Credit and Credit Reports

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Question: I have been served papers from an Atty's office that I've never heard off, from a Company they're representing, that again I've never heard of stating that I had a Visa card from US Bank, and again I've never have had one, and also they used my nickname, which I would never open a credit card with that name, now, they're suing me for 2,800 and Im not sure where to go from here...I can't afford much for an attorney.

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Question: When a person passes away are the outstanging debts,like credit cards passed on to their adult children?

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Question: Is it against the law for my creditor (car dealership)to contstanly contact me at work even after I have verbally requested them not to? What can I do to protect my employment as them constanly calling may jeopordize my employment?

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Question: I have had credit card debt for years that I have not paid on how long can they harassess me by state lasw

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Question: somebodys using my ss# what steps do i take to fix my credit

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Question: I was applying for a house, and found that I had a bill from a former apartment complex on my credit report that I was never given notice of. The apartment complex has never tried to contact me, and now it is in collections. I lived in this apart. over 3 years ago. Don't they have to give me some sort of documentation to tell me I had an outstanding charge? Now that it is in collections the apart complex wont talk to me. do they need proof?

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Question: A credit card company recently bumped our % rate based a payment that was 4 days late. We cannot make the new payment and they refuse to work with us. Is it better to make partial payments or no payments from a legal standpoint?

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Question: A few years ago my wife co-signed on an auto loan with her friend. She gave them her contact information, but was not the primary on the account. We ran her credit report recently, and discovered that her friend has been more than 30 days late close to 80% of the time over the last couple years. This has killed my wife's credit. We spoke to the bank, and found that they have been in contact with "her", and have signed documents from "her". My wife has not been in contact with the bank at all. So, how How can we convince the bank it wasn't her they were speaking to?

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Question: I recently had a consumer at the store I work at give me her husbands credit card. I refused to use it since it was not her credit card. Is it legal for the wife to use the husbands credit card?

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Question: Hi, I was wondering what my rights were and what my responsibility is. I purchased a truck in 2008 and traded in my truck I had to a dealer. the dealer was responsible for paying off the trade, they sent a check to my finance company and the finance company immediately issued a receipt pay in full and that the loan was satisfied. but the check had bounced from the dealer and the dealer went out of business. im not currently being contacted but it is showing up on my credit report.can I have this removed off my credit or can they make me try to pay this?

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Question: When does a foreclosure come off a credit report? Seven years from the date the loan went into foreclosure, from the date of last payment or from the date of the sale at auction?

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Question: Can an ex husband have his ex wife charged with theft and fraud for using his credit card when he told her to do so. She signed his name as instructed by her husband at the time.

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Question: Hi there, I would like to know how can I declare that I¨m not in the US for the momment, I had to travel for emergency to Mexico, and I have food stamps

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Question: Is it legal for creditors to obtain garnishments from a consumer's bank account?

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  • Is it legal for creditors to obtain garnishments from a consumer's bank account?
  • I was applying for a house, and found that I had a bill from a former apartment complex on my credit report that I was never given notice of. The apartment complex has never tried to contact me, and now it is in collections. I lived in this apart. over 3 years ago. Don't they have to give me some sort of documentation to tell me I had an outstanding charge? Now that it is in collections the apart complex wont talk to me. do they need proof?
  • A few years ago my wife co-signed on an auto loan with her friend. She gave them her contact information, but was not the primary on the account. We ran her credit report recently, and discovered that her friend has been more than 30 days late close to 80% of the time over the last couple years. This has killed my wife's credit. We spoke to the bank, and found that they have been in contact with "her", and have signed documents from "her". My wife has not been in contact with the bank at all. So, how How can we convince the bank it wasn't her they were speaking to?
  • Hi there, I would like to know how can I declare that I¨m not in the US for the momment, I had to travel for emergency to Mexico, and I have food stamps
  • somebodys using my ss# what steps do i take to fix my credit
  • Can an ex husband have his ex wife charged with theft and fraud for using his credit card when he told her to do so. She signed his name as instructed by her husband at the time.
  • I have been served papers from an Atty's office that I've never heard off, from a Company they're representing, that again I've never heard of stating that I had a Visa card from US Bank, and again I've never have had one, and also they used my nickname, which I would never open a credit card with that name, now, they're suing me for 2,800 and Im not sure where to go from here...I can't afford much for an attorney.
  • I have had credit card debt for years that I have not paid on how long can they harassess me by state lasw
  • Is it against the law for my creditor (car dealership)to contstanly contact me at work even after I have verbally requested them not to? What can I do to protect my employment as them constanly calling may jeopordize my employment?
  • When does a foreclosure come off a credit report? Seven years from the date the loan went into foreclosure, from the date of last payment or from the date of the sale at auction?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program


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