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  • If I am 16 & I have a child & I no longer live with my mother & father, I live on my own, can I apply for my own food stamps card or for cash assistance?
  • My uncle has custody of my sister and he won't let her have contact with me is there anything I can do so that I am able to be in contact with her
  • Is it legal for a child to be inside of a strip club as long as their adult guardian is with them?
  • My minor grandchild's parents are willing to sign paperwork for me to become the child's guardian. I want to make sure it is done right. Do I need an attorney or can I just have the parents sign forms obtained on the internet?
  • I only have. A released az prison id n a temporary az paper id .will that work to get my birth certificate.
  • My son had a girlfriend that is having a baby any day. The girlfriend has been with us and under our care untill recently. She has grown up in a unstable and unsafe and abusive living environment. The mother who has custody recently came back into her life with her boyfriend that use to molest the girl I'm speaking of. The girl was living with her great grandma and they moved onto the property and she feels unsafe there and they made her go back . When she had her baby can she and my son sign a pepper giving me legal custody of the baby untill they are 18 . Please help asap. Thank you.
  • My daughters father is in jail for a non child support related offense. His payments have been little to none for months and the last 3 weeks I have been getting a very small portion of his unemployment. It hasn't been adding up to what he is to pay each month. My question being- if a bond is posted does that automatically get put towards his unpaid child support? And if its not automatically shuffled toward it what are the options I have to make it so, if any?
  • I just received a letter from the management at my apartment complex (07/21/14 which they just taped to my door and not hand delivered or by certified mail as estipulate in the tenants landlord act) letting me know that the lease agreement expires on 08/16/2014 and that they will raise the rent around $150.00. It also states that in cse i want to move I have to give them a 2 month notice but they just informed me about the changes not even a full month in advanced. Is this legal?
  • We have Jount Custody, with I being Primary. His parenting time is every other weekend. He is moving 175 miles away soon, do I have to meet him halfway without going to court first? I do not have reliable transportation due to him being $10,0000 behind in Child support. Would I be in contempt or would he need to get a court date to first change the parenting time to include meeting half way? Currently he is to pick them up at school and drop them back off at school, as we do not get along. Does that remain in effect till legally changed?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program