Courts, Legal Basics
questions & answers
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Question: How do I serve my wife with divorce papers.
Question: If someone puts an order of protection or a restraining order against me, it is good for 1 year from service. But how long after does it stay on my personal file.
Question: My husband is homeless and does not really have an address. I mailed the acceptance of service plus the divorce papers to him at his last known addressvia certified mail. If I get the papers back unclaimed or undelivered can I file this along with asking for a default or do I have to go by publication? I cannot afford all these fees. I did get a deferral for the court fees but did not check for publication fees. Publication sounds like it is a hard and delaying process. I hear some saying I can file if I get the certified green card back as proof of service or even if the papers come back unclaimed. We have three kids and I am asking for sole custody.
Question: Can a parent back date a child support modification?
Question: How do I get my file \case number?
Question: I understand that if my husband CLAIMS he does not know my current address that all he has to do is post something that he has filed for divorce in the newspapers legal section,how can I find out if he has filed or not? I do not trust him.
Question: What happens if you have already been divorced for three years and then notice on your divorce papers your social security number is wrong?
Question: My baby's father has been in contempt of court "at least" 2 times. This last time the judge told him, "If you haven't made some kind of payment before the review hearing in 2 will go to jail." Well he had not made any payments and the judge didn't do anything about it except give us another review hearing in 2 months. I don't understand why he is getting away with contempt of court and more than once. What can I do?
Question: Does anyone know how I can turn child support arrearages owed to me into a judgment?
Question: Should I seek counsel in a case where I ihave a protective order and defendant filed an answer with a lawyer?
Question: What is a status hearing and how does it work in Superior Court?
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Question: Small Claims Court -- What are the boundaries of cases that can be brought before this court?
Question: Where can I find a court approved parenting class?
Question: Where can I find a specific Arizona Court online?
Question: I had an altercation with one of my neigbors due to him pullin in reverse & almost ramming our car. the guy got offended & backed up to anothr vehicle of his to get a gun & confront me. We called 911 & the police arrived soon but the guy was already out of sight, probably hiding in his apartment. there is a case# filed.what can I do about it? How are my wife & kids supposed to feel safe with this guy arround?
Question: Can I use legal aid even if my ex-wife used it for our divore 7 years ago?
Question: what do the abriviations ML in a case number mean?
Question: I have been seoerated from my husband for the last 8 week. He told me to take my two boy age 6 & 8 and move to my sisters in Nevada. I have both boys in school here and have a new job . befor my paper were filed with the Nevada. He filed in AZ. I was served today with paper stating I must return the children to Flagstaff. I need to know what I can do to appeal this discision. My husband has anger issues he is bypolar and has very eratic behavior
Question: I have completed probation. What form do I file with the court to have my class 6 undesignated felony designated a misdemeanor?
Question: what does Contributing to the delinquency of a minor mean?
Question: can child support be garnished
Question: Are purchase money mortgages limited to no recourse notes?
Question: I was arrested in may 02 2002 in Scottsdale arizona for ars 28-622.01 and ars 13-1201.a and ars 28-1381.a1 and ars28-1381.a2. No charges were ever filed to this day and there is no warrant out for my arrest, I checked. What is the statue of limitations for these charges? Could they still charge me almost 6 years later?
Question: I received a traffic ticket for speeding. When I arrived in court they advised that I had to return later because the officer had not filed the ticket. How long does he have before I can have the ticket dismissed?
Question: How old do you have to be to get a job
Question: what is a pretrial conference hearing
Question: how do i make a request for discovery for a traffic violation?
Question: my ex filed for a order of protection and was granted it against me for him and my kids the year is now up and i need to know how to get my babies back i tried to file to get the order dropped but could not get to the courthouse to do it now i havent seen my kids in 12 months please help
Question: if i have not been served as a witness but told on a phone call do i legally have to appear?
Question: If I authorized someone to use my car, and it was never returned can it be reported stolen?
