
questions & answers

Question: I purchased a home a couple of years ago and I want to register a Home Stead declaration, as I spoke to the Escrow company they mentioned that I did not have to do the declaration any more, that I was covered under the home stead decl. automaticaly, is that true?

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Question: what can I do if my house went on foreclosure 2 years ago? how can it affect me and my family want to rent a place to live?

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Question: Can a homeowner successfully negotiate a loan remodification with its lender or should they consult an attorney?

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Question: My husband may receive IOU's instead of paychecks in the next month or two. Do mortgage companies offer a temporary forebearance on our loan during the time he doesn't receive a paycheck? We are current on our home but will not be able to make payments if he does not receive a paycheck.

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Question: My ex-husband past away and had not taken my name off the escrow loan, he left no will and we have an adult daughter, now the loan company is after me for the payments. If I pay the loan does the house belong to me.

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Question: My house was foreclosed on me without my knowledge. On January 4th a lawyers office put a package with my options to continue renting or to relocate. But I never received a letter or option to short sale, apply for HAMP, or notice of the sale. They obviously have my address, but no notice or options. Where can I find a way to get my house back? I found something online about the "right of redemption" and I'm completely upset and confused as to why I wasn't given any option or notification of sale. Please help. Any resources on "right of redemption" or a legal way to get them to stop?

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Question: A real estate agent in California has purchased a property tax lien on my home of 36 years, I still owe $16,500 on my Wells Fargo mortgage; the agent is planning to file for forclosure on 15/August/2013. How can I avoid lose of my home?, I do not have the $3,200 to pay the Mohave County taxes.

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Question: I have been renting a place and the landlord let it foreclose so I need to find out my rights as a tenant asap. I am worried and have dogs and no place to go and little money to make a move! Can anyone help me?

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Question: I have been renting a place and the landlord let it foreclose so I need to find out my rights as a tenant asap. I am worried and have dogs and no place to go and little money to make a move! Can anyone help me?

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Question: I have been renting a place and the landlord let it foreclose so I need to find out my rights as a tenant asap. I am worried and have dogs and no place to go and little money to make a move! Can anyone help me?

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Question: my house sold at auction 8/27/213 it sold for more than i owed,its been remolded and up for sale alredy my name stll on the only one entitled to the excess funds, i understand az law allow the trustee to write the check dirctley to me is there a way to have them do this

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Question: My mortgage is with Bank I am behind on my payments and now they have started foreclosure proceedings. Bank states that in order to reinstate my mortgage I have to go through their foreclosure attorney and pay the unpaid back mortgage of $7298 and various other charges that have been incurred by the attorneys office of an additional $1525. Bank will not allow me to make a direct payment to them for just the past due mortgage amount, they insist that I need to go through their attorney and their fees. Is this my only option? I want to stay in the home. What can I do?

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Question: Family Member Home was purchased purchased as a FHA and I lived in the home for the past 3 years, in which I have been living in the property with my family and making the mortgage payments and making Bills payments. Thinking I would be the owner someday. The owner goes behind my back and deeds the property to an investor in CA. When I ask him to sign a deed to me, he's already done so with private investors. I stop making the mortgage payments,since he deeded the hm elsewhere. We are now in foreclosure process and owner is no where to be found. What can I do to keep my family in their home.

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Question: I would like to foreclose on the property next door to me that I have been paying the taxes on for 8+ years. The courthouse told me to go ahead with a tax foreclosure (lien). I cannot find a packet through law library for self help. The courat house genarl assistance line did not assist me. Told me to get a lawyer. I am needed to be opointed in the right dirsection.

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Question: Went to probate court and got it, now mortgage company gives me two days for me to short sale it or they will sell in five days. Do I have any legal rights.

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Question: In 07-09-2012 my home was foreclosed and sold. because of lost job and bad health, I could not make payments. I had a 80/20 loan. I have read info on the Anti- Deficiency (ARS 33-814). My question is do I owe on the 20 percent lone? I have not heard from that lender?

