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Question: How do I get my file \case number?

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Question: What steps must be taken to obtain a Judicial Determination of Heirs in Arizona?

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Question: What are the duties of a personal representative in probate?

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Question: Is Arizona a common-law marriage state? If two seniors have been living together for more than ten years without being married and one passes away, will the living senior be responsible for the debts of the deceased.

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Question: im looking for a document for motion to reconsider in a child support case

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Question: My husband has alheimers & dementia, and although we have lived separately I am concerned that our daughter is taking money from him without him remembering. He just had 3 stints put in his heart, and I am concerned that her financial abuse will deplete our cash reserve so that I cannot afford to take care of his needs. What can I do to get guardianship of him?

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Question: Can I file for bankrupsy if I face forclosure?

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Question: my mother is 89 and at the hospital. if the dr. orders her to go to a nursing ,will Medicare help her How do we find out what type of financial help she can receive, ie: electircal, water etc.In her home. Will the state help with property tax?

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Question: I need at least advice if not an attorney to represent me. I am being charged with a midemeanor and charged with writing a bad check. Please direct me to free help as I have no money.

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Question: I live in San Diego now, but was receiving UI from Arizona. My benefits were cut because I am in a training program that pays a stipend. UI insists that the stipend is income, but no taxes were taken out. I need to file an appeal.

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Question: The decedent's will is in the office of his former attorney in Arizona. He died as a resident of another state. His final state of residence requires the original will in order to register it. How do I get the original will from the Arizona attorney?

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Question: I filed in small claims for the return of my rental deposit. I named the home owner as defendant and responded with a copy of the lease which names someone else as the landlord. I don't want to wait for a court date. How can I "cancel" this action and file a claim on the landlord on the rental agreement?

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Question: In 2005, I had double strokes which left me unable to walk, memory loss,or to feed myself. My youngester daughter always took care of me. During that time I lived by myself in my home. My only son volunteered to stay with me in my home and take care of me. He lied to me in Dec. '06 and made me sign over the title of my home. He no longer wanted to take care of me so he told my oldest daughter to take me for the weekend while he changed the locks to my home. My oldest daughter then took me to my grandaughter's home and left me there. Now I am living with my youngest daughter and want my home back. I was in no mental condition to know what was going on, I trusted my only son.

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Question: I was divorced in 2009. I was awarded 3 years spousal support. Ex husband paid for 6 months, quit his job and left the state and has not paid any alimony in one year. I need help to file the right forms to collect this due alimony.

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Question: I'm renting a room from a lady who it turns out doesn't have even a lease or the right to sub-rent. I've paid my rent, but the landlord has gone into court to evict everyone. I have no monies as it's the 21st of the month and I don't get s/s till the third of the month. Do I have to live in the street?

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Question: 1) what is the statute of limitations for committing perjury; 2) for "suborn(ing) perjury; civil and criminal, if different.

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Question: Can you assist me with a will?

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Question: Just received a bill from a hospital for services rendered in 2011. I never received a bill from them and assumed that everything had been taken care of by my health insurance. How can they send me a bill more than two years later?

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Question: How soon after filing for a refund on property taxes will the refund be deposited to my checking account?

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Question: We need to apply for guardian/conservator for mom who had a stroke and is unable to look after her affairs. Where do we start? Forms, where to file, etc. Thanks!!

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Question: I'm writing this for my brother-in-law. His son has power of attorney and he cannot get a copy. How can he get a copy and isn't the power of attorney written for a specific time frame and specific event?

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Question: We need to get an LLC prepared in order to take possession of a gold IRA. Can we get assistance and how do we go about and what are the costs involved? Thank you.

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Question: I am trying to get guardianship and conservatoship for my parents. The county stepped in when they discovered the value of their assets. Now i have no legal rights or access to my parents. i cannot afford an attorney and the hearing is next week. Is there any help available?

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Question: I need help with HOA violations that I am being fined $25 a day which I think is unreasonable. No others have been cited for similar problems for 30 years. Nothing has changed on my property for the 4 years I have lived here and only now has a complaint been filed against me. I cannot afford this claim and will more than likely lose my home if it cannot be paid. I need some free legal representation to resolve these issues ASAP since I am on SSA and retired and disabled.

