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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • A friend and myself got into an argument which led to the police called out. he says that he will press charges of assult. He said that I hit him. How long does he have to press charges on incident he reported? Can he have me arrested for something that happened a few days ago.?
  • My boyfriend owes almost $100,000 to the State of California. He is paying off the welfare that his ex wife was on. His paychecks are garnished and as of a few days ago his bank account was too. I was planning on joining the Navy in the spring and we wanted to get married. My question is: Will his child support debt transfer to me?Will they be able to garnish my wages and bank account? Will any of this be put on my credit score?
  • I found out I was charged with a crime through attorney promotional mail saying I needed an attorney. How long from that day does the state of WI have to actually serve me the papers or does it matter?
  • our home has foreclosed and we are threatened with lock out. how do we find out what court will handle the notifications?
  • My father died in March & mother in June. We have found that dad had some life insurance through USPO with no beneficiary designated. They want to pay to my mom's estate but there is no estate. She had assets under $10,000 and no real property. I found the small estate affidavit. There are three surviving children, 1 deceased with 2 children. I assume we all need to fill out an affidavit? One of the grandchildren is still a minor. Who fills out his?
  • I live in a small town and rent on a primative dirt road that is not maintained by the county. My road is now a major mud pit and has very big ruts that I can't get my vehicle through. I contacted my landlord and he told me that it was not his problem. According to the county it is the responsibility of all property owners to maintain the road yet he still refuses to assess the situation. Can I send him a repair letter??
  • Husband is retiring from working. What happens to my son's child support?
  • If I already gave my deposit and first month rent but haven’t signed contract can I get it back even if landlord says no refund
  • After foreclosure involving a single family residence the new owner filed an unlawful detainer action against the tenants who had no rental agreement after serving them with a 90 day notice to quit. The tenants refuse to move and have not paid rent.They only had a month to month oral agreement with the former owner. One of the tenants claims that he is on parole and cannot be evicted. Is this a valid defense to the UD action?
  • I had a friend staying with me to help pay the rent. They left (without paying debt) and left several of their things at my house. I want the things out. How long do I have to store their belongings until I can get rid of them. I have informed them several times and they will not collect their things.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program