and get paternity test can I refuse visitation since he didn't want to see him before?
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Question: My Step-daughter lost custody of my grandson in 2006 and the father has refused visitation by our daughter or by us the grandparents. Is this right or is it against the law for him to not allow us or his mom visitation? If so what recourse does she have and us as grandparents? He says we are not the grandparents because my wife adopted her daughter and because of that we are not blood so we have no rights. Please help I have cancer and would love to see my grandson before anything bad happens to me?
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Question: If a parent has court ordered supervised visits with specific day, time, and location designated by the court are they able to see their children outside of this court ordered time and place?
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Question: What form do I file I need to modify temporary orders regarding parenting time arrangements?
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Question: My daughter refuses to go to her moms, what happens if she doesnt go? She is being emotionally abused by her mom. Also, can i file for emergency custody if i can prove it?
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Question: If I have legal sole custody of my child, what rights does the other parent have in regard to visitation? Other parent has never been involved, which is why I have sole custody and she has my last name, but he recently decided he wants visitation. He expects unsupervised visits and upon his availability. Also, what should I do to protect mine and my baby’s (15 months) rights? I’m assuming it’s not so simple to just come in and get visitation rights after not being involved at all for all those months.
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Question: Can you file a motion for visitation without an attorney? My son was not married to his girlfriend they had a child they broke up and she has the child. She will not let my son see the child instead will take him to her parents and let him spend the weekend.
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Question: I have joint custody of my son and have been divorced for several years now. My question is do I need his mother’s permission to travel out of the country to go visit some family. The trip would be only a few hours. I have read the decree and no where does it say travels are limited to domestic and all I must do is inform her of any travel plans.
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Question: What if mother of children is not letting father see the kids , then says father didn't excersise his parental rights ?
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Question: As an unmarried mother with physical custody and no court orders- do I have to allow the father visitation?
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Question: What can I do when my ex girlfriend who is pregnant isn't going to tell me when and where our baby is going to be born?
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Question: My daughters mother is denying me the right to see my daughter after a recent break up we had. What steps do I need to take to insure vistiation and custody of my daughter
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Question: This problem is strange. My daughter's ex-sister-in-law is demanding to have personal phone calls and visits with my 15 yr. old granddaughter and is usurping my daughter's parental authority. My daughter has informed her ex-sister-in-law she is forbidden any further personal contact with my granddaughter. The ex-sister-in-law lashed out saying she was taking my daughter to court. This woman is ludicris in thinking a legal case could ever get started. My daughter is a wonderful responsible mother and my granddaughter is having teenage tantrum issues. Question: Is this a legal case at all?
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Question: We had custody of our grandchildren after their parents were arrested. Our son went to prison for 5 years. She was let go but she was charged with neglect. She completed her classes including drug rehab. As soon as she got the boys back she cut off all communication with us.My son has not talked to or seen his sons in five months.Police records show both parents were at fault.We have spent over $60K we can not afford to hire an other attorney. What can we do?
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Question: I am divorced and I have sole custody of our 12 yr old daughter. Her father had moved out of state for 4 years. He never made effort to see he. We had a parenting plan that reglected the long distance. r. In Aug 2014 he moved back to Az. So we started a visitation schedule of every other weekend and option of Wednesday overnights. My daughter was happy at first. But over the past 1 1/2 year she doesn't want to visit as much. He's very angry, and he is verbally and emotionally abusive. I need advice. How can I protect her and reduce his visits?
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Question: I have decided that it is safe for my son to be able to see his dad without the visitation being supervised by myself or someone I deem appropriate which is stated in our divorce decree. I have sole legal and physical custody. How do I go about changing the order so that visitation does not require supervision so that I can't get in trouble?
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Question: So my niece got taken away from her mother by cps and was placed with the step father . My brother her dad is in prison is there anyway i can get her back.
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Question: How do I get a court date to see my mom? My sister won't let me see mom unless it's court ordered. She doesn't have any rights over mom but she has a restraining order against me based on a lie. I haven't done anything wrong or to her. She's the one using and abusing mom, not me.
