Elder Abuse

questions & answers

Question: Our 16 year old son became aggressive after a shopping outing and began beating up my wife taking her to the ground. We are wondering what legal options we have since the answer we are getting from all agencies is that we just have to deal with it and work it out ourselves. We are looking for help of any kind including juvenile detention or detainment in a health facility. I am afraid to leave the house if our son is there and afraid of what he might do in the middle of the night since he has uttered death threats.

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Question: Should I seek counsel in a case where I ihave a protective order and defendant filed an answer with a lawyer?

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Question: Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?

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Question: what is the meaning of domestic violence, and how many years can you get for this

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Question: If someone puts an order of protection or a restraining order against me, it is good for 1 year from service. But how long after does it stay on my personal file.

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Question: What should I do if I suspect that my caregiver is stealing money from me? How can I prove that this is so?

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Question: Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

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Question: we are executers of my husbands father estate but are concerned when we found out he is co signing a student loan and a car loan for a grandson. we want to run his credit report to verify there are no other loans being taken, he does not understand getting a credit report and does not wanto mess with it. do we have the rights to run a credit report without his permission?

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Question: Someone stole my Social Security card & I even know who it was . They flat out refuse to return it to me ,even after several polite requests to do so . I am having a very hard time finding anyone ,I.E.such as attorney to assist me with this matter.

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Question: My HOA is abusing me and laws have been broken.They are trying to force me out of my house. I need a LAWYER! CAN YOU HELP ME FIND A LAWYER?

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Question: My elderly blind aunt gave a niece POA and she abused that privilege and stole more than $53,000 leaving her with nothing and she wants to sue her but we don't know how to help her find a lawyer she has no money

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Question: My niece used her grandfather's SSN and DOB and baby's SSN and DOB to obtain loans from a payday loan place online. She did not repay the loans and they went to collections. The collection agency called her grandfather to collect. In order for the debt to be deleted from her grandfather, he had to file a police report. What is the possibility of my niece being charged with identity theft and or fraud? What would the possible sentence be?

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Question: Who do you report financial crimes against the elderly

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Question: I have fallen victim to someone who has taken most of my money and who has promised to pay me back so I can have monthly income. He will not and I think he is leaving the state. I cannot afford food even and I can't afford a lawyer. Is there a DA I can talk to or some organization that can help me?

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Question: i believe my landlord is being abused in away that could result in his death what is the fastest way to get help and please dont say call police they arent helpfull

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Question: I am 80 years old. An office of the law hit my car and then tried to blame it on me, He lost it and screamed at me, called me names and I consider that Elder Abuse. Am I right? He was very mean and I had done nothing to deserve being treated that was Thank you

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Question: My grown granddaughter borrowed almost $10,000 from me three years ago. In the last two years she has repaid $30. She has money to party and is planning a fancy wedding. I have started garnishment proceedings but that is getting expensive. I did receive a judgement against her but she is ignoring that. I really can't afford to keep paying out sums to the court, an attorney etc. Where can I receive advise? My taxes are very high but my home and car are all I own.

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Question: formas para aser una denuncia de abuso y negligencia ancianos por hospital

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Question: Can my daughter and son-in-law prevent me from seeing my grandchildren because He does not like me? My daughter and I only have problems when he gets hostal.

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Question: My father has a 15 year old daughter that abuses my dad she hits him, kicks him yells and threatens him. I live in OR and am not sure how to handle this problem.Who can I call?

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Question: Would I be able to get visitation of my two children if they live in a diffrent city? They live with there grandparents and there mother live in the same city I live in.

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Question: In Arizona when can a legally married man(woman) be charged with rape of his/her spouse?

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Question: Can a caregiver take money and valuables from their elderly clients and can you provide legal precedents for same? Also does this law also apply to power of attorney?

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Question: who do i call if i have not gotten my child support payment in 2 weeks

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Question: How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

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Question: My friend's son says he has a POA and took $20,000 from her. Where can she get a new POA signed and notarized to give POA to me so I can protect her?

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Question: what is the criteria that qualifies a confrontation, either verbal or physical, as Elder abuse? I am disabled and was involved in an altercation with the guy my daughter married - he is 24

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Question: My husband was invol in an auto accident and the insurance adjuster thinks it's an open and shut case.He is no help and we'll probably be sued. We ave no money. What do we do? The other party hired a lawyer immediately. What can we do to fight this? We are not admitting guilt but if i goes to trial, what then?

