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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I was adopted at the age of 13 from Russia. My adopted American parents were abusive. At the age of 18 I left home. I have been homeless living with friends as I finished my high school diploma. I have not been able to pay anyone for living at their home. I have started community college full time, two of my classes are not college accredited as I was educationally deprive and have to catch up to take Eng. 101 and college math. I spend more time studying than the average student as English is my second language. I work 8 hours a week at a clothing store. I just started caring for a 90 year old lady, more than 20 hours per week, in exchange for a place to study & sleep. DES says I need to work 20 hours a week to get food stamps. Would my caring of the 90 year old count as working even though I do not get paid?
  • My Landlord told my housing specialists that she doesn't want me here because i have PTSD. She also told them if i don't sign a mutual agreement she will find a way to get rid of me. She filed an injunction of harassment because i asked several times about fixing my AC because it's broken. What are my options? Thanks
  • I am a father of a 5 year old and my ex is using meth, she's denying it now, but the signs are there and my ex mother inlaw has asked me to get full custody. How can I get emergency custody of my child?
  • My boyfriend and I and out 8 year old son are currently renting a house from my boyfriends grandmother. We moved in to the house in may. There was never a written rental agreement but we are paying her cash every month for rent. We have all the utilities in our name, and our mail comes here. Long story short she came to our house, stole our dog and we had her arrested. She is now threatening to evict us (we are looking to move anyways now) but wants us out asap. We have been here been in the house 8 months. Would she have to go through the courts for eviction?
  • My son is 5 years old. I have sole custody. I read the self service paperwork and it says I have to notify the other parent or show "order terminating parental rights of the other parent." Is my divorce decree showing sole custody good enough? I know sole custody gives me the right to make decisions for my children even if my ex does not agree.
  • Can I stay longer in a foreclosure property? I am the tenant . The bank is the owner now. I am willing to pay for the extra time until I buy the house, but i need more time, and I dont want to leave. I need four more months. Do I have any rights to stay the extra time?
  • Me and my girlfriend have been together for 2 years and she has 2 kids by a guy who stays in trouble and rarely pays child support he makes false statements to dhr and we have been investigated and released we recently had an argument and they carry me to jail for domestic violence are we still going to be able to live with each other
  • How much notice does an apartment complex have to give you before they raise rent on a month to month lease?
  • When my girl friend was pregnet I went to prison for seven years during which time another mans name was put on the birth certificate and they are no longer together me and her back together but he's trying to get custody of my kid what do I do?
  • My question is does Arizona limit or prohibit the elimination of implied warranties in used automobile sales by dealers? Put another way, does "as is -no warranty" eliminate all implied warranties?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program