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    Do you want to escape it all and take a long vacation but aren't sure how to do it? Read contributing attorney Ke Huang-Isherwood's article "Getting a Visa to Visit Another Country" and start your plan today — Read More


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    Are you a savvy senior? Would you like to be? Attorney Kenneth F. Hegland breaks down some of the most complicated issues that surround us and those we love as we age. — Watch videos.


  • at what age do you need to be in the state of AZ.
  • my daughter is somewhere in phoenix and I dont know where I live in showlow and I have her daughter,my granddaughter with me i need to get temporary guardianship of her for medical coverage to update her shots and my daughter already had two children taken by CPS where do I find the paperwork to fill out?
  • My baby father of two kids and now one on the way which will make three and i got our children unwilling tooken aaway and place in my mother custody almost three years ago beacuase we were young and dumb and gotten into a domestic violence dispute we didnt have thingthings etablished like we needed to i willing signed my rights to my mother but my baby father didnt nnw that we have had a stable income no domestic violence disputes for going on three years and have a safe and stable living environment with a home we have shared and have had stable housing dor almost two yrs can we get them back
  • I have co signed for my adult son for the last 3 years. A new property management company took over the lease for the last 3 month. The new property management company did not inform me that they took over the lease. My son gave a 30 day notice on January 5 2018. He paid January rent. The new property management company says he is responsible for February rent as well. They are informing me now that I need to pay February because I am a co signer. (My son is now a student and can not afford the rent) Question: Are we responsible for February 2018 rent because the 30 days went from 01/05/2018?
  • We have a tenant that will not answer our calls, texts, emails or answer his door we suspect that no one is living in the home because it is a filthy, unhealthy mess completely unsanitary There are cats living in the home but empty cats food cans all over the kitchen floor we looked in the window and saw a cat The window was partially opened and when we looked inside all we could smell was a strong Oder of cat urine They have not paid rent in 3 months and we can’t find or get hold of them They have completely destroyed our home What are our rights? Can we enter the home?
  • I am a widow and would like to return to my maiden name; do I need to file a name change request? or can I just go back to my maiden name
  • My husband and I have bad credit so his father put our house in his name because his credit score is better than ours and we ended up with a great house payment. He hasn't paid anything for this house he hasn't never stayed the night in this house please tell me there is something I can do if he decides to sell house. When we found house we all sat down and had an verbal agreement this house is our. What should I do what are my rights? I feel that I may not have a lot of time can I stop him or have everything halted until someone can do an investigation.
  • I have a 4 year old step daughter and her real father does not come around and hardly ever has but pays child support. She does not have his last name she has my wife's maiden last name. I am married to her mother and was wondering how I could go about getting some kind of guardianship over her or if I can legally get her last named change because I have been around since she was a baby and doesn't believe her last name isn't the same as mine. Thank you looking forward to hearing back.
  • My boyfriend was arrested last night for aggravated assault against me. I told the police that he has a history of mental illness and that he needed to go to a psychiatric hospital but they took him to jail anyway. I am not pressing charges but I am afraid the state will. How do I help him get the charge dropped and get mental help?
  • is a significant other considered a family member




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program