Dealing with Debt
questions & answers
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Question: Can I lose my home if I fall behind in my mortgage payments?
Question: If I am receiving Social Security income, can my creditors get a hold of it?
Question: Should I file for bankruptcy if I cannot pay my debts?
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Question: I am being sued for a past credit card debt from 2002. What is the statute of limitations for collection and can the new creditor garnish my wages?
Question: I owe a debt to a creditor for medical expenses. The creditor has increased the debt by charging me a penalty for not paying on time. Is this legal? Are all late fees penalties?
Question: When a person passes away are the outstanging debts,like credit cards passed on to their adult children?
Question: How do I place a judicial lien on my neighbor's property?
Question: Mt mother is in an assisted living home. Her retirement income and social security combined barely cover those costs. If she defaults on her mortgage can her retirement income be garnished?
Question: Regarding Bankruptcy: How long does it take to file, can you see a lawyer one day and file the next? Do your credit cards need to be delinquent to file BK or can they be current? Can they take my 401K if I file BK? How long will BK put off a Trustee sale? If your mortgage is delinquent can you still file BK to try to put off the trustee sale? If you have 2 accounts with one credit company like Discover and one is joint with someone else and one is only in your name, can you just file BK on the one in your name only without them going after the other card with joint owner? Thank you
Question: I am about to be sued for an old credit card debt. I am permanently disabled and on social security only. Can my social security be garnished?
Question: When a spouse passes away and has debt in his/her name only, like credit cards, and or contractual obligations for satellite services or cell phone service that charge fee for early termination, etc.- is the remaining spouse responsble for that debt and fulfilling contractual obligation?
Question: My late husband incurred a car repair shop debt before we met. After he died, I started getting letters from an attorney for the shop saying I was responsible for the bill now. Is this true?
Question: my mother died and left me her home and she left owing money am I responsible to pay her debts?
Question: My father is dying of cancer. My parents bought a new car 2 years ago. The car is in my father's name. When my father dies, my mother won't be able to afford the car payments and the car is worth less than the balance owed. They live strictly on Social security. There won't be any inheritance or such. Is my mother responsible for the debt of the car after my dad dies even though the car isn't in her name?
Question: Am I responsible for debt incurred prior to marriage at anytime?
Question: My wife has a debt that she has not been able to pay because she has no income and has not had income for 5 years. The collection company has frozen our bank account and I cannot pay our bill now. She has not made any deposits to this joint account. How can I get this hold off of our account? she does not want to contact the collection company. All funds in this bank account are mine not her's. Thank you
Question: Where can I find a LOW cost or NO cost attorney for filing bankruptcy in YUMA, ARIZONA?
Question: My husband died in Nov. and I am living only on Social Security. His hospital bills are now coming in. Am I, by law, obligated to pay them???
Question: Our income is social security only. Is it safe from garnisement? I am currently paying 228 per month on a credit card settlement arrangement, and I can no longer afford it since I can no longer work. My health has failed. Please advise. Thank you.
Question: If a medical provider does not bill you for more than a year, can they charge late fees or interest on the 20% Medicare did not pay? The doctor's office said it was due to a "software problem" in its billing program.
Question: My husband had what was deemed by a Dr. at Mayo as necessary surgery in 2008. All insurance info was provided and they knew he was Medicare. No one said a word about the possibility of no coverage. Now, 3 yrs. later, medicare has said they won't pay the claim and Mayo has said we owe $10,000 which would be impossible to pay since we are on SS and pension. Had we been told that at the outset, we would not have proceeded with the surgery. Wasn't it Mayo's responsibilty at the time to check out if they would get paid? How do we get this debt dismissed?
Question: One of my creditors has chosen to sue me to collect a debt. Supposedly a judgement was issued against me, but the paperwork was so confusing, I could not understand it. I do not own a home or a car and my only income is Social Security. The letter from the agency selected by the credit card company says there are various means they can use to collect. My question is, what CAN they do to me? A call to the agency got me nowhere. I am also the sole caregiver for my handicapped mother.
