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  • Can my landlord evict me if I don't pay them for accidental damage to a carport/storage area that they had their insurance company pay for?
  • I have full custody of my three girls. Ages 5, 8 and 10. My ex/their dad is very involved. My boyfriend has a legally adopted son/nephew who Is 18 years of age and a junior in high school. Who I was going to allow to live with me. My ex is threatening attorneys and fighting for custody because I am allowing this boy to live in my home. He is a good kid with no criminal history nor any record of any trouble. If I marry his dad, he will be my stepson. Does my ex have a leg to stand on? I will not risk losing custody of my daughters. Please help
  • My husband and I rented a very small 3 bed room house. Very basic but perfect for us. We’ve had some health issues so our adult grandson has been living with us for about a month. I contacted the owner. He’s raised our rent to 1100 a month. Homes for rent in this area are renting for 800.00 a month. This home was built in the early 70s and is very small under 1000 sq foot. Newer nicer homes are renting for 1100 a month. Much nicer and updated homes. We have never been late on rent and he has raised our rent every year but homes in this older but nice neighborhood are not near worth 1100 ???
  • My widowed mother disinherited my sister who is my only sibling. Her will states that she has 2 children and my sister and I are named. She states that "I am making no distribution to (sister's name inserted) in this will." I am the executor and I am the sole inheritor of her entire estate. Am I required to notify my sister of our mother's' passing? Am I required to post a notice in the local paper here or, if public notice is required and I post it online? Where? The sister is in Florida. My mother and I live in Arizona.
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • How do I find out if there is a sale date for my home that is in foreclosure?
  • He is trying to evict me and get back rent but I'm willing to leave but he is trying to get money from me..if I lose in court do I have to pay if I leave?
  • we are planning to buy a manufactured home in a 55+ community. My question is if my husbands name is the only one on the manufactured home and he dies can they make me move out and how could I sale the manufactured home if I wanted to.
  • I recently found out I am paying for the electric in the laundry room that everyone else uses. Is this considered a breach in contract, if I pay my own utilities. The realty company said they will take $25 off the rent each month or to move out, is this violating my rights as a tenant?
  • I lived in California when I got approved for ssdi and I was approved for backpay I moved to Arizona within the year of 2013 and now they are telling me I don't get my backpay because of state rules being different but I should get the backpay for 2011 thru 2013 I am entitled to right?




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program