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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • My boyfriend was renting a condo, he was the only one on the lease, he got arrested and the landlord talked to him amd he gave the ok to add me to the lease. She sent me an amendment to the lease (she couldn't print it), accepted partial payment of rent and came back 2 days later with cops telling me to leave the property since im not on the lease. Can she do that? What are my rights? ?
  • We have 2 homes 3 mortgages all mortgages were with Bank (Proper name removed). Our residential home is on trial modification. Bank sold the loan in July with our investment property to a loan servicing company (Proper name removed) before I could finish with it's modification, I want to modify our HELOC loan that Bank holds on the investment property also. If I can't modify these 2 loans the house may go into foreclosure. My question: If Loan Servicer suggests fore closer whats going to happen with our HELOC loan with Bank.? Loan is around $101,000 HELOC at 83,000 and house is worth about 145,000.We really don't know whats best for us
  • My ex and i have a history of domestic violence. He is about to be released from prision in 3 weeks. what steps should i take to file for custody of our5yr old son?
  • Can dealers/private sellers of autos contract away implied warranties by "no warranties - as is" provisions in the sales document?
  • Been in same mobile home park for 4 years, living in our travel trailer. We've always paid 1 yr. in advance to receive a substantial discount due to tiered pricing. In June, we're usually offered a pre-reservation discount, but must pay the future year in advance. We've usually declined due to lack of $$ in June, but agree we will be renewing when our rental agreement is up. This year they told us they had a prospective new tenant and if we didn't renew w/1 yr advance payment...we would lose our spot. Is this legal?
  • My landlord has turned off my access to my porch light in order to save money. My entrance is in the back of the house where it s extremely dark. Entrance into the area is through a gate where the step has eroded away, making for a dangerous entrance, even in the light. Is my landlord required to provide a safe entryway, including lighting?
  • My daughter is 21 years old...she lives at Visconti on Camel back apartments. There is a very dangerous stalker who has keyed her car, poisoned her dog with break crumbs, harrassed her and other's. He walks around punching himself in face pointing at her. Cops have been called multiple times. She is scared and wants to break lease..only one month. Visconti says "no"... shouldn't they provide proper security? Somebody was murdered there two months ago also? Please help- I need her to leave.
  • i applied for cash asst. and food stamps how do I find out the status of my application
  • My husband ex spouse is threating to have me and him pay for child support since I am the one who makes the most income will I have to pay child support for his kids?
  • Our landlord has decided to upgrade/renovate all apartments and says we have to move into another apartment either temporarily or permanently (our choice). This will cause inconvenience, time, energy, and money since some of us will need help moving furniture. Must they pay moving expenses, move our belongings for us, or compensate in any way? Can we terminate our lease (mine is up in a couple of months) because we are forced to move all of our belongings out? I'm thinking if I have to move everything out anyway, that perhaps I should just move altogether. The apartments are in good shape.... nothing wrong with them. What are my rights? How much notice do they have to give us? Btw.... I have housing assistance. Thank you




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program