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  • I'm renting the 1st floor of my landlords house.I have an open end lease.She is putting the house up for sale. how much time do I have after im given a written notification?
  • The house we are leasing has a converted garage that we were told is used as an office for the LL and he occasionally stays overnight when necessary. Although there is no mention of sharing the property in the lease, there is a small statement that the LL will pay $60 toward monthly rent for electricity. Isnt he liable for a share of all the utilities?Also, much if his behavior feels intrusive. What rights do we have re: Quiet Enjoyment?
  • I am appealing an eviction action. The judge in the courtroom did not fully read my eviction action answer or counterclaim. He ruled in favor of the plaintiff without all of the necessary information to do so. Is that legal?
  • I am not currently working and haven't for 5 year because I was the homemaker. I'm getting a divorce and since child support requires you put you make a min. of 1255.70 a month can I also put in how much day care will be for my 2 sons even if they are not in day care yet, but will be when I find a job? When entering day care in the child support agreement child support goes up a lot and I know eventually it will be used. I just am not sure if they will allow me to put that in there. If I have to put I make money, shouldn't I be required to add in child care too?
  • My husband and I were married in 2000. We separated in 2001 and have no lived together or been in a relationship ever since. He was deported to Mexico. How can I file? He agreed to sign and get papers notarized in Mexico immediately. Would they be valid in Arizona?
  • Where can I find a court approved parenting class?
  • My court order has required me to pay for medical insurance for my daughter which I have done. My court order also states that each party is responsibe for one half of all uncovered medical expenses. We currently are in a situation where our medical deductible has not been met therefore a total hospital bill is due in the amount of $2200 for my daughter. My ex wife is refusing to pay her half...what do I need to do?
  • If you have a lease, and you have had non stop roof leaks from the rain storms. Black mold growing in the ceiling. Constant requests to get them fixed have not stopped the leaking. Landlord says the lease can be broke after Dec. can he keep my deposit if we decide to take our baby and move out early?
  • My slum lord actually got a judgment against my husband for non payment of rent. The judge would not allow me to show any evidence at ALL in his courtroom I had pics, and receipts of my husband fixing the leaking roof after the SLUM LORD, told us he couldn't afford to fix, and said he would cancel this months rent. He took us to court for non payment and now we're evicted, no place to go and 3 children in school, and unable to get another home in time to move. What can be done, about more time, without having to pay the rent up until 30 days? What can buy a person some time?
  • I work at home and currently have Joint 50/50 decision-making and parenting time. If I continue to exercise my first right of refusal while the other party is working would that be helpful when going back to court post-decree to help get more time with the children?

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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program