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  • If a writ of eviction is issued after a foreclosure, must the new owner store the evicted person's goods, or are they put out on the street?
  • I have a 10 month old son, I was not married to the father, he is on the birthcertificate, we have lived together not as a couple but raising him since his birth, I want to move to another state to live with a family member to start my life over, I have received mixed legal advise on this, there are NO documents in place determining custody etc,Do I have custody since I am his mother like other states and can I leave without any legal consequences?
  • My girlfriend was married, but had not seen her husband for over two years when we had a child. I am on the birth certificate and acknowledgement of paternity. Would her now ex husband still be presummed the father?
  • can i choose which parent i want to live with, if not, what age can i?
  • who is responsible for taking care of a major issue of fleas in over half of the mobile home park? we just lease the spot our mobile homes are on.
  • I recently moved out of a rental home 10/31, my understanding is the landlord has 14 days to either return your security deposit of supply a document showing the deductions we did not receive anything until 10/31 and it came in the form of a email not a letter, they said they had mailed it but we did not receive it and I have email showing it was clearly if it was mailed at all it was sent well after the 14 days. I am trying to understand the tenant law is it correct because they didn't comply with the 14 days I can get all deposit of the back ?
  • I'm moving to PA. Can I use my EBT card there?
  • I sent the Notice of non payment via certified mail, and my tenants haven't picked up the mail from the post office. When Can I file the forcible detainer?
  • I have a 2 year old child with my ex. we were never married and never went through the courts to establish custody. He moved out of state when my son was 3 months old and has only seen him a few times. My fiance is in the army and we will be relocating to texas when he gets home from his deployement. Is there a law that can stop my ex from letting me leave the state with my son, even though he doesnt even live here?
  • I filed for support.. he just filed an temp order.. was ordered to do a hair follicle.. I haven't.. can they still take my son?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program