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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • I have customers at work that have past due invoices that I try to collect on. Usually a certified letter works because they sign that they received the letter. But now I have someone that did not get the demand letter, so what is the next step that I attempt to collect with out hiring an agency? Not sure of the laws and I have tried to look them up but they are very confusing. Is there a giude that can give me the proceedures and laws on how to collect?
  • I have a deadbeat stepson that is 20 years old who won't do anything to help himself.He says he does not need to get a job & says I have to take care of him. What are my rights & options to get him out of my house. I am a renter so I don't know if that matters.
  • If my roomate is active military and receives short notice orders to move does that break his part of the lease and require remaining tenants to fufill his responsibility on lease or does that break the lease for all tenantes.
  • Whose is responsible for items owned by tenant that are damaged while using laundry facility provided by the landlord, that are supposedly subleased through a third party?
  • I filed my divorce and sole custody paperwork through pima county courts because I was living there. Since then, both me and my ex-husband have moved out of state, and planning to move again, but my son, now 13, wants to live with his father until he is 18. What easiest way to modify the custody order to give sole custody to my ex-husband?
  • My rent has increased each the lease i signed back in Sept 2017, I'm responsible for utilities. There's no fixed flat rate stated only saids 50& based on occupants and 50% on unit size. Should my utility bill be the same each month then?? I believe some illegal activity is goimg on Amd i want to know my rignts.
  • I have run out of funds trying to Divorce my husband. He has a much higher income than I do. Also he is currently working in China. I have had custody of our 2 kids for 2 years. I filed last year, but he fought it and won. I want something legal to protect me financially .
  • I have had credit card debt for years that I have not paid on how long can they harassess me by state lasw
  • Both parents share 50/50 custody but one of the parents resides in a different state. The parent that lives in Arizona is awarded all Holiday Breaks, including spring and summer break and the other parent has the child for school year. Due to the COVID19 both parents do travel to/from set location agreed upon from the court. Now when its time for parent in AZ to exercise their parenting time, what can be done? Will the parenting time be voided due to one parent lives in another state? If the parent can't come with compromise, what should be done if Parent in AZ wants to exercise parenting time
  • Our landlord has decided to upgrade/renovate all apartments and says we have to move into another apartment either temporarily or permanently (our choice). This will cause inconvenience, time, energy, and money since some of us will need help moving furniture. Must they pay moving expenses, move our belongings for us, or compensate in any way? Can we terminate our lease (mine is up in a couple of months) because we are forced to move all of our belongings out? I'm thinking if I have to move everything out anyway, that perhaps I should just move altogether. The apartments are in good shape.... nothing wrong with them. What are my rights? How much notice do they have to give us? Btw.... I have housing assistance. Thank you




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program