Unfair Sales Practices and Consumer Fraud
questions & answers
Question: Hi. I'm asking this question on behalf of my mother. We live in Toronto Canada and I believe she was defrauded by a company in Tempe Arizona. My question is; Do I need to have power of attorney for my mother in order to listen to the recorded conversation between my mother and the original telemarketer? They claim I do. Thank you Allan
Answer: Without knowing what type of telemarketing company this was, I suggest you take a look at http://www.business.ftc.gov/documents/bus27-complying-telemarketing-sales-rule. It is quite lengthy, but they may provide you with what you need in order to listen to the recorded conversation. You may want to consult with an attorney in Arizona to see if a Power of Attorney is necessary.
Hi. I'm asking this question on behalf of my mother. We live in Toronto Canada and I believe she was defrauded by a company in Tempe Arizona. My question is; Do I need to have power of attorney for my mother in order to listen to the recorded conversation between my mother and the original telemarketer? They claim I do. Thank you Allan
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