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Question: So i have a 3 year old undesignated felony on my record and i wanted to know if any one has an idea if it would be a problem for me, if i applied to visit an inmate??? Any one please
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Question: What forms does my husband need to file to get visitation of his daughters, the mother is in AZ and we are in NV. She is threatening to leave the state and not let him know where she is going. She has medical conditions and went to jail for domestic violence, even had her eldest daughter taken away because she abused her
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Question: If my parents have a temporary custody arrangement through a mediator & haven't gone before a judge yet for a final arrangement can I refuse to back to my dad's when my visitation time is over with my mom, can my sister as well she's 12? If not what can my sister & I do to let the judge no we want to move back with our mom or have more time with her? Does the judge even listen to what we want or anything about how we live or are treated at our dad's house? Thxs for any help
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Question: I have neve had a formal court agreement regarding my children and their father, I have them all the time and he has been deport to Mexico, he want to see them in Mexico this summer, what paper wk should we do ? He says he will agree to the terms that I have them, but I want to be cover legally
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Question: My ex's visitation is every other holiday break and half of the summer. He disappears for months at a time, last time being 4 months and he was in jail; he is also far behind on his support. He now wants to have them for the summer in TX. I have qualms about it because the last time he took them out of state, he didn't bring them home, I had to figure out a way to go get them. Additionally, the last time he had them here for their break, he had me pick them up after 6 days because he couldn't handle it. Can I legally deny him visitation out of state?
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Question: I have perm. legal guardianship of a child and the mother is wanting visitation. Due to a recent event I feel it is no longer safe to allow unsupervised visitation. Is there a way to get her supervised visitation? Is there community programs to help with this or does this have to be filed through the courts?
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Question: The judge granted me 2 hours a week supervised visitation is the other parent allowed to move to another state
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Question: I am a grandparent of a minor. I live in Utah and he lives in Mesa. Can I file a petition for visitation rights online? I want to represent myself without an attorney. What is the website to do this? Is there a form for this and does it come with instructions?
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Question: I have two grandkids whom iraised cps is saying that i can't raise my grandkids cause of my criminal background which is over 10 yr ex
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Question: My daughter gandmother has one visit per month but i dont want to let her see her what happens if i jst dont take her anymore?
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Question: At what age can a child stop going to there dads for visitation
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Question: If I filed an order of protection against my wife but I have a court order to get my kids every other week end, will I violate my order of protection by getting them, if so will I be in violation with the visitation order
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Question: I appologize for the repeat question but I cannot find my reference number. My sister is currently serving a jail sentence and my nephew is staying with his father. There is no court order on custody parenting time etc. but since my sister has been in jail his father is hasn't allowed me visitation with him. I am an active part of his life where I would have him 1-2 nights a week while both of them were at work and for the past month I haven't been able to see him or speak to him. His father has blocked my number so I cannot even check on his well being.
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Question: I am wondering if under Arizona law I have rights to visitation with my nephews since their mother (my sister) is serving a jail sentence. Their father will not allow me to see my nephews, ages 1, 2, and 5.
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Question: During Thanksgiving holiday the paper states the vistation ends at 6pm but the weekend falls on the custodial parent. Does the non custodial get the kids
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Question: My wife and I are presently fight for cusody of our 7yr old. She lives in Fort Mohave, AZ and I live in Phoenix. Since we have not come to an agreement on the cusody matter, she has been not allowing me to speak or bring my son to Phoenix for a long weekend. What rights do I have? We are still waiting on a court hearing in front of a judge in Mohave County. Note: She is not living with the child, her parents are taking care of him.
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Question: i am in debt with child support payments because i don't make as much as the court thinks i should make because my child mother is a stripper. the mother of my child has kept my daughter from seeing me or talking to me for over 6months. i want visitation to be set up. can i file for visitation and receive it even if i owe child support? i will be making payments after i go to get it modified
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Question: my grandsons mother refuses to let my son see his son they were never married his name is on the birth cert. and until the end of july she only seen him once in a while my question is--can she legally keep him from seen his son
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Question: I have filed to estsblish paternity. Both of us have taken the parenting classes. The other parent won't allow visitation. What is my next step. I was told the court would order mediation. Bit do I need to file the motion? There is an open case.