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Question: About a judgement against me and can't afford to pay.

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Question: My mom was diagnosed with dementia and she received a civil summons from a credit card company. Mom only receives social security and has a very small monthly pension which are put into her checking account. She also has a small IRA from her former 401k which she is having to use for daily care services. This will most likely be depleted soon. Given her current state, we are unsure about what to do. Can you provide some direction? I have read they can put a lien on her checking account. Thank you.

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Question: My stepfather has been admitted to a long term nursing home this year with Medicaid pending. Does my 81 year old Mother need to file taxes? Mom's attorney prepared the Medicaid application.

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Question: My husband is 80 and showing signs of dementia. He will want to live out his years in Arizona as a resident. He has about $770.000 in resources. I do not plan to be a resident as I have family elsewhere and allergies here, unfortunately. Also, I am 68 and have about $200.000 in resources. Will my resources be tapped if my husband outlives what he has set aside, even if I am not a resident?

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Question: OK....I am 43 and am on "ex"husband said that our divorce was final I believe in 2007 (I should have received papers I know now....) I just found out he passed away 2 years ago and I can find a single record of our divorce...if we were never divorced am I entitled to anything? Benefits...401k etc..

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Question: what if medical problems prohibit the individual from signing a Poa.

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Question: My husband died, I was ill when he died. My daughter brought me back to Iowa to get health care and live with her. Gila County is going to charge me with a Class 6 felony for abandoning feral cats if I do not return. I have no car or drivers license.

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Question: My fiance and I went to Dallas over Easter weekend to get his mother Mary age 76 from the nursing home she was in. She has severe Dementia and her husband agreed to let us take her in. He no longer wants to make any decision on her. Phillip is her only child. We need to get power of Attorney on her. Was told we needed to get a Durable Power of Attorney and would cost us 6k to do this. Is their a cheaper way? How? Thank you

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Question: Is there a free car service for seniors to get Doctors appointment and back home.

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Question: My birth date is wrong on my birth record how can I correct this

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Question: My aunt has guardianship of my son because i went to prison im out n im staying with her for now she doesn't want to give me my so. Back what do i do

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Question: I was wrongfully discharged.from my former employer.

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Question: we sold a timeshare (Sedona) about 2 yrs. ago, now we find the company we sold it to was a fraud. now a different company claims they are now owners and want papers filled out,we paid the first company $3,988,00 to get rid of the timeshare, it was needed by a child who had some kind of trust. We were told the FBI was looking into it, never head anymore until we have to fill these papers. Please help us we don't have money for an atty. Thank you

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Question: What can I do about my social security card and Id being stolen out of my vehicle

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Question: Leased house partially furnished,tenant sold furnishings, appliances,wood shop equips,full tractors/attachments.missing had value of 18'000-20'000 dollars.

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Question: i heard a few years back there was help in fixing your home. is there still a program for seniors that would help?

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Question: My next door neighbor has a 4 yr. old autistic grandson who keeps throwing toys and small objects over the block wall into my back yard. He has also thrown a rock and smashed his mother's car windshield. You'd think they'd keep these projectiles out of his reach or supervise him better! I have small dogs who have already chewed plastic toys into sharp pieces, and I worry about them choking or getting hit in the head. What are my rights, and what can I do?

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Question: When my son was arrested somehow he was wrongfully charged. It shows the wrong charges on the Az Court Records Search. I asked our attorney at the time to get the wrong charges removed but as we found out today, he did not do that... What can we do to get this taken care of? Who actually sits at a computer and puts these charges on the records search for any one to see?

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Question: If someone has been claiming on tax forms another person who is cohabitating with them, who is responsible and for what?

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Question: I am being charged a fee of $480.00 by a satellite company for cancellation of TV after only 2 weeks of use. I cannot pay $480 and they will not accept $200, nor any kind of monthly payment. I was not aware of any cancellation fee nor did they mention it when ordering. They have been intractable and uncooperative in aiding me. What can I do? I have talked to multiple reps.All have been totally unresponsive.

