Debt Collection, Garnishment, Repossession
questions & answers
Question: I was in the hospital and didn't have my insurance information. I called the number given to me by the hospital when I was discharged. The hospital billed my insurance but didn't pass on my insurance to their physicians that saw me or x ray dept. I didn't know this until I was sent to collections over a year later. The insurance denied it due to timely filing laws. Can someone help me to settle/negotiate this debt? The collection agency is not working with me.
Answer: Contact the Legal Learn Center to see if you may qualify for the Modest Means Project. If you qualify for the program they have attorneys that can assist you with settling the debt. You can contact the Legal Learn Center at 866-637-5341 M-F between 10-12 noon, and 1-3 p.m. Or you may want to speak with an attorney that handles Health Law or Consumer Law.
I was in the hospital and didn't have my insurance information. I called the number given to me by the hospital when I was discharged. The hospital billed my insurance but didn't pass on my insurance to their physicians that saw me or x ray dept. I didn't know this until I was sent to collections over a year later. The insurance denied it due to timely filing laws. Can someone help me to settle/negotiate this debt? The collection agency is not working with me.
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