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Question: I filed for ch. 7 bankruptcy and my debts were discharged on June 2011. To this date I'm badly behind on my house payments, and my lender offers me a reduced monthly payment of $350. The problem is that my lender does not want to make any promises in writing and does not give me straight answers on what happens if I keep my end of the deal. I'm affraid my lender will simply foreclose when it may fit its interest, disregard of my needs. Also, it is wise to enter into any deals post bankruptcy if my debts are discharded already and thus, uncollectable? Thanks!

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Question: My home was foreclosed (sold at auction) in 2009. I had two loans on the home, my primary residence: a Primary and a Home Equity Line of Credit. I have become aware that the HELOC bank, *****, has not written off my loan yet; this is preventing me from purchasing another home, which I have under contract. Q: Should a HELOC be considered "settled" with a foreclosure or can ***** the bank still pursue me for the unpaid loan amount (+$100K)? I am waiting to hear from *****, but they are extremely slow to respond and this could cause me to lose a potential new home! :-(

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Question: what assistance is available to me I was 12 months behind caught up on six in September and they started foreclosure this month sell date is Feb of 2015 I thought they were working with me and no notice foreclosure.? my husband was on unemployment for over 4 years and recently is now working and we are able to catch up and stay on track.

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Question: What right does the HOA have for collecting on a personal debt when the home is foreclosed on and their is a lien against the property from the HOA Association

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Question: I am facing a foreclosure can you help me save my home?

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Question: My husband inherited his father's home 2years ago. He went to prison before changing the deed and title in his name. Now the home is in forcloser . I as his wife am not in the will. Can I sell the home while he's in prison with his permission

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Question: My husband inherited his father's home 2years ago. He went to prison before changing the deed and title in his name. Now the home is in forcloser . I as his wife am not in the will. Can I sell the home while he's in prison with his permission

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Question: I am facing a foreclosure can you help me save my home? I owe $145000.00 the house is worth $99,000.00 my interest rate is 7.5%. I am behind 5-6 months

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Question: I am Renting a home the bank foreclosed on last week. Can I move out if I want to without breaking current lease?

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  • My mortgage is with Bank I am behind on my payments and now they have started foreclosure proceedings. Bank states that in order to reinstate my mortgage I have to go through their foreclosure attorney and pay the unpaid back mortgage of $7298 and various other charges that have been incurred by the attorneys office of an additional $1525. Bank will not allow me to make a direct payment to them for just the past due mortgage amount, they insist that I need to go through their attorney and their fees. Is this my only option? I want to stay in the home. What can I do?
  • what can I do if my house went on foreclosure 2 years ago? how can it affect me and my family want to rent a place to live?
  • I filed for ch. 7 bankruptcy and my debts were discharged on June 2011. To this date I'm badly behind on my house payments, and my lender offers me a reduced monthly payment of $350. The problem is that my lender does not want to make any promises in writing and does not give me straight answers on what happens if I keep my end of the deal. I'm affraid my lender will simply foreclose when it may fit its interest, disregard of my needs. Also, it is wise to enter into any deals post bankruptcy if my debts are discharded already and thus, uncollectable? Thanks!
  • I am Renting a home the bank foreclosed on last week. Can I move out if I want to without breaking current lease?
  • My home was foreclosed (sold at auction) in 2009. I had two loans on the home, my primary residence: a Primary and a Home Equity Line of Credit. I have become aware that the HELOC bank, *****, has not written off my loan yet; this is preventing me from purchasing another home, which I have under contract. Q: Should a HELOC be considered "settled" with a foreclosure or can ***** the bank still pursue me for the unpaid loan amount (+$100K)? I am waiting to hear from *****, but they are extremely slow to respond and this could cause me to lose a potential new home! :-(
  • I am facing a foreclosure can you help me save my home? I owe $145000.00 the house is worth $99,000.00 my interest rate is 7.5%. I am behind 5-6 months
  • What right does the HOA have for collecting on a personal debt when the home is foreclosed on and their is a lien against the property from the HOA Association
  • Can a homeowner successfully negotiate a loan remodification with its lender or should they consult an attorney?
  • My husband inherited his father's home 2years ago. He went to prison before changing the deed and title in his name. Now the home is in forcloser . I as his wife am not in the will. Can I sell the home while he's in prison with his permission
  • Went to probate court and got it, now mortgage company gives me two days for me to short sale it or they will sell in five days. Do I have any legal rights.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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