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Question: I am considering applying to receive child support with NO visitations. My sons father often changes his contact information without informing me. He makes plans to see his son, then disappears for long periods of time. I have never denied visitations, but still he has not seen his son in 25 months and has not provided any financial assistance whatsoever. The list goes on, but in short his father is not emotionally invested and I worry that this will be emotionally and morally damaging to my son. Is this the kind of case where no visitations would be granted?
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Question: I was awareded sole custody, my children are out of state with their father for visitation and he is refusing to return them. What actions should I take? Can I call the police where he lives or am I allowed to go pick them up if I'm able to travel?
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Question: This past February (2014) my kids father and myself came to an agreement that he would take the kids to school two days a week. However he takes them to school late often, they're not finishing homwork, and are loosing sleep because he lives far so theyre waking up about an hour earlier then when i have them. Is there anything i can do about this? Ive tried resolving this with him but he refuses.
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Question: i volunteering file for child support. but my ex is not letting me see my son. Which papers do i need to file to get visitation rights since i already filing for child support so i can pay her.
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Question: I have paper's to serve my kids mother with a court date. But I don't know where she lives how do I find out where she lives at? Or how do I serve her?
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Question: My divorce was processed in AZ, but my son and I now live in Mt. My son 16 year old son does NOT want to go back to Az for visitation with his father. What is his rights ? Does he have to go? Will I get in legal trouble if I do not force him to go ?
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Question: My ex and I were never married. We have a two-year old son. He has court ordered visits twice a week. He is currently homeless. he cannot be trusted with the child and the child has come home from visits unfed and with a dirty diaper and dirty clothes. When we take him to visit, they're usually at his mother's house- but she moved out of state. Now he refuses to tell me where the visits will be. I'm wondering, with him being homeless, can I break the court ordered visits? We have court again the second week of September.
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Question: My children (14 & 17) just started overnights with their father. After a 9 month period where he didn't visit them at all. He has a live in girlfriend and 1 year old child with her. He is now in the habit of leaving my kids to babysit the 1 year old and go out with his girlfriend during his visitation. He and his girlfriend go out drinking. They have a domestic violence history (but more than 2 years ago) involving alcohol both times. Can I prevent this in any way? Isn't visitation supposed to be for my kids to spend time with their father, not babysitting his new kid until midnight/later?
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I cohabitated with my domestic partner (DP) age 54 for 16 years. To our friends and co-workers, we were a married couple. Then, five years ago, my DP started a sexual relationship with a female co-worker, age 28. The affair took on a whole new situation four years ago when she gave birth to a baby girl. When teh baby was approximately six months old, I wanted to meet the child because my DP and I had remained together. As it turned out, I fell in love with her as the months and years rolled by and, for the most part, my DP, the child, and I were a happy family on visiting days. Nine weeks ago, he moved with her. Can I ask for vistation in court?
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If the father pays child support, does he have visitation rights?
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Question: My sons girlfriend moved in with us when she was 4 months pregnant. She lived with us up until 3 days ago. She left and took our granddaughter..Shes now sayin that the baby that weve solely supported since before she was born will never step another foot in this house..The baby is now 10 months old. Do we have any rights for visitation.
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Question: If in the divorce decree it states a minimum of 2 weekends a month am I able to ask for an additional weekend to be added each month? Is the custodial parent entitled to have the other 2 weekends that my child is not with me if I request that third weekend?
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Question: When the non-custodial parent has parenting time is the custodial parent allowed to request parenting time during that time? For example winter and summer Vacation that are one to three weeks long?
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Question: I have temp custody of my grandson, his mother has supervised visitation. I offered to supervise these visits based on the discussion in court. Take him to chucky cheese or something to play and he is visiting with mom. SToday is our first visit and I while she will not anwser me regarding her plans. I know she is planning to have her boyfriend and a number of others to her home where she has requested to visit with her son. I am not at all comfortable with this situation but am not sure what I can do.
