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  • can i move out at age 14?
  • I lived in XXXXX apartments until June 2015. In June of 2015 I paid $406.17 to end my lease and my roomates and I signed a roommate release form saying that I was no longer on the lease. They moved out prematurely in August of 2015. Apparently a sum was sent to a collection agency for that apartment in 2016 and they included my name when they did that. I did not find out about this until I applied for an apartment for my daughter and I in May of 2017 and was denied because of this sum. I called the complex and was basically told that they cant help me. What can I do from here?
  • My husband was married 13 years ago, was going back and forth to school from yuma to Tucson. He acme home one weekend and his then wife filed for divorce said he abandoned her and the baby. But yet told him she cheated and the baby wasn't his. Her and her family kept the baby from him and filed a restraining order on him. It's been 13 years we have searched for her and his possible son. There last known location is Yuma Az. How do we go about having her served . He is now being hit for child support and $40,000? We need Answers. He wants to know is it his son and if not ??? please help
  • Can my husband take my daughter for xmas eve, xmas, news year eve, and new years day to another state before divorce and child custody is seattled? She will be one year old.
  • I was incarcerated in july of this year and was released just recently, during that time my wife and 2 children had moved to kansas I am most likely to file for divorce and will be seeking joint custody. I am planning on having the kids for their summer break and winter breaks.Since she is out of state what is the procedure for this to occur and what must I file,also will she have to come back to Arizona for the proceedings or can she remain in Kansas?
  • My ex and I bought a house in Feb 2018 and after he cheated on me we broke up. The title is in both of our names so I know he has just as much as a right as I do for the house. However, I am living there until we make a decision on how we will be handling the house. On 9/27 he came in and took appliances out of the home. Is this legal? I was lead to believe that the appliances could not be removed or sold by either parties.
  • I was adopted at the age of 13 from Russia. My adopted American parents were abusive. At the age of 18 I left home. I have been homeless living with friends as I finished my high school diploma. I have not been able to pay anyone for living at their home. I have started community college full time, two of my classes are not college accredited as I was educationally deprive and have to catch up to take Eng. 101 and college math. I spend more time studying than the average student as English is my second language. I work 8 hours a week at a clothing store. I just started caring for a 90 year old lady, more than 20 hours per week, in exchange for a place to study & sleep. DES says I need to work 20 hours a week to get food stamps. Would my caring of the 90 year old count as working even though I do not get paid?
  • My mom get food stamps for my 1yr old daughter amy mom buys stuff my daughter cant eat or whatever her boyfriend tells her to buy how do I go about gettting my own foodstamp am things for me an my daughter?
  • My home was sold at a foreclosure auction on 11/22/16. I have never been served a 3 day notice by the new owners just a Summons and Complaint. They want me out of the property and want to charge me an outstanding amount of money and I cannot afford to pay it. They are trying to get a default and judgment against me and I am living in the house with my 8 year old granddaughter. I work 4 days a week and need time to secure another place for us to live. These people are very unreasonable and want me out. I have lived there for 23 years and am having alot of anxiety over this. HELP
  • Been in same mobile home park for 4 years, living in our travel trailer. We've always paid 1 yr. in advance to receive a substantial discount due to tiered pricing. In June, we're usually offered a pre-reservation discount, but must pay the future year in advance. We've usually declined due to lack of $$ in June, but agree we will be renewing when our rental agreement is up. This year they told us they had a prospective new tenant and if we didn't renew w/1 yr advance payment...we would lose our spot. Is this legal?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program