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Question: My daughter Kristen was my Payee when I lived in Atlanta but now I live in Phoenix with my other daughter. I think Kristen is trying to steal my properties I saved to sell for my retirement and I don't know what to do to get them back. She won't answer calls or letters and I think her husband is paying the realestate taxes so that he can own my properties eventually. I am about to lose everything I ever worked and saved for. Can you help me?

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Question: I was arrested by a sheriff that left all personal property at the scene, can Isue the sheriff's office

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Question: Landlord has ignore his responsibility to reimburse security deposit. Unit left in excellent condition forwarding address provided. My rights for recourse are?

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Question: My husband has Parkinson's Disease and has cognitive issues related to it. I am his durable POA, which went into effect last spring. In the summer, he contacted a company to install solar panels and signed a contract to lease the panels over the next 20 years for a total of $50,000. I never saw the actual contract that he signed. He said that he thought they were attaching the lease payments to our electric bill. The solar went into affect in September but we just received the first bill which is when I became aware of the lease. Is there any way that I can cancel the contract at this point?

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Question: how does a niece obtain death certificate, or to take care of aunts estate

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Question: My wife passed away on 1/1/13.She had an accounts in bank.They refused to let have her account balance (app $2,000?) without going to "probate".I'm very confused! What do I need to do ? Thank You

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Question: I need to prepare a writ for the Superior court of Maricopa county. I have a judgment and want the sheriff to go out and seize something. The court keeps sending my packet back to me saying I don't have this or I need that but do not explain how to do it. Very frustrating. The current reject says "....the writ you are submitting to get issued to the Superior Court is the paperwork for a Justice Court". Searched for hours and cannot find any such application for Superior Court on a writ.

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Question: I only have. A released az prison id n a temporary az paper id .will that work to get my birth certificate.

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Question: My brother lives in West Virginia and he is suffering from dementia. He has no one who can assist him in West Virginia. I need to find an attorney in Arizona who can help me become his guardian. Recently he went to an attorney in WV to make out a will; however, he could not pass the competency test. He answered only one question--his name.

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Question: How do I take care of my daughters estate, since she did not have a will, nor life insurance and was living under the poverty level?

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  • My next door neighbor has a 4 yr. old autistic grandson who keeps throwing toys and small objects over the block wall into my back yard. He has also thrown a rock and smashed his mother's car windshield. You'd think they'd keep these projectiles out of his reach or supervise him better! I have small dogs who have already chewed plastic toys into sharp pieces, and I worry about them choking or getting hit in the head. What are my rights, and what can I do?
  • I'm writing this for my brother-in-law. His son has power of attorney and he cannot get a copy. How can he get a copy and isn't the power of attorney written for a specific time frame and specific event?
  • Can you assist me with a will?
  • My aunt has guardianship of my son because i went to prison im out n im staying with her for now she doesn't want to give me my so. Back what do i do
  • I live in San Diego now, but was receiving UI from Arizona. My benefits were cut because I am in a training program that pays a stipend. UI insists that the stipend is income, but no taxes were taken out. I need to file an appeal.
  • What are the duties of a personal representative in probate?
  • I need help with HOA violations that I am being fined $25 a day which I think is unreasonable. No others have been cited for similar problems for 30 years. Nothing has changed on my property for the 4 years I have lived here and only now has a complaint been filed against me. I cannot afford this claim and will more than likely lose my home if it cannot be paid. I need some free legal representation to resolve these issues ASAP since I am on SSA and retired and disabled.
  • My stepfather has been admitted to a long term nursing home this year with Medicaid pending. Does my 81 year old Mother need to file taxes? Mom's attorney prepared the Medicaid application.
  • I am being charged a fee of $480.00 by a satellite company for cancellation of TV after only 2 weeks of use. I cannot pay $480 and they will not accept $200, nor any kind of monthly payment. I was not aware of any cancellation fee nor did they mention it when ordering. They have been intractable and uncooperative in aiding me. What can I do? I have talked to multiple reps.All have been totally unresponsive.
  • i heard a few years back there was help in fixing your home. is there still a program for seniors that would help?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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