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questions & answers
Question: Can a residential address ( let say of a small down south) apartment complex change due to zoning or something? Also does every sale of business in phx. Az. Have to be recorded in the Maricopa County Recorders?
Answer: Zoning is the principal tool by which the city of Phoenix implements the goals and future development plans expressed in the General Plan. Zoning regulations are intended to protect existing land uses and assure that uses are compatible with each other and with available public facilities and services. Through the rezoning process, land use and other factors are evaluated to determine the appropriateness of a specific rezoning proposal.For more information about zoning, please visit Sale of a business, depending upon if the property is being sold, would need to be recording to avoid issues of title. However, if it is merely a sale of the business and its assets, etc. it does not likely have to be recorded. For more information about transfers of property, and real estate, please seek legal advice from a licensed attorney by calling the lawyer referral service at 602-257-4434.
Can a residential address ( let say of a small down south) apartment complex change due to zoning or something? Also does every sale of business in phx. Az. Have to be recorded in the Maricopa County Recorders?
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