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  • If I am filing a small claim for wrongly withholding deposit, do I bring my claim against the landlord or the property management company, or both? The property management company is who made the decision to withhold the deposit.
  • joint legal custody, i am the custodial parent, but father has final say. Is the father allowed to deny the child to go to be better school to receive a better education? He has no reason to not allow her to go to the new school other than he doesn't think its necessary. She almost failed 5th grade at her current public school. If I take him to court what are the chances of the judge allowing her to go to the better school? Isn't it supposed to be about what is in the child's best interest, not just about who has final say?
  • By law How many days does a landlord have to hold your possession?
  • Can the apartment management come in to my apartment and take photographs? I refused but they did it anyway, I asked him to leave and he ignored me. The photos included my entire kitchen, my pantry that I purchased and it has glass doors (not part of the apartment, a stand alone cabinet) and my bathroom. We had recent repairs but he didn't take photos in the areas repaired and refused to answer why. My personal belongings were in the photo. The apartment was very clean, nothing Out of compliance but I feel my rights were violated.
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • Is there a 3 day release from jail if not charged rule? But if the jail lists charges on the inmate, doesn't that mean that they have been charged? And if the preliminary hearing is scheduled, doesn't that mean that they have been charged, but not necessarily indicted? On major methamphetamine trafficking charges, isn't it unlikely someone would get out on the above-mentioned 3 day "rule"? Without a bond? Just turned loose?
  • I want a divorce, husband doesn't. He is the cause of the divorce. When I talk about it he gets mad, makes accusations and threats. He does not get physically violent, but he has told me things like I cannot leave (or takes my keys or phone so I can't), or I cannot take the kids from the house, or says he will take the kids. He is very possessive and becomes a bully when divorce is brought up. On multiple occasions he has driven off aggressively saying his life is over without me and the kids. I feel like the kids and I need somewhere else to stay while I file to avoid more detriment. Can I?
  • My ex-husband just got arrested for an extreme DUI. We have gone through mediation in the past and he agreed to "conditional sole custody" but now disputes it. How would I go about getting sole custody with supervised visitation? Do I need to go through mediation again or do I go straight to a hearing? 
  • My home was foreclosed (sold at auction) in 2009. I had two loans on the home, my primary residence: a Primary and a Home Equity Line of Credit. I have become aware that the HELOC bank, *****, has not written off my loan yet; this is preventing me from purchasing another home, which I have under contract. Q: Should a HELOC be considered "settled" with a foreclosure or can ***** the bank still pursue me for the unpaid loan amount (+$100K)? I am waiting to hear from *****, but they are extremely slow to respond and this could cause me to lose a potential new home! :-(
  • If you have 50/50 custody and your ex takes your child to Mexico without permission, what paper can you file to prevent this from happening again?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program