Courts, Legal Basics
questions & answers
Question: ARS28-627 empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on highway/streets within their jurisdication. What ARS empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on private property? i.e grocery store parking area
You may want to review ARS 28-621, and ARS 28-628.
ARS 28-621 Applicability to vehicles on highways; exceptions
The provisions of this chapter and chapter 5 of this title relating to the operation of vehicles refer exclusively to the operation of vehicles on highways except:
1. If a different place is specifically provided by statute.
2. Article 4 of this chapter and section 28-693 apply on highways and elsewhere throughout this state.
ARS 28-628 Rights of real Property Owners
This chapter does not prevent the owner of real property that is used by the public for purposes of vehicular travel by permission of the owner and not as a matter of right from:
1. Prohibiting that use.
2. Requiring other, different or additional conditions than those specified in this chapter.
3. Otherwise regulating the use as deemed best by the owner.
ARS28-627 empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on highway/streets within their jurisdication. What ARS empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on private property? i.e grocery store parking area
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