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Question: My mother passed away, she had health problems including altered mine status and my brother sold my mothers cows and kept the money. The family had a meeting soon after the sale and asked him to put the money in an account to help with her medical and care expenses. Again after her death, he was asked to put the money into the account so it can be probated properly to all her heirs and he has not do so. Is this a case of elderly abuse by my bother and it is her money should it be probated to heirs.

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Question: Nephew and ex sister in law have power of attorney of my brother who had heart attack and stroke. they put joes vehicles in nephews name, and arent paying bills like thdy should be, ie, mortgage is 5000 behind. Running up credit cards, and say theyre going to file bankruptcy on joe Isnt this against the law???

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Question: My mother is 92 and a new neighbor has recently befriended her. My mother lives alone and about 450 miles from me and refused to move in with me.I became ill and could no longer care for my mother.Family members flew in from other states to help but I lived the closest.I just became aware that my mother has been changing her financial doucuments with the help of this new neighbor.I found her writing and printing on these documents which contain my name,address,social security number.She helped my mother take my name off.She was acting as her legal guardian.My mother cannot hear or see very well and cannot drive anymore.I called this neighbor up and asked her want was going on? She said she was helping because I abandoned my mother.My mother has two medicare nurses a week that assist her and I have a licensed/bonded agency that can take her to doctors and shopping.When I called this neighbor she called the local police and said I harassed her.I tried to tell the officer on the phone that I may be the victim of identity theft and she may have copies of personal information but he said his concern was only about a phone call and didn't want to know anything else.Again,I live 450 miles away.She took my mother to the funeral home where my mother has made her arrangements and had my name crossed out and her name put in to receive my mother's ashes.I don't know what she was up to but it is all very suspicous.Is ther anything I can do? The only things missing so far that I can determine from my mother's home are clothing(which is mine)and some small items. I am so upset that this woman has personal and financial on my mother and me. Is ther anything I can do? With Appreciation,Generosa

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Question: My wife and I have been subject to badgering, intimidation, threatening and insulting language from the agent/park manager in the context of a home sale contract of our manufactured home. Would this type of behavior be considered some type of senior abuse, even though it is verbal but has an economic impact...I have some recordings too...

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Question: 20 years ago I signed a prenuptual agreement. I am 90 and this is my second marriage. After an argument my husband took my name off the account and put his daughter on it. She has since "borrowed" money. To keep the peace I have let them do it. What can I do?

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Question: Lived at Board and Care in Dolan Springs. The owner took my monthly check and deposited it in an account without my knowledge and she would not give me any information about what bank this account was in nor the number to the account. When I left her board and care in July she told my hospice RN that she would be closing this account. I have no way to find out if the account existed and if it did has she closed it by now.

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Question: I feel like my 84 year old mothers boyfriend (he now lives with her) is trying to take over her life. I have Power of Attorney, but he tries to make medical and financial decisions for her. She has changed her health insurance because of him, she doesn't want to be with our father when she passes but cremated and with him. There is much more but I need some advice what to do. In the last few months I have caught him in many lies please help me

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Question: What can I do about may son harassing me because I had to get a protective order on my husband, his dad.

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Question: Can I get injunction of harrasement on my live in roomate

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Question: What is an Order of Protection?

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Question: My companion passed recently and left me a life estate,but his children are trying to throw me out. They go in and out of the house while I'm living there and go through my things. They keep threatening to remove me ,so they can sell the house. Do I have any rights with this life estate ?

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Question: "I rent an apartment in a central air conditoned house but when the homeowners go on vacation they shut it off." Can they?

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Question: My uncle sold me his car he can no longer drive his sister was very angry and cohersed him into giving her sparekey and took the car then made him go to dmv and sign it over to her can she do this i have the bill of sale i only had it a couple weeks when she took it and he didnt know thats what he was signing please help

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Question: My ex boyfriend lives Within 100 feet of my front door on the same floor. I am not safe living In this apartment complex I do have an active restraining order against my ex boyfriend for physically beating  me. My apartment complex, told me I would have to pay $3000.00 to break my lease and my credit will be blemished. What is my legal right here in Arizona. Can I break my lease without paying. FRIGHTENED FOR LIVE LIVING HERE!!!

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Question: My son got me to sign papers to sign away my house. I did not want to sell my house. What do I do?

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Question: The saleperson whom sold my home lied to me and the costs were nothing I would agree to. I own my home outright and made it clear what I wanted and what I would pay. I was reasdured and the resltor would not clarifiy it in writing. Sure enough exactly what I predicted, she did and at first casuing me to lose 5000 below what I would ever agree to. Now she claims she will give up her commission but she has been so j trustworthy , I am afraid she will steal my home or rip me off. I am devastatedshe would do this and am afraid to go to closing for more aggravtion and stress..