Question: how do i get halp.i hav go job childsupport want me to pay $334 a week without a job a i have no way of pay them . iget my 2 girls every week.i have to pay,food,shoes,and coltes.they mommy dont give them the things they need when they came to my house and this every week we go throw this what do i do ?
Question: I am full time caregiver for my my mother who is 90 and bedridden. We are living on social security with only a few thousand dollars in savings and she has over $15,000 in credit card debt. She owns the house and I need to stay there when she passes (I'm unemployed - executor & heir. Will the credit card companies be able to force me to sell the house to pay them off? Will they be able to get the few thousand dollars left in her savings account?
Question: A judgment has been issued on me for an unpaid credit card balance of $1320.00. Can the lawyers handling this force the sale of my possessions. I live solely on Widow's Pension of $1040 per month.
Question: My total income is $15,000 annually from ss retirement. I have $12,000 in checking for which I plan to get dental repairs. I owe $40,000 on credit cards and have not made any payments since 2005. I owe $30,000 to the IRS (irs has declared me "uncollectible"). Will my credit card debt ever disappear? I have never declared bankruptcy. Should I declare bankruptcy now?
Question: Hello: My mother died recenty. As her son am I obligated to pay her outstand bills? The day she passed a bill arrived from the emergency service that took to the hospital. Also she received a bill for medical expenses from her stay in the critical care unit at the hospital where she died. There are other bills that have been received. I just need to know if legally these have to be paid. Thank you for your help. Rick
Question: I we are surrendering our Motor Home(RV) to the bank for we cannot afford the monthly payments any longer. We are told after the RV is sold we are still responsible for the remmaning amt. owed. We think that amt. will be about $37000.00 which we cannot afford, what can we do at that point?
Question: As a 67 yr. old retiree with an income of 11,645 yearly from S.S. and a small retirement pension, are these monies subject to credit card debt collection? Other than two older vehicles, I have no assets.
Question: As a 67 yr. old retiree with an income of 11,645 yearly from S.S. and a small retirement pension, are these monies subject to credit card debt collection? Other than two older vehicles, I have no assets.
Question: I have received a Notice of Trustee sale on my condo and that it will be sold at public auction. I don't know what to do.
Question: My husband and i are both on Social security and we have credit card debit and can't make the payments on them, what can the credit card company do to get there money. We have got a letter to go to court for one of them, can they make us pay them?
Question: We are senior citizens. A bank is offering us a home loan that we assumed was fixed interest-the rate dropped a fraction, even-then I happened to notice an unfamiliar phrase with a tiny checked box-'demand feature'. I looked it up: the bank can demand payment, calling the loan, at any time without giving a reason. It said that some states prohibit that practice. Is Arizona one? Calling the loan could destroy us and force the property into foreclosure.
Question: 23 years ago in Michigan I cosigned for a Visa card with a 1000 dollar credit limit for my daughter. I just received a letter form the credit union telling me that she has filed for bankruptcy and I am responsible for the 2500 balance. Am I libel for all of it?
Question: My father in law had a stroke in April of 2013 and has been unable to pay his credit card debts including a home equity line of credit through State Farm. He owns a home here here in Phx but has since been relocated to be with other family members in Napa, Ca. in a group home. He receives his usual SS benefits and a small pension of $120 per month, he is also getting his aid and attendance from the V.A. The problem is this, all of his benefits go to his care and he is unable to pay his credit card debts. Since he is no longer living here we are paying his house payment along with the State Farm home equity line of credit since that is like a second mortgage I believe. My question is how do we keep the house in the family and eliminate his credit card debt? which is probably around $20,000. The house doesn't have any equity in it or if it does, it's not much. Thank You
Question: I was in a joint checking account with my 90 yr. old mother. She has no assets or income other than social security. She took out a $10,000 loan. I am not a joint account on this loan. She will need to default b/c she can no longer afford the payment. Will the bank come after me to pay the loan even though I did not co-sign on the loan? It is the same bank that I had a joint account with. it is the bank I do all my bank business with in conjunction with my husband?