Question: Number of days to file a Notice of Appeal to Justice Court judgement? Give ARS reference
Question: what is the fine or the jail time if you have convected of assult intentional,knowing-phys injery
Question: My neighbor has a defective air conditioner in there back yard,and it is about 100 feet from my patio.the noise from it is about 5 times louder than a normal home air conditioner.This will be the 3rd year we have had to listen to the nerve racking noise which comes from the A/C I have talked to the neighbor but they refuse to repair it.My question is,is this a county matter or a civil matter?Thank you
Question: Does Arizona law allow any state authority to "commandeer" property of individuals or businesses in any "on the spot" manner, or do authorities have to obtain some type of court order?
Question: Can someone be served with court paper work while in court for another issue
Question: I'm getting suid for $just over 20k, so the case has been assigned to Superior Court. I know I have to file an Answer within 20 days. My question is....How do I file counter suit? Is there someonewhere that offers legal help at a decent rate? Or a website that can show me how to do it? Thanks
Question: I received a traffic ticket in 1986 for no registration. I live in CA and due to the AZ ticket, I can not get my license in CA. Is there a staute of limitations? It is now Oct 2008. It has been 22 years. Thank you.
Question: is a judge bound by law to give at least the minimum sentence in a dangerous crime such as aggravated assult
Question: What is considered poverty level? how do i know if i qualify for the program?
Question: when a commisioner signes a court order with /s/ instead of a real signature, is this still a legal signature. I was reading that if a judge wasn't to sign a court order that it mean other things - this is why I ask.
Question: ARS28-627 empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on highway/streets within their jurisdication. What ARS empowers local municipalities to enforce parking on private property? i.e grocery store parking area
Question: If you get pulled over. You tell the officer no they can not search your car can they still do it? And also is there any way they could search your house because of that?
Question: If I am Never officialy served paperwork for a lawsuit against me, can the court still hold a hearing?
Question: A newly licensed dentist removed all of my teeth except the front six. When he removed my bottom teeth, he did a lot of damage - splintered some of the bone, and tore out a lot of tissue. He did not even use my x-rays; instead, he hung up a dental-chart illustration and used that. He used a pliers-like instrument to violently wrench my teeth from my head, all the while sweating and swearing. He failed to anesthetize my lower front teeth and reprimanded me for flinching when he removed them in the absence of novocaine. I am still receiving bills from them. How do I file a small claim?
Question: What type of lawyer would I need to file a case against a police officer for tasing my 14yr old son at school? I believe it was excessive force.
Question: Please explain what the alpha designators mean in Case Numbers. Example:J-1102-CR-200500311. They begin with J-,M-,etc. Thank you.
Question: What does it take to get a civil standby order and how long does it take? I have an order of protection against him but i need to go get my childrens things. What do i need to do?
Question: I need to find a free law library so I can do some research on a civil suit. Does anyone know where I can find a free law library?
Question: What paperwork do I need to file a claim for non-payment of a debt owed for my business services to a client. The amount is $650 and the dates of service are 12/31/06, 1/02/06, and 2/15/07.
Question: what does UNL DEAL CHILD on my court papers mean?
Question: under a civil judgement, as the appeal process is pending , do you have to pay the fine?
Question: If seek special action review of a justice court's pretrial order denying a jury trial, do I file a "petition" or a "complaint"? Or are both valid?
Question: What does Motion for Renewal of Judgement mean?
Question: I was arrested in Pima County for a domestic argument. No charges were filed. I also had a DUI arrest and served a week's jail time. Can these records be expunged, and can fingerprint records be removed?
Question: My brother was convicted in Maricopa County of a Felony charge. He has filed a Notice of Post Conviction Relief. He had public defense at the time. Is there anyone that can help us find out what the status is on his NPC filing?
Question: If a judge has 60 days in which to rule on an under-advisement matter- are these days straight days or business days?
Question: How do I answer to a complaint in a civil justice court? Is memorandum in response or memorandum in reply the same as a response/answer?
Question: where can i find a list of current arizona rules of civil procedure. searches keep referring to federal rules of civil procedure.
Question: i was looking up a justice court criminal case on the Arizonas judicial branch website, which is related to a legal situation that that I am involved in at the present time. I noticed that in the disposition section of the case it states 'comp dismissed by cty atty'. The reason that I ask my question is I thought that only a judge can dismiss a case, in a justice court. I would appreciate it if someone could give me as much information concerning my question as possible.My question is can a county attorney dismiss a criminal case, which is in a local justice court?
