Losing Spouse/Parent

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Question: My mother passed away. She does have a will and I was nominated as the executer and trustee. I am the sole beneficiary. She only has a bank account but when the account was setup nobody was on the account but her. no payable unpon death. What is required by the bank for me to access the account to begin paying for her expences? Her will did state that I shoud have immediate access without going through the courts.

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Question: When a person passes away are the outstanging debts,like credit cards passed on to their adult children?

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Question: My late husband suffered from Alzheimer's Disease when he borrowed money and signed documents that deeded his home to another person. That person refuses to return title of the home to my late husband's estate even though the loan was paid off in full. What are my rights?

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Question: My father is on his death bed in bullhead city. All past wills have included #1 I want to be buried in the nearest VA cemetary. His current wife of 3 years has paid for a cremation. She has a new will and will not produce it to any of 3 children. She has power of atty. We also believe she requested he be taken off cardiac meds when going into hospice, and believe this was negligent?? When does she need to produce a will?? Please help

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Question: my parents passed away when i was really young, and i have no birth records. what can i do to get a birth certifacate?

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Question: If my 81-year-old husband predeceases me without a will, how is his estate settled? We have no children together, but he has three grown daughters. The bank accounts, house and car pass to me because we own them jointly with right of survivorship, but what about other property he owns by himself?

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Question: My father passed away and now the bill collectors are contacting his ex wife who in turn is giving them my number. Can the bill collectors come after my four sisters or myself if there was no will or beneficiaries? Thank you.

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Question: Do I have to pay my deceased mother's next months rent. She died mid month and we notified them two days after her death.

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Question: My late husband incurred a car repair shop debt before we met. After he died, I started getting letters from an attorney for the shop saying I was responsible for the bill now. Is this true?

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Question: My father died in March & mother in June. We have found that dad had some life insurance through USPO with no beneficiary designated. They want to pay to my mom's estate but there is no estate. She had assets under $10,000 and no real property. I found the small estate affidavit. There are three surviving children, 1 deceased with 2 children. I assume we all need to fill out an affidavit? One of the grandchildren is still a minor. Who fills out his?

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Question: My father (73) was diagnosed with lung cancer few months ago. I do not know how much time he has left. He owns a house in Mesa, and my sister lives with him. The house is under his name and he has a will that divides evrything he owns 50-50 between my sister and me. Now, when he passes away, can my sister still be in the house and assume mortgage payment? If my sister and I want to sell the house after my father's departure, can we do that? If so, how does that work?

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Question: My father is 94 and is in critical condition. We checked his will for the first time and we have some concerns. His will was made out in 1988 when he was a widower and had 4 adult live children. He since has remarried and lost two children. Is this will null because of the change circumstances?

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Question: My husben passed away Aug. 21st. and hade a life insurance policy. It is in his daughters name. He was going to change it did not get a chance to. We have been married for less than a year. Do I have anyrights to this life insurance?

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Question: If my parents die in Phoenix, AZ and want to be cremated and have me take their ashes to OR to be buried, what is the proceedure I need to make?

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Question: My husband has left me and moved to San Diego. He has left me with all the bills to pay. I am going to be evicted myself if I don't pay rent by the 16th. Can I get any help for abandinment?

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Question: If an elderly person gets ill and a family member moves them to a hospital in another state, are they be considered a resident of the new state?

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Question: My mother passed away September 14m 2009. In her will she designated that I was to receive 75%, my sister the remaining 25%, upon the sale of her home. I need to transfer title to me, how? I reside in Pima county.

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Question: Myself & 3 other sisters are named in our mother's will equally(AZ resident when died). Our oldest sister, executor, gave all our mother's home furnishings, etc. to her grown children. Is there something we can do without engaging an attorney? Thank you for your assistance.

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Question: if an ex-spouse passed away and the court order stated that they were to receive 50% of the other spouses retirement. Does that make the order null and void? or does the 50% go into an estate?

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Question: My sis passed 4-3-13 No will, I am her brother,she has a car and apark model in a RV park. How do I go about closing her accounts? I live in Oregon, on her death bed she left everything to me... What do I do?

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Question: Am I responsible for my husband's credit card debt? He is the primary person on the account. The credit card company closed the account when they were notified of his passing. There is no money to pay the bill, so am I still responsible for this debt?

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Question: My wife passed away almost 3 years ago. She had a will drawn up while we lived in Las Vegas, Nevada. Is this will valid in Arizona?

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Question: July of this year my ex-husband passed away and I am executor of his will. I have got a estimate of his mobile home and property. I am the one who is to receive any of his property. My question is do I have to put the property and mobile home in my name as I do not intend to keep it. It is completely paid for. The reason I ask this question is that I am on disability and have no intention to live there due to my health because the place is about 5 miles out in the country. If I put it in my name will it have effect on the benefits I get from disability and the state. Please let me know as soon as someone gets to answer this.