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Question: i lived in yuma arizona where i had 2 children then got divorced my x moved to san diego california and the custody case was seen in yuma az for the past 4 years. I recently moved to phoenix az right next to maricopa court and want to move all further actions there. what do i need to do file with yuma or maricopa? what fees are there? Does my x have to agree? can he get it moved to cali when the children live with me in phx az?
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Question: Can i deny court ordered visitation if my childs safety is a concern? ie. my children were victims of child abuse and they just informed me that the abuser has been living with their mother within the last few months and she has allowed this with my children there during her scheduled visitation. my younger child does not feel good about this arrangement and stated he was not comfortable being around this person and that the visitaions have been different. i feel that this is not in their best interest so therefore i did not allow the visitation.
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Question: I have a 7 year old sister from my father and his ex-wife has custody. she hasn't let me even talk to her in about 3 1/2 years, except when I was with my father, but i don't live with my father and I was curious if i could file something in the courts to compel her to at least let me talk to her on the phone?
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Question: My kids father and I have joint legal custody and he has visitation every other weekend from Friday to Sunday. He constantly moves and now his current apartment is a 1 bd 1 ba. His parents and daughter live with him. So once our 3 kids are there that is 3 adults and 4 kids in this place. My kids told me they sleep on the floor, on a couch, or even in a large walk in closet. Also for the second time they have come back with bug bites all over their legs, arms, and even faces. What steps I can take so they are only can only be there during the day until he changes his situation?
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Question: my ex lives in prescott AZ and I in VA. He continues to tell the kids that I am a psychopath, I have stolen from him that I cheated on him that I gave prescription meds that were not mine to myself and to my kids that I neglected them when this is all false he tells them if they come to visit me i am incapable of taking care of them and that my father will molest them i havent seen my kids in a long time because he will not make the kids come and kids are now to afraid what steps can i take at this time and how do i protect myself as i dont know what he would do if i fly out and visit
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Question: When things became rocky in my relationship with the mother of my 10 month old son, i filed in court for custody/parenting time. Around 1 week after she was served my now ex girlfriend took the child and moved to flagstaff from phoenix. is she allowed to do this without giving me 60 days notice?
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Question: My daughter has left her husband of 9 years and moved in with an abusive man. I am her father and had been her 3 year old son's full time sitter for his whole life. Now the father is not providing visitation for me. What forms do I need to petition for grandparent visitation.
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Question: If there is no prior visitation order, and I need to file one, but I live in AZ and the child lives in IL, where do I need to file, AZ or IL?
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Question: Been divorced for 4 years now. We have 50/50 shared custody. My 14 year old daughter is refusing to go back to her dads as he mentally abuses her. I can not force her to go. Will I be in contempt of court if she doesn't not go back to her dads? She has been seeing her school counselor and she knows all the mental abuse she has been going through. She even cuts herself over it. Please help.
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Question: My son is 11. My son doesnt want to visit his father as often as outlined in the agreement, because his doesnt feel comfortable at his fathers house. He comes home very upset after his visits, because his father talks bad about me, according to my son, every day. He says speaking up wont help, because he wont simply stop for an hour or two and then continue again.Can he choose not to see his father as oulined in the parenting schedule? And if so, how should he/we take go about it?
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Question: My ex recentley moved in with his girlfriend. He is refusing to give me his new address. I don't feel comfortable sending my kids for 5 weeks without knowing where they will be. Do I have to send them if he refuses to give me his address?
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Question: My son's biological father has visitation every other weekend. If he is out of state when it is his time for visitation, do I still have to take our son to see his wife (my son's step mom) or can I keep him at my house until his father returns? My son's step mother does not have visitation rights.
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Question: How do I apply to change my visitation rights to see my children? I am court ordered to them on specific days but, I am not able to see them on those days. I want to know how to go about revising my visitation rights where do I start and how do I do it?