Question: I am 74 & receiving social security benefits. My wife has Parkenson's disease and receives government benefits and she also has a small part time job. I know that acreditor cannot touch benefits given by the federal government but what is the maximum money she can earn from her part time, i.e., $200, $400, whatever in a month's time yet is not subject to being garnished by a creditor? And what is the Arizona law stating this?
Question: my father( 92)was admitted into nursing home and his SS is paying for it .My mother is (89) and still living in her home with my niece caring for her.My mother only receives SS and a small pension and is having a hard time just paying her reg bills.She has about 13,000 dollars in credit car debt which she has stopped paying .Can the CC companies take her house .
Question: My 34 year old son is in debt and lives under my roof in a room I provide. I help him financially by gifting him funds from time to time. I do not claim him as a dependent and his finances are segregated from mine. I did not cosign any loan. He has been served and I expect that the court will issue a judgment. My question is, do I have to do anything special to protect my and my wife's goods from execution. Legally, they are ours, but how do I proceed if the sheriff attempts to grab them? Can he?
Question: My uncle is 82 and terminally ill. He's got $75k in credit card limits...he's taken out 50K in cash advances has transferred into his sons accounts. He owns a home with his wife, but his name is coming off of the house. He's done this to leave some $ to his heirs. His wife will pay the minimums on the credit cards after his death until she sells the house, then gift that money to her daughter. What's the legal ramifications of this after his death to his heirs. There will be no estate.
Question: I received a letter from DMV requesting I pay $500.00 for abandonment fee I am 62 yrs old and I am on SSI I let a friend drive my vehicle he was stopped and was not aware he had a suspended license. So they imounded my vehicle and requested about $300.00 for impounds and storage I did not have the money I am on a fixed income I ended up loosing my truck and now they DMV to pay $500.00 for abandonment fee I could lose my license if I dont pay it Could you help me I heard their is some type of waiver I could get if I am low income and go to court
Question: My husband got a loan online in 2007 and paid 288.00 a month until 2010. I now have been contacted by a debt collector who wants the so called balance to be paid by me. What is the statue of limitations and so I start making payments.
Question: I was e mail about loan for $8000.00 and all I had to do was send three months payments in advance which I did the day when there wrer to mak a deposit to my account I got call from the tell me that I had to purchase a inserunce for the loan and all I had to do was ppay $750.00 1/2 of the cost so I had it canceled the loan and ask for my money back they told me it would take 14 to30 days befor I could get it io told I needed it back that day they said they would,this has put me in avery bad money problem because of being on ssi diabilty my bill are going to suffer and Imy credit is going to take a big hit I have to pay for a truck payment and rent and insurance I have no othere way to gover them I neeed to get them to return that money by the end of this week, I need help. I was olso scam by company out of Washington involving free gov. grant money that also menschen that they were working with the f.b.i.i lost $150.00in that.
Question: my husband had a stroke Friday night.He will be in hospital few more days then sent to a facility for physical therapy.He managed all the finances.Is there a way to hold off creditors?I am scared.
Question: Wher can i find a attorney to help me with bankruptcy
Question: Is a dept. collection company allowed to garnish my disability income
Question: I am 80 years old and I have to move, but the rental costs are so high (I have applied to HUD 2 yrs ago but nothing available) I can hardly buy food, and I don't get food stamps in Florida My question is If I just walk away from these debts what can the creditors do to me. I don't own anything but an old car.
Question: I have 13000 in credit card debt. I'm living on my social security which is 1281.00 a month. My rent is 560.00 amonth. I can't make payments on this debt. Can you tell me what I can do. What would happen if I just don't pay it
Question: I'm being sued for credit card debt of 1000.00. I answered the summons and now their attorneys want no trial but want the judge to resolve the issue. What are my options? Do they put a lien on my property?