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Question: My grandfather passed away 3years ago. his stepson had a quit claim deed signed with my grandfathers signature the same day he died, my grandfather suffered from alzheimers & dementia. there was no will found. But i'm wondering is there anything that can be done he obviously forged my grandfather's signature to keep his property.

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Question: my boyfriends dad lost his mom a year ago and he needs to change her car to his name he had an older brother but he also passed away what are the steps to do so as theres no will

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Question: I have taken care of my father for many years and he finally passed away in 2013. He put my name on the house deed in 2011 but kept the mortgage in his and my late mother's names. Now that they are both deceased what do I do about the mortgage that is in his and my mother's name? There was no probate as I took over the mortgage payment and the one bill he still owed on. I simple have no clue what to do about the mortgage because I only have $730.00 per month in Social security disability and know that banks won't lend to anyone with that low an income. What can I do?

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Question: My wife was sick with cancer fir 2 years and filed for ssi disability before she passed. She passed in September then received pay our account in October the months was sick. They went back and took the money out of our account after her death. Is thid legal for them to do? How can I get that money back since it was owed to her before she passed?

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Question: Father was diagnosed with alteimers. My parents marriage lasted till his death .couple months after she remarried. I am his only child also have 2 half sisters. When my fathers will was made he had already began early stages of alteimers and dimentia. I was not included in the will. My half sister who put my father in jail prior to his last days is on his will as well as my mother. I wanted to know what rites I have being his only daughter.

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Question: My father passed away in Sept. He left no will. He has a lien on a condo for 75k, had paid almost 30k. Lots of Credit Card bills, maybe 30k. I am 3rd child, 2 older, 3 younger. I will be taking over Condo. I am on death certificate too. Am I responsible for any of the bills? I have started probate process in Pima County by filling out Affidavit of Succession to Real Prop, is this correct? I was told ALL my siblings need to sign n notarize? Correct? And on this form, am I the Affiant, or is that each of my siblings filling out the form? 5. The interest of the decedent in the property is _______, who, me? 9. Which do I choose there? First option, since there's NO WILL? Please help. Thanks!!!

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Question: my brother and I are Coconino County Superior Court appointed guardian/conservator for my mother who has recently died. How do we terminate this arrangement with the court? It is also time for the annual report to the court. There is less than $60 in the estate.

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Question: what has to go through probate court after death of a spouse when everything is in my name too

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Question: Hello, my wife past away most recently In 2004 she had a conviction and owes the .state $2000.After we married in 2010 i purchased a vehicle and put both our names on the title. When I tried to sell the vehicle, MVD told me I can't sell it because the court put a lean on it and I have to pay them off first. I didn't know my wife in 2004.Do I have to pay them even though she passed away and it was prior to our marriage? Thank you for your help. Best regards, Peter Heid

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Question: I believe Mom had a will thru Legal Aid.How do I find out Her name is Anna Lalor

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Question: My mother recently passed, leaving an estate of around 100 K, plus her house. Would a probate filing be required for an estate of this size? I am named as executor, and am one of 3 children. Can I handle the paperwork without an attorney?

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Question: My widowed mother disinherited my sister who is my only sibling. Her will states that she has 2 children and my sister and I are named. She states that "I am making no distribution to (sister's name inserted) in this will." I am the executor and I am the sole inheritor of her entire estate. Am I required to notify my sister of our mother's' passing? Am I required to post a notice in the local paper here or, if public notice is required and I post it online? Where? The sister is in Florida. My mother and I live in Arizona.

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Question: my mother recently passed aay. her real estate deed has a joint tenancy w/ rights of survivorship, naming my aunt. my mothers wishes were that the home be sold and proceds devided between my sister and myself..i have lived and cared for my mother for the past 4 years, paying taxes, utilities and so forth. can my aunt list the house for sale at such a high dollar amount, that will never even be considered by buyers? can she make me move ( I am disabled ) when I have nowhere, and not enough income to purchase another dwelling? she (aunt) has already removed all of my mothers personal belongings (clothing,jewelry, cash car I don't understand please advise me, I don't know what to do. thank you so very much

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Question: My dad passed away in 2009 and my step mother passed in 2014 as far as I can tell my fathers property has been in limbo with my step brother squatting in it? How do I find out if I have any right to my fathers property?

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Question: Before my husband died in 2007 we took out a loan with citi financial. Our 2004 truck was used as collateral.My husband was the primary signer. I paid on this loan as long as I could but stopped 4 years ago. The truck was never repossessed and still sits in my yard. I contacted Citi as I was willing to give up the truck. They told me I had to send them a death certificate. But if they had repossessed it they would just come pick it up. They also said to get the title back I would need to send them an estate administrator document. According to the probate judge this would cost about $1,000. I cannot afford that. will I be able to ever get the title back?