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Question: my child is 3. ex has never provided child support or medical help. even after being ordered to do so 12/09. ex is on/off drugs. rarely showed up to visitations. child and i have had orders of protections (expired 5/2011) against him for violence towards myself in past. many other acts of violence were made on his part, regrettably i never reported them. he is being investigated by cps involving another child who has been hurt. but no charges against him yet. it is an ongoing investigation. i fear dearly for my child's and my own safety. what are my chances of getting his rights removed?
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Question: I have court order establishing visitaion from Texas. However, I recently moved to AZ where my son lives. I want to modify the order. Should I go through the AZ or TX courts? What do paperwork do I need to file? I can not afford a lawyer.
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Question: eI have a parenting plan that has been in place for some years now, my child is about to be 5 which is school age. How can I get a modification of just the parenting plan or will i have tso modify child custody and visitation? Are there any forms that I can file myelf? I dont mind how the custody arrangement was set in place or child support years ago, i just need an order that states the parenting time needs to be changed because the child has reached school age. When school starts in August and I dont honor the order in place bc child cant miss school, will i have my rights taken away?
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Question: I'm sepporated from ex. She moved to Florida with the children. She was told by the court she would have to pay to send the kids to NY. She recently said she will no longer send them unless I pay for them to come. Ive taken her to court for breaking the court order before. Nothing seems to work. She also never lets me speak to the kids on the phone and now its been about 6mths since Ive spoken to them. Im tired of fighting. If I give up my rights as there parent do I still have to pay child support. She no longer wants me in their lives just wants me to pay child support.
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Question: My son and both jail, the maternal grandmother was given custody of their two children by CPS. do I as the paternal grandmother have the right to file for custody? if so, what are my chances of getting custody?
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Question: tHow much rights does a non-cusodial if we haven't gone to court for visitation.
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Question: I would like to know the law regarding children visiting family members outside the state. i understand that a parent can't take a child out of state without the others permission, but can children go visit family members without the other parent standing in the way/ My ex prevented my children from visiting HIS family over the winter vacation, because he would not give consent and told everyone that they would be violating a court order if they went. is that true or can the children leave the state if they are not with a parent/
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Question: What are grandparents rights?
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Question: I am representing myself in court in regards to visitations and I am needing to subpoena records from my childrens therapist for the hearing in January. How do I do this?
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Question: my wife asked me to leave the house 9 months ago. We now live in 2 different counties. She is very controlling of the time that i can spend with my daughter. So, I would like to go to court in order to let them set up some sort of visitation with my daughter for me, something more concrete than just my ex's wims and how she's feeling on the days I want to see my daughter. How do I go about filing for visitation rights. Please help- I am missing my daughter terribly and I know I should be able to see her. Thank You
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Question: I am 19 years old and I have a 13 year old sister. We have the same mother but different dads. Her dad is an alcoholic and our mom is homeless and uses drugs. I want to gain custody of my sister. My mom will probably fight me on this. How do I go about getting custody of my sister?
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Question: My children's father is a registered sex offender, and was awarded supervised visitation in May 2009. He paid for two visits in July 2009. As of September 25, he has three warrants out for his arrest and is considered an absconder. He is running from authorities. I would like to make the family court aware of the situation and change the supervised visitation that was awarded in May 2009. What steps should I take? How do I Petition the court for a status conference?
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Question: My husband of 14 years abandon my daughter and I and moved out of state without warning. I am getting ready to file for divorce. My daughter, who is 13, states that she does not want to have any visitation with her father of any kind. She is willing to state that in court or in writing or whatever is required. She is determined to have no communication with her father. Is there an age where a child can make this decision for themselves? She is not fearful of him she just wants nothing to do with him since he abandon her.
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Question: My ex-husband uses communication with our children to continue being verbally abusive to me. He also will not keep to set times that we agreed upon for parenting time. I have the children 5 days/week. What do I need to do to get a third party to handle communication and exchanges regarding our children? I do not want my ex-husband to be able to contact me or know where I live. How do I coordinate an order of protection/injunction against harassment with the local Court with a Supreme Court action (3rd party to handle interactions with the kids)?
