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  • What information will the judge accept as germane to this appeal? Appeal of UC benefits for voluntary quit. UC was granted: based on "...inharmonious relations with a fellow employee....You voluntarily left with good cause." The employer was stating that "...while being given a performance improvement plan, she became upset and resigned." This is not accurate. Job abandonment and failure to provide written notification cited. I have an email 061313 from my supervisor in response to my leaving because of the current unresolved tensions with a co worker. I have a performance eval. merit pay
  • I have guardianship of 15 year old male who wants to file for paternity but bio-mother is uncooperative. Bio-mother married at time of conception/birth; husband is not bio-father; bio-father has signed voluntary affidavit of paternity. WHAT FORM CAN THE MINOR CHILD FILE TO ESTABLISH PATERNITY? NEED FORM NAME AND NUMBER. I will get it from SSC - just need one simple question answered - WHAT FORM NAME AND NUMBER SHOULD BE FILED? Thank you.
  • Who provides free legal assistance in Arizona other than DNA & Catholic social services because they can't help me!
  • My husband had what was deemed by a Dr. at Mayo as necessary surgery in 2008. All insurance info was provided and they knew he was Medicare. No one said a word about the possibility of no coverage. Now, 3 yrs. later, medicare has said they won't pay the claim and Mayo has said we owe $10,000 which would be impossible to pay since we are on SS and pension. Had we been told that at the outset, we would not have proceeded with the surgery. Wasn't it Mayo's responsibilty at the time to check out if they would get paid? How do we get this debt dismissed?
  • I have a law suit filed against me from a debt collection agency for $700 the original debt on this was $300 they have added $400 in late fees now i have to file an anwser to the complaint to the court, and help with a few affirmative defenses?? i can use for this this is a compant that has bought the debt not orginal credit card co
  • My landlord placed an immediate eviction notice on my door. Is it possible to immediately evicte someone without going to court?
  • I was wondering if I can file for emergency custody of my granddaughter being her mother has no home or bedroom for her no job and she uses drugs.
  • I DROVE my car to a shop. It had made a noise. Gave key to owner. He told mechanic to drive me to work in my car. He did not. He drove the other way. He drove for a couple of blocks then floored the gas. 50 - 60 ft the engine was grinding. He broke the timing belt and destroyed the engine. The owner refused to pay. I contacted att gen office. Have heard nothing. (Appr. 4 weeks). Now owner called and told me to remove or he will tow as abandoned. I had to use retirement fund for rentals and another car. If i remove vehicle, is he removed from responsibility?
  • I am a resident of California on SSDI, Medi-Cal and Medi-Care. I may move my residence to Flagstaff Arizona. Will I be elegable for medical insurance AHCCCS once I have declared residency in Arizona? What are the income limitations to qualify for AHCCCS?
  • My son's ex-girlfriend is pregnant. She claimed he was the father. She has a history of mental health issues. She will not tell him where she lives, who her doctor is or what hospital she's going to. They were getting along OK until he said he wants a paternity test. He wants to be responsible if the baby is his. Can a court get her address to serve a subpoena and make her do the paternity test?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program