Question: Under AZ law what pension and/or retirement income is exempt from garnishment?
Question: Can a disordely conduct with a weapon charge be set aside? It was reduced to a misdemeanor once I completed probation. I was told it was a non-violent crime by the courts.
Question: how long does the petitioner have to notify the respondent after filling a motion
Question: Can someone who is in the US illegally sign a disclaimer deed when their spouse is purchasing a property and if so, would that deed be legally binding?
Question: I have joint & several restitution,i have never paid into, i served prison time, they didn't. Now, it's going to go to an outside collection agency. I am in fear they'll try to take my husbands income by force. Can they do this? He is not involved at all.
Question: What does "case purged" mean?
Question: can someone be put in jail for non child support payment and how long
Question: How long can the judge hold a person for being incompetent? No pend charges as a supreme court clear all cases
Question: How old do you have to be to sign legal papers with parents knowing about it?
Question: How long will a DUI misdemeanor remain in my court files in Arizona?
Question: i was kicked out of my nursing program 3months before i was due to graduate because a background check company falsely reported a 13 year old misdemeanor drug possession. because of their mistake I also lost my externship job offer. I have since provided that company documentain from the state they claim i was accussed in confirming they're error. I was reinstated into my program and have since graduated but it took me a year and I racked up a large bill fighting them. they ruined my life for a year and I want to sue them for the financial burdens they caused me. Im not sure how to start this
Question: we got pulled over my boyfriend had a warrant. He was driving my truck. The police got in and moved my truck to public land it was on private property..So they could impound it. Was that legal they did not ask me if they could move my truck. Should they of left truck where it was?
Question: I just found out I have a warrant for failure to appear. If I were to go down to warrant court, would I be arrested while I was there?
Question: My husband had court a few days ago and a court date was not set. He is in jail with a high bond and no court date... how long can they hold him without a court date
Question: I had an INJUNCTION AGAINST HARASSMENT filed against me in an attempt to stop me from feeding abandonded cats.The judge awarded the plaintiff a 500 ft.distance keep out zone.This person has no evidence of harassment but still won,What can I do to protect my family from this threat of jail etc.?The judge stated that I have used MY hearing time and that I had no LEGAL OBJECTION to counter this case-what does that mean?
Question: Can the police cone n search your house n just verbally tell u they have a warrant n not show u n still take items from ur house
Question: I'm 17, and just received a ticket for not stoping at a stop sign. Can I bring/use my 18 year old sister as a guardian so I don't have to tell my parents?
Question: Where can I get help with guardian/conservator paper work?
Question: Does any one answer the questions posted. Have asked a question in 3 diff. categories since June and still no reply.
Question: Are the small dance companies in AZ required by law to have their gymnastic spotters certified &/or have first aid certification?
Question: I forgot to paya traffic ticket in Phoenix and have a warrant . My question is how can I quash this warrantand pay the fine without having my record checked ? I have another warrant in washington. I want to fix them both without going to jail! Thankyou
Question: I had a DUI in 2005. I thought everything was done. In 2014 the court issued a warrant for my arrest ( I found out because they suspended my concealed weapons license ) .I called the city court and they said it was over a DUI in 2005. I went to court , and the judge said I did not do 36 hours of alcohol treatment. I had receipts for traffic school, MADD school, level 1 school . The attorney I had, when I called him, said that a retired judge was going back thru all the DUI cases because Tucson was broke and was trying to get more money from everybody. Is this legal after 9 years?
Question: I had a DUI in 2005. I thought everything was done. In 2014 the court issued a warrant for my arrest ( I found out because they suspended my concealed weapons license ) .I called the city court and they said it was over a DUI in 2005. I went to court , and the judge said I did not do 36 hours of alcohol treatment. I had receipts for traffic school, MADD school, level 1 school . The attorney I had, when I called him, said that a retired judge was going back thru all the DUI cases because Tucson was broke and was trying to get more money from everybody. Is this legal after 9 years?
