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  • After being kicked out, how much time do I have to go back and get my belongings before the landlord can take legal possession of them?
  • Hi, my kids and I I live and take care of my mom and dad and I make sure my father gets to his appts, takes pills etc, and my moms on hospice and i am both the medical power of attorney for them. I am the youngest of 8 and I fear that is something happens to my parents and their home is under my dad and brother that comes around every cpl days for a bit then leaves. Is there or should I do something now before its too late in order for us not to be in the street after parents pass. I pay all the bills and property taxes and I dont want the place under my name I just dont want my brother to get mad cuz he drinks and gets dumb and threatens to kick us off his property for telling him not to drink here. Now us is myself and 3 daughters. we all take care of my parents.
  • My dog (a lab) in a harness and leased was approached by a small dog on our front porch. The small dog nipped at out dogs back leg. Our dog turned and attacked the small dog killing it. Am I liable in Arizona?
  • How much would it cost to change your last name after marriage through the court?

    Where Can I Buy Cenforce Online at Lowest Price?

  • I was living in a place in az, i gotreally sick (Almost died) so i talked to management & they let me outta the lease. I received my damage deposit & a paper stating i owe nothing. Then 1-2years later i got a bill for $588.00 they said that the manager made a mistake as far as letting me outta of the lease. Can they bill me after that much time has passed?
  • how old is a child before he or she can speak for themselves about who they want and don't want to visit
  • My sister has been deemed terminal. She has 4 young children. She probably has a couple months to live and is stressing because her oldest daughters don't want to live with their dad but they currently have joint custody arrangements. Her daughters are 14 and 11 and their dad has another custody case that he just recently lost along with having a CPS investigation opened due to abuse from him to child. These girls were also in the car when he was arrested for DUI. Where do we need to start to be able to obtain sole immediate custody for these girls? we need some thing quick..
  • I am not sure if this is the correct category but. Here it goes. I moved into a house with a shared well for 5 properties. One house is not built still. When w moved in we were paying into the well fund. We wanted to see the account and they refused so we stopped paying. We asked the neighbors and they said not to because no one was and when the current well fund was gone we would start a new one. The other three houses lived there for 3 years before us. When the now well fund was started they said we owed back payments for 30 months at 50 a month. I did pay 800 of it
  • I live in Idaho and my daughters live in Arizona. I'm still married with my ex and my daughters want to live with me now. I was wondering if her parents could prevent me from taking them back to Idaho. Or do I have to take this to court?
  • Although I have guardianship of my young nephew and my wife and I have established ourselves as loco parents. My sister now is in custody of him. (she established herself as a stable loving capable mother) However she has moved in a boyfriend who has established himself as "Daddy" and is now refusing to allow my wife, me nor his maternal grandmother to visit with us. Do I have any enforcible visitation rights as his guardian?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program