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  • What is considered poverty level? how do i know if i qualify for the program?
  • I rent with three other people one is planning on moving out by law is she required to give me a certain amount of notice before she moves?We agreed on end of month but she decided to move out tonight the end of the 18th with only giving me 4 hours notice.
  • Can a landlord evict because they not animal control or law enforcement deemed your dogs aggressive? There have been no noise or aggressive/ vicious dog complaints filed with animal control but now suddenly we were told get rid of the dogs or be evicted. And the property manager has lied about complaints from the other tenants and about one of my dogs getting out and chasing her boy friend on a day I was home all day with my dogs so I know for a fact none of them got out of my yard and she never mentioned it to my husband who works for her or me. Along with other lies
  • What are the laws to have normal wear n tear fixed. How often?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • My daughter has several psychological diagnosis' & gave birth to a premature son. She is not married & unsure who child's father is. The baby is in the NICU & mother does not fully understand the care guidelines given by NICU staff & doctors. Mother does not allow family access to the baby in the NICU as she does not trust her boyfriend's family. How can obtain a Medical Power of Attorney over the child as my daughter does not understand his needs & enforce visitation to the baby in the NICU? I fear for the baby's well being in his mother's lack of care & visitation at the NICU.
  • My son was born out of wedlock. At the time of birth paternity was established because we both signed the birth certificate. My son is now 8 and has had no contact with my ex boyfriend for at least 5 years who also currently incarcerated. Does he still have paternal rights? Would now be a good time to file for sole custody?
  • For 3/6 years, my mom hasn't had a lease agreement, for the house she rents, she's just month to month. Last month (April) she texted the landlord asking to sign a new lease. Landlord said no and to move by the end of the month. One day my mom was asleep and someone came to the house trying to give me service papers for her. I didn't accept them on her behalf, and though she requested redelivery, it never came. Now we've been given writ of restitution, 8 hours to vacate, and 2 weeks to return for our belongings. Did we legally get proper notice to vacate, or can we fight for more time to move?
  • I would like to leave the state, but was recently informed that even though I have sole custody of my two children that I would hava to file paperwork with the courts because the other parent has visitation. My question is what is the correct paperwok that I need to file?
  • I should have received inheritance at age18 but have not father died and grandfather died before dad leaving inheritance




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program