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Question: i already pay child support on my daughter.i am some times allowed to see her and other times im not. i need help locating the form to file for parenting time in yuma county.i keep finding the forms for other counties but none for yuma county.
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Question: how old does the minor have to be to choose to stop vistation in arizona
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Question: My 15 year old daughter moved back to live with me just over a year ago. My ex and I went to court to change custody and he was awarded 57 days of visitation. I drive my daughter 5 hours to where he lives so she has the opportunity to see him. She does not want to stay at his house because his new wife is verbally and emotionally abusive. He always knows when she is in town and he refuses to see her if she doesn't stay at his house. Do I have to force her to stay with him if I know what she has to go through there? Am I in contempt of court if I do not force her to stay at his house?
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Question: My granddaughters are 13, 12, and 10. Their father is a truck driver and has called them insisting that he is coming to get them for the summer. They have told him they do not want to go with him. He said they have to. Can these girls be forced to go with him? He has no residence, he lives in his truck, eatting and bathing in truck stops. He calls only now and then, sometimes not for six to eight months depending if his current "woman trucking companion" will allow it. Right now he is between women, his last one facing jail time for Shop Lifting. The girls can not afford a lawyer. thanks
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Question: I have sole custody of my daughter. A person, I lived with at one time, received in locus parentis rights and received parenting time with my child. Does this person have to get my permission to vacation out of state with my child or can she take the child anywhere she wants without my permission?
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Question: If the other parent has not completed the parent information class that was required to be completed by 6/24/2007 do they still get their visitation rights? The paperwork said if not completed then reasonable sanction pursuant to A.R.S. 25-353.
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Question: I recently fieled Oder of protection against my exhusbands new wife. My children go to the school where she works. This makes it so I can not go to the house or thiere school to pick up my children on my days to get them. My ex will not meet me anywhere for me to get my children. What do I do, what are my options?
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Question: In 2003, my husband's girlfriend moved to AZ from IN. They had a daughter together born Feb. 2003. My husband has been court ordered to pay AZ courts because the mother of the child is currently receiving assistance from TANF. My husband has been told that he must get a attorney to establish visitation rights. My question is does the attorney have to practice law in AZ? We also cannot afford an attorney. What can we do?
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Question: My ex is not complying with the courts order for visitation. I am supposed to see my child every other weekend and this hasn't ever happened since my divorce was final in Aug of '06. Is there anything legal I can do about my situation.
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Question: My husband and I are in the process of getting a divorce. Right now, I have sole custody of our 3 1/2 year old son. My ex has visitation. Our orders do not state a plan for holiday visitation and we did not agree on one. Do I have a right to keep my son on holidays?
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Question: My ex-husband sent me a letter from prison, telling me he hired a lawyer to get a judge to ORDER me to take our 2 kids to see him. I have sole custody, and I had told him that i am not going to take them to a prison to visit him. When he was out, he never put any effort to see our kids, he only does this when he's in prison. Is is possible for him to get a court order to force me to take the kids to see him in prison?
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Question: My decree states that my ex-husband has supervised visitation. The person who was supervising was my mother, who recently passed away. There is no other family member or friend that can do the supervising. We have tried to have me supervise but we end up fighting during the visit. Will the court supervise or is there a program that will supervise?
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Question: I just filed an Enforcement of visitation and now the other party is willing to grant me visitation. Since we are in total agreement how do I let the Judge know? It says on the document that if we come to a agreement we have to let the courts and judge know.
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Question: I have supervised visitation with my children until my oldest daughters therapist says I can have unsupervised. Well my children's father has not been taking them to therapy and won't let me talk to them on the phone and refuses to work with me is that legal?
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Question: Is there a law in AZ that says a child of divorce doesn't have to go see his parent that he doesn't live with. Also, when I have my children for the little amount of time that I do, is it right that my ex-spouse is always trying to communicate with the children while they are with me? I only have them for a few days a month? The calls are just how are you type thing.
