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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • If I am filing a small claim for wrongly withholding deposit, do I bring my claim against the landlord or the property management company, or both? The property management company is who made the decision to withhold the deposit.
  • I recently filed a Response to a Petition for Modification of Child Support. My hearing has been set for the end of February. Do I need to submit judge's working papers or supporting documentation for the judge to review prior to my hearing and if so, what is the document called that I would attach my exhibits to?
  • can a person be eviced if they go on welfare and don't pay the landlord funds rec by state for there budgeted rent reported?
  • I have a baby together w my girlfriend. I am the father, my name is on BC and my 7 mo old daughter has my last name. Girlfriend left with my daughter, staying at her grandmother's who has told me I'm not a good enough provider to father my little girl. What are my rights? I want to raise my daughter.
  • How do I apply online for AHCCCS?
  • 5 years ago single boy meets not so single girl. Girl gets pregnant tells boy that he is not the father and states she took a non-invasive prenatal paternity test to find out and that her boyfriend, at the time, is the father not boy. 2 years ago mutual friend shows boy picture of the child and has doubts about that test if it even was true that she took it. When boy contacted girl he asked if there was a chance that the child is his and girl stated there may be a chance. Recently agreed to do DNA Test,What can he do if the child is his?
  • My lease ended on a Sunday. I contacted landlord on Monday to set up walk-through. I was told I needed to return the keys prior to scheduling a walk-though. I returned the keys on Tues. Now Landlord is charging me 2 days additional rent for not returning the keys. Is he allowed to do this?
  • I'm 17, I bought a car from my aunt, with MY money, and my dad put it under his namename until I turn 18, so Now we move toto Ga from PaPa, and I want to move back and do my senior year. (I'll be 18 mind you) and now they say they won't give me my car till graduation, which will make it hard to move back toto pa to do my senior year and graduate.They also said they won't lay me any money I paid fo it.
  • This is our 2nd year of renting in a Phoenix apartment building. Over the past few months the smell of marijuana or some kind of drugs is consuming our apartment, through the a/c vents. On a daily basis, our family has headaches and we are concerned for our 18 month grandchild. Our lease ends in 8 months and cannot deal with this for that long. What rights do we have and is it legal for us to break our lease without action taken against us?
  • My family’s abuser (We’ve had an order of protection since October) has repeatedly contacted my father, threatening to call CPS on me. Tonight I saw him spying in a live stream video from my business instagram—it was not an account I knew, but definitely him. My bank account was also hacked into and I’m positive it was a move meant to send a message, as he used to control my finances and I thought this was the only card he never knew about. The court said call the police, the police say he’s allowed to do this. I’m scared and don’t know where to turn. Domestic advocacy places aren’t responding




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program