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  • My husband and I have been living atapartments for 9/10 months now and we have a 9 month baby, we have always been kind of suspicious of mold because all of the walls look like chunks of them have been replaced, the celing has water spots, its just a mess. So on 8/10/13 my husband was feeling the wall in our bedroom where him and I and also my son sleep and when he felt by the base board the wall kind of just broke so he pulled out the drywal and it is just caked in mold. Black chunks of mold all over. So now it is exposed and we can not bring our baby home, nor can we be home what can we do?
  • Served 5 day notice and tenant shows no signs of moving. What can I do next? Can I have the police department get them out?
  • My next door neighbor has a 4 yr. old autistic grandson who keeps throwing toys and small objects over the block wall into my back yard. He has also thrown a rock and smashed his mother's car windshield. You'd think they'd keep these projectiles out of his reach or supervise him better! I have small dogs who have already chewed plastic toys into sharp pieces, and I worry about them choking or getting hit in the head. What are my rights, and what can I do?
  • My question is if a protective orders put on a person when I personally did not commit a family violence and that's what the protective orders under happiness protective order be turned over and work with that person had to do to get it returned over and what kind of attorney with that person need if they can afford and trying to get a protective order turned over due to the fact that they did not do anything wrong and I have proof of it
  • I got a equity loan for 30,000 on may 2007. On march 2009 got laid off my home was in foreclosure status. I became disabaled and filed in 2010. During which time my account was given to a lawfirm for collection. Well in 2011 I received my disability and soon after received a new agreement on my home from chase bank to refinance which we did. After this the lawfirm kept at me about owing on this account and they garnished my wifes checks and now shes not able to work their taking us to court come to find out this is my mortgage acct. and me and chase agreed on a new contract back in 2011.
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I have been divorced for almost ten years and my ex-husband has been remarried since almost immediately after the divorce and his wife is not demanding I change my last name. I have two children with him and have had the name for twenty years. Can he legally make me change it and what are the costs and requirements in doing so as far as notifying the appropriate people
  • I never married my son's father. We have agreed that he stays with me Sun pm through Thur am. Thur am through Sun evening he stays with his father. His father has been very confrontational with me on several occasions when he picks him up. The pick up/drop off location is my parents house because it is a halfway point. I also have witnesses on how he treats me. I am concerned that he will use the fact that he works for the AZ DOC to gain credibility over me and try to take our son from me simply because he is angry with me. What legal action can I take to ensure that he abides by our agreement
  • MI nombre es eleuterio paredes y mi pregunta es en el año 05 arizona federal me presto $9000 para comprar un auto pero no lo pude pagar y despues el abogado que los representa me cobrava la deuda y durante un año le estuve pagando pero perdí el trabajo y ahora de nuevo me están cobrando pero me están asiendo un garnishment de mi cheque estoy considerando la bancarrota pero no se si es una buena idea pues esa es a única cuenta que tengo y no se que tanto me afectaría una bancarrota
  • My ex & I were together for 5 years, he signed acknowledgment of paternity when our daughter was born. We split up when she was 2 (she is 4 now), he has been paying child support for 5 months and was ordered to pay $17k arrears. He consented to step parent adoption before child support was ordered. The adoption will be final 6/1/11. Recently he started threatening to take me to court for paternity, can he?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program