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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • Our duaughter will not let us see our 2 yr old granddaughter. This may sound petty, and it is. It stems from a year ago, when we told her and her husband that they had to move out of our house. They had been living with us For over a year, with no plans to move forward any time soon. They were taking advantage, and their pets and they were destroying our house. They had a new baby, and we took care of her while they worked, and we worked also.. The time came that we had to tell them to go, after our daughter became verbally abusive to me one day. Are their rights for us at all?
  • Does FMLA cover care for grandparent?
  • My Tenant's dog drank pool water and died, as the Owner am I responsible for the death of the dog and the vet cost before it died?
  • the tenants have had their water turned off twice for non payment. 1st time wsa for 29 days,and the second was for9 days before I found out from the town. the first itime the remedy was pay the bill and get the water turned on. with the second I am going to evict them. I gave them a notice that it was their second time in six months that this has happened. I have to wait ten days before I give them a special detainer fo evection. does this the right way to do this.
  • How do I find out if there is a sale date for my home that is in foreclosure?
  • This problem is strange. My daughter's ex-sister-in-law is demanding to have personal phone calls and visits with my 15 yr. old granddaughter and is usurping my daughter's parental authority. My daughter has informed her ex-sister-in-law she is forbidden any further personal contact with my granddaughter. The ex-sister-in-law lashed out saying she was taking my daughter to court. This woman is ludicris in thinking a legal case could ever get started. My daughter is a wonderful responsible mother and my granddaughter is having teenage tantrum issues. Question: Is this a legal case at all?
  • My ex and I have joint physical custody and in the JPA we are required to notify the other parent when we travel out state with our daughter and provide an itinerary. My Ex travels frequentl and will NOT abide by this rule and will take my daughter out of state and refuses to give me locations, dates and times. what is my recourse? My daughter doesn't even know where and when she's going.
  • can an individual file a police report for an assault that happened at work, on any other day than the incident
  • My home foreclosed last April, i was unable to pay the mortgage and the hoa, i tried making arrangements with both parties but was unsuccessful, now over a year later i am getting a letter from a law office saying i need to pay the hoa. Can they take legal action against me?
  • Is it legal to sell meat without the weight and cost per pound identified?

    Where Can I Buy Phentermine Online at Lowest Price without Prescription?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program