Social Security, SSI
questions & answers
Question: My 12 yr. old austisic son is receiving SSI, if my boyfriend and his two yr. old son move in with me and my son does this effect his SSI? My boyfriend is on disability. And is currently applying for his two yr old bennifits . I'm employed with the Govenment as a Correction Officer..and SSI is saying I make Too much money for my son to continue receiving that my boyfriend and son are moving in does this help things are hurt things?
Answer: The following information was obtained from the SSI website:
When SSI decides if your child can get SSI, we consider your child’s income and resources. We also consider the income and resources of
family members living in the child’s household. These rules apply if your child lives at home. They also apply if
he or she is away at school but returns home from time to time and is subject to your control.If your child’s income and resources, or the income and resources of family members living in the child’s household, are more than the amount allowed, we will deny the child’s application for SSI payments. We limit the monthly SSI payment to $30 when a child is in a medical facility where health insurance pays for his or her care.SSI rules about disability
Your child must meet all of the following requirements to be considered disabled and therefore eligible for SSI:
• The child must not be working and
earning more than $1,070 a month
in 2014. (This earnings amount
usually changes every year.) If he
or she is working and earning that
much money, we will find that
your child is not disabled.
• The child must have a physical or
mental condition, or a combination
of conditions, that results in
“marked and severe functional
limitations.” This means that the
condition(s) must very seriously
limit your child’s activities.
• The child’s condition(s) must have
been disabling, or be expected to be
disabling, for at least 12 months; or
must be expected to result in death.
If your child’s condition(s) results
in “marked and severe functional
limitations” for at least 12 continuous
months, we will find that your child
is disabled. But if it does not result in
those limitations, or does not result
in those limitations for at least 12
months, we will find that your child
is not disabled.
For further information contact your local SSI office, or visit the SSI website
My 12 yr. old austisic son is receiving SSI, if my boyfriend and his two yr. old son move in with me and my son does this effect his SSI? My boyfriend is on disability. And is currently applying for his two yr old bennifits . I'm employed with the Govenment as a Correction Officer..and SSI is saying I make Too much money for my son to continue receiving that my boyfriend and son are moving in does this help things are hurt things?
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