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  • Can my landlord turn off the water without notice
  • Can a house built for a mother in law be rented by someone from another family
  • I'm liviing in a home with my ex spouse and I pay (by written agreement )the mortgage .I am not an heir to her estate! Is the written agreement still valid when the estate passes to the heirs
  • Do I have to run credit on everyone that turns in an application to rent my property? What are fair reasons to deny the application without running a background? I have an applicant threatenubg to file a complaint on a violation of the fair housing act, citing race as her reason. honestly, iā€™m not sure what race she even is but I denied her because she stated on her application that she filed for bankruptcy in 2010. What is fair in this instance? Are there printed guidelines for landlords to follow when accepting a renter?
  • The mother left me off of the birth certificate and now I would like to petition for a paternity test and look into getting parenting time. I was wondering what documents I would need to file at the court and if a trial, where she and I were both in a courtroom in front of a judge, was imminent, or if the court would bring us both in to a judge in an office to discuss things. If we were brought into an office would lawyers be allowed or strictly she and I? Also, what if I file a parenting time petition and the mother does not agree to it? Could the judge agree to it without her consent or?
  • My son passed away and has a daughter. can her mother make me pay child support for her since my son died?
  • My ex and I were never married. We have a two-year old son. He has court ordered visits twice a week. He is currently homeless. he cannot be trusted with the child and the child has come home from visits unfed and with a dirty diaper and dirty clothes. When we take him to visit, they're usually at his mother's house- but she moved out of state. Now he refuses to tell me where the visits will be. I'm wondering, with him being homeless, can I break the court ordered visits? We have court again the second week of September.
  • Can the police cone n search your house n just verbally tell u they have a warrant n not show u n still take items from ur house
  • landlaw filed a eviction on me in 5 days after rent due date. I living there years without being late . I finally paid the rent and he tact on 200 more for court fees. we never went to court, he said he cancel court since I paid but he kept the 200, my land law never showed me the lease or any papers of evictions, or gave me a receipt , he always gave excuses questions I ask of him and many repairs he failed to do
  • I live in a Mobile Home Park. I got a sink hole behind my house after a really bad storm. The water pools between the houses and when it drained, you can see the trail of debri that flowed to the back of my house where much of the water washed out the soil and left a big sink hole around my cement slab that my AC sits on. I only rent the lot. Does the park need to fix this problem or am I suppose to fix a new sink hole every time we get a big rain storm?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program