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Question: My 91 year old mother was in her third year of Alzeheimer's when my brother talked her into giving him bank POA. He used her funds for his own personal pleasure and made cash withdrawls from a cc his name was not on. He used the money for personal gratification (ie, trips out of the country) Because of reported neglect, (ie she was hospitalized as a result of the neglect) she now lives in MN. with me. What are her rights? Can he be liable for debts he incurred by taking cash advances from the cc account which his name was not on?

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Question: My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

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Question: My mother is a 100 percent disabled veteran in her 60s who tried to help a lady temporarily. For over two years this lady has lived off my mother rent free, scammed her into cosigning for a car, and has mentally and physically abused my mom. This lady's daughter is a lawyer in training aka going to school to be a lawyer and has my mom terrified to do anything to get rid of this woman. I do not know the legal steps to begin to fix my mom's life with her being held fiscally hostage as well as these other forms of abuse. Who might I seek for advice or advocacy for this?

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Question: I cannot file medical malpractice. Can i file for elder abuse, against a physician?

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Question: I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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Question: I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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Question: I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • i believe my landlord is being abused in away that could result in his death what is the fastest way to get help and please dont say call police they arent helpfull
  • My ex boyfriend lives Within 100 feet of my front door on the same floor. I am not safe living In this apartment complex I do have an active restraining order against my ex boyfriend for physically beating  me. My apartment complex, told me I would have to pay $3000.00 to break my lease and my credit will be blemished. What is my legal right here in Arizona. Can I break my lease without paying. FRIGHTENED FOR LIVE LIVING HERE!!!
  • My husband just recently paid his child support debit off and his daughter turns 18 in September and still in school .his divorce agreement says that the support stop when she turns 18 .and she still in high school since she has been left in kindergarten twice.and the child support what's him to pay extra 700.00 support plus more to pay the support the child support office here is saying he needs to continue to pay why does he have to pay it if he has only paid the debit off in full.and his daughter turns 18 in Sept and saying that the oder support needs to continue for two years?

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  • My 91 year old mother was in her third year of Alzeheimer's when my brother talked her into giving him bank POA. He used her funds for his own personal pleasure and made cash withdrawls from a cc his name was not on. He used the money for personal gratification (ie, trips out of the country) Because of reported neglect, (ie she was hospitalized as a result of the neglect) she now lives in MN. with me. What are her rights? Can he be liable for debts he incurred by taking cash advances from the cc account which his name was not on?
  • Is there a law or work on a law regarding couples involved in domestic violence requiring them to seek counseling separately. Or, more specifically, if doing counseling with a couple when domestic violence is apparent, are therapists then required to refer to separate therapists for the individuals of the couple?
  • My friend's son says he has a POA and took $20,000 from her. Where can she get a new POA signed and notarized to give POA to me so I can protect her?
  • My mother is 92 and a new neighbor has recently befriended her. My mother lives alone and about 450 miles from me and refused to move in with me.I became ill and could no longer care for my mother.Family members flew in from other states to help but I lived the closest.I just became aware that my mother has been changing her financial doucuments with the help of this new neighbor.I found her writing and printing on these documents which contain my name,address,social security number.She helped my mother take my name off.She was acting as her legal guardian.My mother cannot hear or see very well and cannot drive anymore.I called this neighbor up and asked her want was going on? She said she was helping because I abandoned my mother.My mother has two medicare nurses a week that assist her and I have a licensed/bonded agency that can take her to doctors and shopping.When I called this neighbor she called the local police and said I harassed her.I tried to tell the officer on the phone that I may be the victim of identity theft and she may have copies of personal information but he said his concern was only about a phone call and didn't want to know anything else.Again,I live 450 miles away.She took my mother to the funeral home where my mother has made her arrangements and had my name crossed out and her name put in to receive my mother's ashes.I don't know what she was up to but it is all very suspicous.Is ther anything I can do? The only things missing so far that I can determine from my mother's home are clothing(which is mine)and some small items. I am so upset that this woman has personal and financial on my mother and me. Is ther anything I can do? With Appreciation,Generosa
  • My mother passed away, she had health problems including altered mine status and my brother sold my mothers cows and kept the money. The family had a meeting soon after the sale and asked him to put the money in an account to help with her medical and care expenses. Again after her death, he was asked to put the money into the account so it can be probated properly to all her heirs and he has not do so. Is this a case of elderly abuse by my bother and it is her money should it be probated to heirs.
  • Who do you report financial crimes against the elderly
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

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  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


Generic versions of the drug Cialis, sold as tadalafil, now available from many manufacturers.