Question: I have a student loan from 1979, (GSL/private type student loan), that I had to stop making payments on. The loan was sold and collections activity has resumed from Navient. The contract states that the loan is cancelled upon death or disability. Can Navient sue me for repayment -take my car etc? Thank you.
Question: I just received a bill for wastewater services for 15 years in the amount of $5000. This is the first bill I have ever received. They sent a letter that they have waived late fees and penalties. What should I do?
Question: My question, as we are having buyer's remorse what are the consequences for us if we don't give the $8,000.00 and do not take possession of the vehicle?
Question: I am on permanent disability. I own a 2009 car (my only car) and owe back taxes. I am single. Can IRS seize my car or my disability income?
Question: I am 74 with over $30,000 in CC debt. How do I get out of debt so I can retire. I work fulltime, but afraid of unexpected health problems. My husband has less than $800 per month from SS. I have no other debt other than CC and household expenses. Own 3 late model cars and home which are all paid for in full. I have enough life insurance to pay off my debt, but bad health could put me and my family in trouble. What to do?
Question: How can i get my car back that was repoed this morning and i have a person that lives with me that has cancer
Question: In 2001 I co-signed with my daughter to purchase a single-wide mobile home. She lived in the mobile home for 13yrs. It's financed with XXXX located in Tennessee, and there's still a balance of $16,000. My daughter had to move out due to her family increasing and the need for more room. I'm a retired senior citizen and do not have the money to pay for it. What can I do to keep it from being on my credit report?
Question: Iam a 82 year old widow living on my husbands retirement and ss . My house is paid of , but I pay a small common fee . I recently took out a 130000 loan against my house to help my Granddaughter build a new house . She is now going through a divorce and is not paying me for the loan ( always two months late). The bank is threatening forclosure against my home I am living in. I was going to take a loan against my retirement to pay off the loan . The new house is in my Granddaughters name and her ex is living in it . Can I have my name put on the house and have her pay me rent without bad tax implications. I have three children that this house should be on the estate . The bank has been sending preforclosure papers against the house I live in . I am afraid I am going to lose everything . My Grandaughter refuses to sell her house snd pay me back . I dont want to hurt her . I was only trying to help . She has a new baby
Question: My mothers health has drastically changed and she only lives on social security, a very small disability bi-weekly stipend and has medicare. While my mother has been accepted for medicaid as a secondary insurance, she will have to contribute monthly of $406 so that she will be able to have full time home health care (vs only part time with medicare). This expense will make it impossible to help her pay her credit card debts off. My mother needs to contribute to medicaid but then won't have enough to pay off her debts. What are options as far as her credit cards? Should I close them (with her on the phone) and let them know that she is unable to pay so we'd need a settlement price? Or just walk away? I am unsure of her options as my original plan was to help her pay them off one by one.
Question: Hi my mom has a 2006 vehicle with nearly 30% interest and an 8k negative value. She has no assets and receives SS only. If she voluntarily returns the vehicle can they persue legal action? Make her pay the 8K?
Question: I made a huge mistake by cosigning on a car loan for a girlfriend back on 09/15/08. She only made 9 payments on the vehicle then let it go back to the bank. It’s been almost 6-1/2 years since she made her last payment and now they’re coming after me, after all these years have gone by. I was told that Arizona Statute of Limitations A.R.S. § 47-2725 is four (4) years for auto loans. But their attorney is ignoring that and coming after me regardless. It's now October 2015 and they are coming after me for the loan amount + interest totaling $13,000 altogether. I'm retired and living solely on Social Security of $1,776 per month and two small pensions totaling $624 which = $2,400 per month. And I'm living with my daughter to make ends meet. Therefore I can't afford to pay theses people. I had an initial pre-trial conference on 10/8/15 and represented myself because I can’t afford an attorney. It was determined that there will be a trial on 12/14/15. I told the loan company in court “that I have no money and living on $2,400 per month and living with my daughter to make ends meet, and they’re still pursuing the trial date. My questions are: 1) Will the Arizona Statute of Limitations A.R.S. § 47-2725 four (4) years get me out of this mess completely? 2) I've been told and read online that Social Security income and Pensions “cannot be garnished”. Do you know if this is true? If it's true then I have nothing to worry about and won't need to file bankruptcy. 3) If I lose my case can I file bankruptcy on a judgement that's been awarded against me? 4) Can they levy / garnish my checking account where my Social Security checks and Pension checks are electronically deposited? Thank You for your help.
