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  • I moved into an apartment complex nearly 6 months ago. 2 months ago they announced they will no longer accept payments at the office and the only choice is to use their online app or pay cash at a local Walmart. This was not in the lease when i signed it. The amount due is already pre applied on the app. 2 months of payments are submitted, no record on my account 2-4 days after the 1st. 3rd payment due, is less and unable to 'edit' for correction. I took screen shots of the process and says paid. No payment due for 27 days. I emailed the office about it.can they charge me fees for the error
  • Can a landlord or management company change their property rules to No Smoking inside your dwelling or outside after 30 years??? This has been my home for 8 years and I think this is a personal choice and I feel that I am being discriminated against. Thank you in advance for your answer, Andy
  • my daughter 16 was involved in a bad car accident the 18 yr old driver had no insurance, a lawyer told me we could not sue the individual or we would loose the uninsured claim on my own insurance. He almost killed my daughter: and we have thousands in medical bills, and we don't even know what punishment he recieved my coverage i had will not pay all the bills what about my daughters pain and suffering? she has permanent injuries she will have for life. why do i have to pay for his mistake? she is the victim why are we not being notified about any court proceedings? who do i need to contact?
  • I am going through a child paternity, custody, visitation, and child support case. I left arizona due to a domestic violence situation with my daughters father. I am in need of legal help and have tried yuma community legal services. He has paid for a really good lawyer which I have no money to afford one at all. He keeps doing things that I had no clue you could do and am terrified of losing my daughter to him because of this. He is not interested in the child for the right reasons. And the child would be in danger in his care. I am completly broke, any thing i can do to get legal help?
  • What can be done about black mold in rental property resulting in tenants having to be hospitalized.Landlord not wanting to do anything to remove or make a safe & healthy livable dwelling?
  • My ex-husband was given custody of our son after having him removed by child protective services (CPS)2 yrs prior after his arrest for child abuse. Our son had lived with me for over 2 yrs in a clean & sober happy home and was afraid of his dad, talked of abuse from his dad, etc. Through a series of events his dad has custody of him again after the judge misconstrued the situation and didn't look into the history. He's abusive and won't let me see our son. My ex was abusive to me & my kids. Now I don't know what to do. The judge doesn't believe me. Can I get a new judge? What can I do? Help!
  • Can my apartment evict me and my children for having a roomate live with me who is not on the lease? my boyfriend cannot be put on the lease due to a previous eviction years ago. Ive never been late on rent and have not violated any terms of the lease. I have 4 months left til my term is up.
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • I am being accused of a crime I didn't commit I gave my statement to police. They stated they didn't believe I did the crime. Now two detectives want me to go to police station for same matter. I want to find legal representation to come with me for free or really cheap. I need to know my rights. Some police like to twist your words and to railroad people.
  • My child was born out of wedlock and me and the father rarely speak. I plan on giving the child my last name. Does he have any rights to change the name?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program