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Question: Does the 13 yr old chose who to live with

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Question: My father passed away before he could make me the beneficiary of his Arizona State Retirement. His wish was to ensure that this was done and was verbal regarding the issue. Do I have any recourse as his child and next of kin to have it switched to me as beneficiary? Thanks

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Question: need time limit in years to file medical malpractice in the state. need list of attorneys that can file for me

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Question: I was told AZ was a state where what was bought durning the marriage belong to both partys is that true??

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Question: My husband passed away im not executor of his will. His sister has the title to our home and I belive she has transfered the title to her name and rhey plan on sell my hpuse after April 15th do I have any rights???

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Question: I have lost my mother on November 2018. I understand I need to file taxes for her. My accountant says I need to get her (deceased person’s) representation to file her last taxes. What forms I have to fill? Where do I apply to get the representation? Where can I get some help regarding this process?

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Question: My wife passed and she had a Capital one account with $2381.00 in a account. I have tried to transfer monies to my account and also hired a attorney to draft a letter to release funds and they refuse to send they said I need to go through probate. I paid off her car and sold home but this account is still open and Capital one will not release money.

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Question: Aunt was AZ resident and died in AZ. Using small estate affidavit to obtain balance in checking account from AZ bank (large national bank). I live in FL. If financial institution wants the affidavit certified by the court, would I have to appear in person or could it be done via mail? Thank you

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Question: do you need to post death of parent for creditors? there is some credit card debt do we need to pay from estate there is no cash available there will be minimal when home sales.

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Question: do we need to file a copy of our wills to probate? We only have a mobile home, car and personal belongings. Do we have to go thru an attorney to make up a will? Can we do it ourselves? thank you

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Question: Is there an agency that will assist with figuring out all the paperwork after the sudden death of my father?

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Question: My partner and father of my 4 children passed away last friday. We are not married together as married for 18 yrs. Day before he passed he fell from very high up. They sent him to dr got shot sent back to work. Next evening he had heart attack and died. Paramedic said get autopsy think it was internal bleeding. We weren't married but for my children what rights do i have?

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  • Does the 13 yr old chose who to live with
  • what has to go through probate court after death of a spouse when everything is in my name too
  • My father died in March & mother in June. We have found that dad had some life insurance through USPO with no beneficiary designated. They want to pay to my mom's estate but there is no estate. She had assets under $10,000 and no real property. I found the small estate affidavit. There are three surviving children, 1 deceased with 2 children. I assume we all need to fill out an affidavit? One of the grandchildren is still a minor. Who fills out his?
  • Before my husband died in 2007 we took out a loan with citi financial. Our 2004 truck was used as collateral.My husband was the primary signer. I paid on this loan as long as I could but stopped 4 years ago. The truck was never repossessed and still sits in my yard. I contacted Citi as I was willing to give up the truck. They told me I had to send them a death certificate. But if they had repossessed it they would just come pick it up. They also said to get the title back I would need to send them an estate administrator document. According to the probate judge this would cost about $1,000. I cannot afford that. will I be able to ever get the title back?
  • my boyfriends dad lost his mom a year ago and he needs to change her car to his name he had an older brother but he also passed away what are the steps to do so as theres no will
  • July of this year my ex-husband passed away and I am executor of his will. I have got a estimate of his mobile home and property. I am the one who is to receive any of his property. My question is do I have to put the property and mobile home in my name as I do not intend to keep it. It is completely paid for. The reason I ask this question is that I am on disability and have no intention to live there due to my health because the place is about 5 miles out in the country. If I put it in my name will it have effect on the benefits I get from disability and the state. Please let me know as soon as someone gets to answer this.
  • do we need to file a copy of our wills to probate? We only have a mobile home, car and personal belongings. Do we have to go thru an attorney to make up a will? Can we do it ourselves? thank you
  • if an ex-spouse passed away and the court order stated that they were to receive 50% of the other spouses retirement. Does that make the order null and void? or does the 50% go into an estate?
  • My father passed away before he could make me the beneficiary of his Arizona State Retirement. His wish was to ensure that this was done and was verbal regarding the issue. Do I have any recourse as his child and next of kin to have it switched to me as beneficiary? Thanks
  • Father was diagnosed with alteimers. My parents marriage lasted till his death .couple months after she remarried. I am his only child also have 2 half sisters. When my fathers will was made he had already began early stages of alteimers and dimentia. I was not included in the will. My half sister who put my father in jail prior to his last days is on his will as well as my mother. I wanted to know what rites I have being his only daughter.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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