Question: My senior friend cannot pay her credit card debts (her son ran them up and then abandoned her). Her only income is Social Security and her home was inheirited (already paid off when it was inheirited). She cannot afford to file bankruptcy. She quit paying her debts over a year ago- sent them a letter stating that she cannot pay, fixed income etc. One of of the creditors recently sent a letter regarding arbitration. If she does not respond it means she agrees to their terms. I suggested to her that she respond by sending the original letter. Is there a better way to respond? Also, is her home safe from a judgement? I know her income is. I thought I read her home could not be taken. If true, would it require a lengthy court battle?
Question: I am sending this for my mother. My dad left her his retirement to her but nothing else. She has about $25,000 in credit card debt (they bought a vehicle using a credit card with a 2% interest)and has an income of about $4,277 including retirement, veterans benefits and ss. Everything was fine until ill health made it impossible for her to live alone. She sold her mobile home, put the $$ in savings and moved into a senior apartment. She has recently moved into a more expensive assisted care living. Her income is enough to pay her rent but we still have to pay her $600 a month credit cards bills that my dad left her with. She only has about $1,100 in saving so either she files for bankrupcy or she just doesn't pay her credits cards anymore. She does use her credit cards so bad credit will not hurt her. I am sure that her current living location will not kick her out as long as she is paying her rent. What will happen if she doesn't pay her credit card bills anymore?
Question: I'm 66 and have applied for a Loan Modification (it was approved) however, the service r is asking for "Good Faith" money up front before they will finalize the Modification Agreement. This up-front money was NEVER mentioned in any of their correspondence and when I received my Modification packet this past Saturday their cover letter they mention this "good faith" money....but it is NOT part of the Modification Agreement. Is this legal for them to ask for 4 months of payemnts and then start the actual modification payment 12/1/2015? They want this money AND the agreement before Tuesday the 17th this is VERY URGENT for me to receive some advise ...and should I sign the agreement. I'm also searching for a Pro Bono attorney to review these documents. ###
Question: cant pay my monthly payments on 6 credit cards my home is paid off can they take home are no just lien
Question: My father has become unable to live independently. He has no estate, nothing of value-only his 1440 SS monthly income. He has 7000$ in credit card debt as well as 4000$ in medical bills. I am looking into placing him in an assisted living or nursing home as it's too difficult for us as a family. My question is -how do I absolve his debt? Chase calls MY home phone daily-despite my discussing the situation with them, as well as the medical bill.
Question: I 'm no longer working and receiving social security I am on a fixed income. I owe the IRS money around $3900.00 I can no longer pay what are my options.
Question: Can't pay Credit Card Debt? What do My wife 71 years old and I do? We don't want to loose our home.
Question: I have a house in AZ, going through a divorce if I stop making the mortgage payment can AZ make me pay the payment? I am on State disability and S.S.
Question: My granddaughter had me open an account with a store for a fence and now she refuses to pay. Lawyers for the store are taking me to court. I can't afford it. The house has been sold and new owners are enjoying the fence. I don't know what to do. She has moved to Florida but i don't know where.
Question: I get my social security check on acard and put my bill money in my checking account and i got sick and can't make payments on my credits cardscan they get my bill money out of my checking account
Question: I owe $8,000.00 in state income tax from 1991. I retired in 2012 & have no income except social security. can they attach my payments?
Question: I am drawing ss disability and I have a car I have been paying for 4 years just owe 6 payments but car broke down over a year ago and I cannot afford to get it fixed and can't afford the payment anymore. I was getting help to pay the payment but my son moved off and lost his job. My name is on a piece of property a half acre with my daughter she lives on the property can they sue me and get the property?
