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  • If i got evicted for not paying the rent on my space but i own the trailer and have my title can i still sell it
  • for 8 weeks i had a leek with foul smelling oder,when it was to be fixed i was told we would have to stay somewhere with my pets so they could work.i told my landlords i had no place to go or could not afford a Motel, did not matter. it cost me $362.30 but i was told they would take off $125.00 from my rent. thats not right,is it?
  • Roommate's drunk cousin (eviction): I am listed on Rental Lease Agreement with a roommate. The roommate has a Guest (cousin) who is NOT on the lease staying in the living room for over a month. Roommate's Cousin helps her with expenses and rent at times. The roommate's cousin is an alcoholic, and gets drunk, becomes unruly, staggering, breaking things, etc. I would like to have the Guest Removed from the premises, evicted, when drunk particularly, or permanently. Can I have the police remove the drunk cousin of my roommate AGainst my Roommates discretion?
  • My daughters fathers hasn't been around at all for her life so far, she is 4 years old, I want him to sever his rights to her so i can have all rights to her. But he doesn't believe she is his, so do I have to establish paternity first and than go from there since he isn't willing to sign over his rights?
  • Hello we have a tenant that rents a place on are property for 475.00 month her it includes her utilities cable and internet air heat garbage water sewer. She moved her boyfriend and his dog in about the same time. She works he is here 24 7. For 3 months he has been here causing problems within the neighborhood I can no longer use my back yard for my dogs as my little dog well start a fight because he thinks his dog has taken over his yard. I have reached the end of being taken advantage of. She gave notice of 18 days I accepted can I boot him like I should have?
  • foreclosed on then evicted while in bankruptcy, injured need surgery out of work, was given 5 days notice to move 2 story 5 bed no truck with protruding hernia, sheriff said I had 21 days to get property on day 18 contacted all belongings gone. what do I do.
  • When a child turns 19 is a parent legally responsible for that child. For example, a child moves out of home and is making poor choices, if something were to happen is the parent liable.
  • My son is 5 years old. I have sole custody. I read the self service paperwork and it says I have to notify the other parent or show "order terminating parental rights of the other parent." Is my divorce decree showing sole custody good enough? I know sole custody gives me the right to make decisions for my children even if my ex does not agree.
  • Am I required to mail my rent each month out of state if my landlord lives out of town? If no additional guest policy is referenced in my rental agreement do I have to get permission for every overnight guest? My parents watched our child for a weekend while we were out of town. It seems unreasonable to require permission in this case.
  • We signed a 2 yr extended lease with the original property mngmnt. Since the extension, they have sold the property. The new mngmnt is not responsive to repairs. My dishwasher has now been out for 3 weeks, & they say that's the best they can do. Also, a barrier wall is breaking due to our neighbors tree and cynder blocks are falling into our yard. We have 2 dogs and 2 children I am afraid will get hurt. I have the area blocked off, and the mngmnt says they cannot fix this. I am at my wits end and am not sure what steps I need to take to either demand repairs or terminate th lease.




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program