Question: I had a DUI in 2005. I thought everything was done. In 2014 the court issued a warrant for my arrest ( I found out because they suspended my concealed weapons license ) .I called the city court and they said it was over a DUI in 2005. I went to court , and the judge said I did not do 36 hours of alcohol treatment. I had receipts for traffic school, MADD school, level 1 school . The attorney I had, when I called him, said that a retired judge was going back thru all the DUI cases because Tucson was broke and was trying to get more money from everybody. Is this legal after 9 years?
Question: Need to file an release of order of protection. The domestic Violence charges were dropped. Never been arrested before and need my arrest record sealed.
Question: When I was 16 my dad found out about me having sexual relations with an 18 year old which was my boyfriend at that time. My dad forced me to take my ex boyfriend to court and tell the court that he raped me so now he has charges on him. I was wondering if there is anything I can change now that I am 18 maybe I can have those charges taken of???
Question: Can a parent take a third party in a disaplanary meeting
Question: I recently purchased a car and put it in my girlfriends name because she has the drivers license and I currently do not also she agreed to sign a public notary stating that I am the sole owner of the vehicle and we only put the car in her name because she had a license at the time and I did not and for insurance purposes. Now my question of course would be does that legally protect me from her having legal ownership of the vehicle say if hypathetically we break up and she decides to try and take my car.
Question: How long after a motion to dismiss or change of venue is presented does a Justice Court Judge have, to rule on that motion?
Question: I have 2 felony charges from 3 years ago in Phx, Az. I now reside and work in CA. I was advised by the judge that based on my income a court appointed attorney is not an option. Because the matter is an Az matter but i reside in Ca do i seek representation from ca or az?
Question: I had an unwritten deal with someone and he basically conned me out of $800. I sued him in Pima County small claims court. The court required that i name his spouse as a defendant as well. When the court date came, he had fled town and left his wife to deny everything in court for him. It turns out though he is not legally married to this woman, and that was made clear to the judge. Still, the judge dismissed my case with prejudice even though she was not his legal spouse and now i am out $800+. I even had a witness but he was late so unfortunately didn't get sworn in. What recourse do i have?
Question: My mother tried to evict a roomate from her home. She called the cops upset 3 times and the roomate got a restraining order against her in her own home. she is 68 yrs old recovering from lung cancer surgery. Her roomate verbally her and refuses to move out. He has destoryed her home and it she now has cockroaches and bugs and can not safely get around her home. He listenes to all her phone conversations and gets his dad to threaten her with calling cops & throwing in jail. What can she do? How can he get a restraining order against a woman who cant even lift 20lbs. He dose not pay rent/bills
Question: I filed a small claims complaint against a former roommate of mine when after I decided to leave he only gave me some of my personal belongings back and kept other items that he knew were important to me. I won the case and received a judgment for the amount that I requested. However, in the complaint two of the items I did not place a dollar amount next to because I knew he was still in possession of them (two portraits drawn by my brother that are very dear to me) and I wanted them returned. He had indicated in his Answer that he was in fact in possession of those items but wanted to be reimbursed for framing them. The hearing officer indicated we would need to take up the matter in a different forum due to the fact that they were personal property that I wanted to have returned. After the judgment was ordered I prepared a letter to the defendant and requested that he return the portraits to me and deduct the cost of framing from the judgment and I would then give him a satisfaction of judgment and we would be finished with this matter. About two weeks later I received a check for the amount of the judgment and a letter stating that he no longer was in possession of the artwork (he did not state what in fact became of my portraits). I decided to have the artwork appraised as I had photographs of the artwork as well as other drawings my brother had done. I then prepared a demand letter, again in an effort to resolve the matter without going to court. He did not respond in the time in which I had requested - (20) days. My question is do I have the right to file a Complaint for Conversion of Personal Property requesting to be compensated for damages (the price for the artwork as well as punitive damages and costs incurred)? And, if so, can I still file in small claims court as long as the amount I am seeking does not exceed $2,500 exclusive of court costs?