Question: I co-signed for my grandson on an auto loan. He had a great job but he had a nervous break down and was diagnosed bipolar and can't keep a steady job. He refuses to return the car so sure he's going to be able to get his life back together. It hurts so much to se him struggle. But I've done all I can do. Now they've placed a lean on my home. What can I do?
Question: Iam cosigner on car loan. diffency is 10200 I just can't afford to pay them cause all my civil services income go into bills. nothing left. whats the worst they can do to me. I do have a house worth 78000 and I owe 67000
Question: how do I keep my home exempt from credit card collection companies
Question: I have been sued for 1200.00 dollars for out of pocket expenses for medical bills by my neighbor how attack me and than lied in court ant the what ever she was believed her in stead of me and I did not do. Can they take my car? I am Social Security. All I have is my car that I still owe on. I go back and forth to the doctor and school for my AA. If they take my car I can not make it. I am below poverty level . not even 1,000.00 a month. Do I need to file for exemptions on my car and which one should I use. Do I have to file bankruptcy to file for exemptions? Or am I ok? Please help I have only a little time left I want to file an appeal & reconciliation.
Question: 2014 we lease a car for 36 months st $ 229.00 a month gave our our 2004 mint condition as down payment supposedly % 5000.00 we need a larger vehicle we were moving so went to see what they could paid off the Camry but added it to the truck,our payments now $579.91for 84 months.what the salesman didn't tell us that they wrapped amount of the Camry to the truck payment, so we are paying for 2 cars and they kept the car .We only have one vehicle. Is that legal? What they did? We pay $579.91 monthly,to much.our solely monthly low income is 1773.00 combined.we tried to refinance with other banks but were denied they said we owe more than the vehicle was worth.we are up to our neck with to many bills If we voluntary turned up the vehicle can they go after our only assets,a2bedroom little house? Please help,can't afford lawyer fees bankruptcy is not an option. We always have good credit,we manage with credit cards.
Question: In az does the lender need to notify the deptor in writing when and where the auction is to be held before the sale of the vehical
Question: I have congested heart failure and getting disability then went to jail.. check stop when in jail had to go to er for heart paims from jail bill collector called saying I was getting a warrant if not pay bill is that true
Question: I bought a car and I made a mistake on buying it and the dealer won't take it back after a week. I am disabled and Deaf and I believe I was being coerced and the payments is too high for me to handle. The cost of loan is 23,000 and payments is 361.00. The trunk is too high for me to put in my walker. I have contacted the Attorney General with no luck. The blue book value is 12,000. I saw an ad for the 2017 car same as mine for much lower at 13,000. Please Help me.
Question: My husband received a letter from his ex-wife yesterday regarding paying a debt that was owed from 2004 income tax is he obligated to pay the amount in the divorce decree the amount is from 2004 and they divorced in 2007.
Question: In the pass about 4 months ago I hped my niece out a couple times and paid on her Sprint account since then she has cancelled the account well since I paid on her account 4 times with my debit card Sprint has taken my money from my account since I helped her and pAid her bill 4 times took out 4000 of my money they won't help me recovery my money my bank won't help me since I helped her and pAid in the pass...i need help that was so the money we had and now nobody will help me recovery my money ..please someone any one help I never had Sprint just helped my niece out.thus is not my debit
Question: I am a 59 yr old recently widowed female with my husband’s passing Jan 2018. My question relates to credit card debt in his name that was over $23k when he died. I am listed on our home’s Deed of Trust/Title with his name as joint with right of survivorship. Can unsecured credit card debt end up as liens filed against the title?
Question: A credit card company is suing my 80 year old father thats on SSI this is his only income can they still sue him? He is in financial hardship right now after my mother passed away this last Feb.
Question: My now ex-wifes boyfriend drove my car I let her have because of our son and he wrecked it. I had to take a loan out to cover the remainder fees of the car loan and she agreed to help pay it back to me. Now they refuse to pay. What can I do?
