Choosing Where to Live
questions & answers
Question: I signed a 7 month lease which was up on July 4th. I asked for an extra month after my lease expired and they said, no problem. I went in to pay this months rent and they ask me to pay almost $300 more for the extra month. I told them I was not told of an increase in rent and I don't have the extra money for this. Is this legal for them to raise the rent without any kind of notice? They also put a 5 day notice on my door.
Answer: Since your lease has expired on July 4th the landlord could condition your continue occupancy upon an increase in the rental amount.
I signed a 7 month lease which was up on July 4th. I asked for an extra month after my lease expired and they said, no problem. I went in to pay this months rent and they ask me to pay almost $300 more for the extra month. I told them I was not told of an increase in rent and I don't have the extra money for this. Is this legal for them to raise the rent without any kind of notice? They also put a 5 day notice on my door.
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