Question: I was arrested on a criminal charge. I was read Miranda and I asked for an attorney. At 11am the next day, I was taken before a judge. She read the charges and set bail. Then I was taken to another holding cell that had phones. Two questions: 1)What's the name of that hearing? 2)Why did I not have an attorney present, or at least someone to explain what was happening? I watch the news and see the same courtroom with attorney's representing the accused.
Question: Im requesting police report from yuma county sheriffs in arizona and said no I can't get copy there is ongoing investigation and I have to get ahold of state attorney. why?
Question: A few months ago I sold a car that I personally owned, a 2003 Mercedes for $6,000. It was our family car, sold to a private buyer. I own a internet based business where I locate classic cars. This individual that purchased our Mercedes said that his wife did not like the car and he wanted his money back. When I refused he threatened to sue me. Today I received a "Truth Affidavit" in the mail from his personal attorney making a number of false claims and naming my business as a "shell company" in the matter. My business was never relevant in the matter. How should I proceed with this?
Question: Can a person be extradited for a misdemeanor warranty from county to county in as?
Question: If My Aunt whom doesn't consider Me family & whom is Very influential is on a few board of directors along with the bank CEO where My Trust is being held. What type of lawyer would I talk to regarding problems I am having? Also isn't that considered a Conflict of interest?
Question: An attorney filed a patent for me and it has been rejected/ they are being investigated by USPTO for unethical conduct/ malpractice. I lost money plus the patent. They were sketchy at best and tried to avoid me knowing who or where they were. Now they are trying to send me paperwork retroactively to cover their hides. They are located in Scottsdale Arizona. I live in Florida. Can I get my money back? What would be the best way to pursue legal action?
Question: If j enter a not guilty plea and take it to trial how woyld i go about obtaining evidence from the arresting officer including but not limited to notes and video
Question: Someone posted a no trespassing sign ARS 13-1502-A1 on some idle land my neighbors and I have traditionally use for access to county trails. It is suspect. How can I tell if this is a legitimate sign, or if someone just bought it off the internet to scare his neighbors away? (same party strung cable accross a common access road in June and injured a bicyclist) . thx!
Question: Does Snohomish county allow veterans court program and what is the programs guidelines and length
Question: Are verbal contracts a legal contract? Was buying a car from a friend, car title & registration left in friends name, insurance in my name, never late on a payment, friend sold car out from under me, I had put alot of money into the car. Is there anything I can do? The law officer that came when car was taken said I could file a civel law case, is this true?
Question: What is the Arizona eggshell sull rule?
Question: I want to file a law suit representing myself. Is this "In Pro Per" or "En Pro Per" ?
Question: Where cam I find online "Respondent" forms for a dissolution of marriage petition?
Question: I want to contest a parking ticket that I received in Prescott. The ticket is written to show I was issued this ticket after 10 minutes between marking and issuing in a 2 hour zone. I live in Phoenix and the cost to drive to court to have this ticket thrown out will be greater than the ticket. My ex-husband lives in Prescott, can he go to court to represent me in this matter?
Question: what is the process for legal marrying of my dads sisters daughter nd iam hindu
Question: Is the Tempe city court required to provide a TBI traumatic brain injury victim legal counsel?
Question: Is the Tempe city court required to provide a TBI traumatic brain injury victim legal counsel?
what is the fine or the jail time if you have convected of assult intentional,knowing-phys injery
How long after a motion to dismiss or change of venue is presented does a Justice Court Judge have, to rule on that motion?
I have 2 felony charges from 3 years ago in Phx, Az. I now reside and work in CA. I was advised by the judge that based on my income a court appointed attorney is not an option. Because the matter is an Az matter but i reside in Ca do i seek representation from ca or az?
How old do you have to be to sign legal papers with parents knowing about it?
Can someone who is in the US illegally sign a disclaimer deed when their spouse is purchasing a property and if so, would that deed be legally binding?
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What is a status hearing and how does it work in Superior Court?
what is a pretrial conference hearing
how long does the petitioner have to notify the respondent after filling a motion
My brother was convicted in Maricopa County of a Felony charge. He has filed a Notice of Post Conviction Relief. He had public defense at the time. Is there anyone that can help us find out what the status is on his NPC filing?
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