Question: My question is my ex boyfriend and I discussed taking out a title loan on our truck . We are both on the title. We agreed to do it but I’m the one that drove down and filed for the loan. So my name is primary on the Loan contract. After that he decides to leave me he takes our truck and blocks me so I can’t speak to him. He refuses to pay the loan payments. He also has our truck. I don’t think I should have to pay for a truck I no longer drive . They want the truck or their money ? What should I do?
Question: My husband passed away and had a credit card that was in his name only. Am I held accountable to pay that debt off? And I am confused, do creditors have six months to file a claim, after they receive the death certificate, or 6 months after you probate? Thank You!
Question: what are the income guidelines
Question: My father was in a group home in Casa Grande and then died. It's been over 60 days and they have yet to refund his $500 security deposit. We live in Michigan and wonder if we can file a small claim but not have to be present.
Question: I have a decree from Colorado stating that my Ex-Husband is responsible for certain debts. Creditors are coming after me for the debts because he didn't pay them and 1 creditor is suing me, I answered the complaint and they filed a motion for a judgement and I have to answer in 10 days. Am I responsible for debt that was ordered under the decree to be paid by my Ex?
Question: I owe $35,000.00 on a 2000 motorhome I can't make payments anymore as I don't have the means. I tried to surrender it, but was told to try to sell it myself, I have a buyer, willing to pay $20,000 for it.But I need the title for it before the buyer gives me the money. the creditor is not willing to send me the title yet. what can I do? this is better for the creditor, because they don't have to come get it themselves.
Question: My mom passed in 2014. I was on her checking account because she could not see well and I wrote her bills for her. Now the bank says I have to pay her line of credit, and they keep slapping late fees and interest on it every month. My only income is social security. Please tell me what to do and what can they do to hurt me? Thank you
Question: Can a arizona bank refuse a power of attorney to cash my boyfriends paycheck if he is in prison?
Question: My sole income is Social Security. I just received a civil summons from my old credit union for my credit card debit. Can they garnish my Social Security income? My Social Security is direct deposited into my bank account. I CAN NOT afford an attorney, just wanted to know my rights.
Is a dept. collection company allowed to garnish my disability income
My total income is $15,000 annually from ss retirement. I have $12,000 in checking for which I plan to get dental repairs. I owe $40,000 on credit cards and have not made any payments since 2005. I owe $30,000 to the IRS (irs has declared me "uncollectible"). Will my credit card debt ever disappear? I have never declared bankruptcy. Should I declare bankruptcy now?
My husband passed away and had a credit card that was in his name only. Am I held accountable to pay that debt off? And I am confused, do creditors have six months to file a claim, after they receive the death certificate, or 6 months after you probate? Thank You!
I 'm no longer working and receiving social security I am on a fixed income. I owe the IRS money around $3900.00 I can no longer pay what are my options.
How do I place a judicial lien on my neighbor's property?
I am being sued for a past credit card debt from 2002. What is the statute of limitations for collection and can the new creditor garnish my wages?
Can a arizona bank refuse a power of attorney to cash my boyfriends paycheck if he is in prison?
One of my creditors has chosen to sue me to collect a debt. Supposedly a judgement was issued against me, but the paperwork was so confusing, I could not understand it. I do not own a home or a car and my only income is Social Security. The letter from the agency selected by the credit card company says there are various means they can use to collect. My question is, what CAN they do to me? A call to the agency got me nowhere. I am also the sole caregiver for my handicapped mother.
My mothers health has drastically changed and she only lives on social security, a very small disability bi-weekly stipend and has medicare. While my mother has been accepted for medicaid as a secondary insurance, she will have to contribute monthly of $406 so that she will be able to have full time home health care (vs only part time with medicare). This expense will make it impossible to help her pay her credit card debts off. My mother needs to contribute to medicaid but then won't have enough to pay off her debts. What are options as far as her credit cards? Should I close them (with her on the phone) and let them know that she is unable to pay so we'd need a settlement price? Or just walk away? I am unsure of her options as my original plan was to help her pay them off one by one.
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