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Question: My ex-wife has sole custody of our kids. She constantly uses it to her advantage. We have arranged time for me to have the kids but if it doesn't benefit her she will make it very difficult. I want to have a very set time for which we have the kids and I want to be able to have more imput in decisions regarding the kids. I need to get joint custody. What would be the first steps to do this?
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Question: I have been divorced for 10 years. My 12 year old daughter recently told me her dad was driving drunk and ran off the road with her in the car. She didn't tell me until she returned after their visit. What should I do? He would take it out on her if I confront him, but I need to protect her. This isn't the first time he has driven her after drinking.
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Question: I have a DO case through Pinal County.. My ex husband is over 30days past do on his child support, which is $1380.00 a month for 2 kids.. He keeps telling me the money has been sent and I have not received a dime!! Can I stop his visitation till he pays???
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Question: Where can I find a court approved parenting class?
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Question: If both parents agree to 50/50 custody and neither want to pay or recieve child support what is the law? Will one of the parents have to pay some amount?
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Question: i dont get to see my grandson he is almost 3 and I've only seen him mabe 10 times what can i do to get visitation?
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Question: My ex would like to take our two children to CA during a school week. We have two conflicting documents. The Parenting Plan For: Joint Custody with Joint Custody Agreement states as follows: B. (Bold) SUMMER MONTHS OR SCHOOL BREAK LONGER THAN 4 DAYS: (Unbold) The weekday and weekend schedule described above will apply for all 12 calendar months EXCEPT: Each Parent is entitled to a one week period of vacation time with the children. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. I am assuming this means he can only take the children on vacation during summer months or school break longer than 4 days. .... and the Consent Decree of Dissolution of Non-Covenant Marriage With Minor Children states the following: Custody and Parenting Time ... h.Vacation. Each parent shall be entitled to one additional week of vacation with the children in each year. Each parent shall provide the other with 60 days notice of their proposed dates for vacation. If there is a conflict of dates, Father's schedule shall have preference in odd years and Mother's schedule shall have preference in even years. This document does not state anything about school. Which document prevails?
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Question: Are there any type of communication laws, guidelines,(w/ the mother) that are necessary for when I have my children during my parenting time?
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Question: Can I request to get custody of my daughter through the court if 1. her mother cannot support her, she doesn't have a job. Her mother is also not following the court orders regarding visitation.
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Question: Is there specific paper I need to move out of state after a divorce where I have received sole custody of the children
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Question: My husband and I are getting divorced and have 4 children under the age of 12. We have not been able to reach an agreement on custody and temporary orders included that joint physical custody be granted. In addition, there are "parentling evaluations" scheduled . What is a "Parenting evaluation" and what kinds of questions should I expect? Will there be an opportunity for me to provide the evaluator with inforation? Thank you!
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Question: My ex wife and I have been divorced for 18 months and it involved two kids. Our divorce decree and final agreement is filed in Rogers County Oklahoma. I now live in Arizona and have since the separation in May of 05. This summer my son came to visit and he has been asking his mom if he could live here and she gave me written and verbal permission that he could and now he has been here for 3 months with the agreement that we would modify the final agreement and child support. He is enrolled in school and school activities and after school activities and is doing very well. She is now wanting him to come back to Oklahoma and I want to file documents to keep her from doing this........can I do it here in Arizona or does he have to be here for a certain amount of time? Where can I go to get more info on the net?
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Question: My girlfriend and I have two children together. I would like to gain custody of them since she has been experiencing mental health issues and cannot take care of the children. I cannot afford a lawyer and have been told I cannot leave the state without her permission and was also told since the children's birth certificates establish I am the father and that they have my last name I can relocate with them. I can't get a straight answer !
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Question: I was never married to my sons biological father who happens to be an illegal immigrant. Paternity and child support have been established by the court and I have sole legal custody. The Order states that father is not to pick up child from daycare. How do I enforce this?
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Question: Please describe what the courts look at for "best Interest for the child". Do they take into account what the child(ren) want?
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