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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I am interested in becoming a certified fiduciary and would like to know where I can receive training to become one. Thank you.
  • We have been having trouble with our A/C unit for over a year now and each time the landlord "fixes" it it breaks soon after. Last summer our place was uninhabitable for 3 weeks. The landlord "fixed" our AC twice already this week. Today they showed up to let us know it's still broken. What do we do?
  • I am currently in the Military, expecting to get out in October, and moving from Washington (where I am currently stationed) to my home state (Arizona). Can I file for custody as soon as I am back in Arizona considering I am from there and it is still considered my home? Or do I have to file in Washington where he and I are currently stationed?
  • I allowed an ex to move back in while she "got on her feet." She has never paid rent or utilities and we have no written agreement altho it was understood at the time to be a short-term favor. It is now over 2 years and she says she doesn't want to move out until she can afford her own place. When we met 3 years ago she was renting a room in a house which is what I am suggesting she do again now - what are my legal options in terms of requiring her to move out?
  • How much time do I need to give when requesting modification of child support when one lives out of state
  • i have been with my boyfriend for 8yrs we are not married and have been living here for 4yrs. He and i have 2boys together 7yr and 4yrs. He wants me to leave he alwyas tells me to get out and doesnt want a relationship anymore however i have no family here in az therefor i want to move back to ca with my children can i leave the state with my boys without him taking the kids away from me iwant to do this the legal way and need advise. thank you
  • I live in a apt that included utilities for me as well as other temants i sighned a lease but mever got copy i asked several times. And just a week ago we were told verbally we will jave pay utilities our rents 550 a monthand aps wants$ 300 to turn off service on the 10th .i payed my rent andlights getting shut off Can my manager do this i need help
  • I rent an apart. in Chandler. a neighbor leaves cat food out on the sidewalk 2 feed stray cats. I talked to the manager and she says there is nothing she can do.The issue now is there is a roach and ant infestation do2 the cat son turned out2 be allergic to roach bites &has fallen down and hit his head when he step on the food.there are even roaches on my bed at night when we r sleeping. She just to keep my apart. clean and has the regular guy come over to spray but this doesn't help. What can I do???
  • I received a 5 day pay or quit notice. I contacted the apartment complex and told them I was having financial difficulties and could only pay Decembers full amount, but not the prorated amount. Im active duty military, what can I do. They won't work with me, even when they have a program to split payments up. What are my options?
  • My ex's visitation is every other holiday break and half of the summer. He disappears for months at a time, last time being 4 months and he was in jail; he is also far behind on his support. He now wants to have them for the summer in TX. I have qualms about it because the last time he took them out of state, he didn't bring them home, I had to figure out a way to go get them. Additionally, the last time he had them here for their break, he had me pick them up after 6 days because he couldn't handle it. Can I legally deny him visitation out of state?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program