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  • How do i get information on how to file for sole custody on my two kids 6 years old and 3 years old. The father's are willing sign any paper works since they are not in there life.
  • I live in an HOA where the board wants to change the CC&Rs to start requiring homeowners to provide deposits for several things, such as bringing in dumpsters. I reviewed Title 33 and the only place where I see they can require a deposit is for remodeling a main house (33-1817.B) in order to make sure the remodel complies with approved plans. ARS Title 33 is clear that the HOA can assess fines and assessments but, other than this one instance, it does not say they can require deposit. Are they allowed to do this?
  • Can a Father (who is currently married) take the child (of the marriage) and leave to another state without a court decision on custody or any other legal filing.
  • When can I file for a divorce?
  • if someone uses a debit card without the owners knowledge or consent what can they be charged with and what are the repacutions
  • If I have sole custody of my son (age3) and my ex (who is not biologically related to my son) has visitation rights under loco parentis, do I need to have his permission to let my son visit his grandparents out of state? And how long can my son be out of sate to visit his grandparents?
  • I just had my daughter four months ago me and her father are no longer together never where married but he keeps making comments about taking her or being able take her anywhere he please ex; to California to visit he’s family . My question is since we’re not married but he sign the birth certificate do I have the finale say in things ?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • How do we change the guardianship of my mentally disabled bother from my mother who is now ill herself, to another family member? Also is it possible to have more than one guardian? This would help to prevent this situation in the future if it was possible.
  • How do I divorce my husband when I don't know where he is haven't known for 11 years! I've 2 kids by him, I've been with a new man for the past 10 years i have a child with him do i have to include this child on the divorce papers?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program