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  • how do I stop my neighbor from tresspassing
  • I got granted temporary sole legal decision making of my daughter but during this case I got into a car accident with my other daughter, I was not the driver or passenger and had no illegal part in this accident. Now my daughters father is telling me he has temporary sole custody and I cannot see her at all. He has domestic violence and was told that sole custody was not an option in our case for him. He got a lawyer and we made a settlement so it would be easier for me because the accident ruined everything with my life and I signed it but she told us that we needed to get it notarized.
  • I now live in Arizona I had full guardianship of my grandson in Michigan, We moved here with his mother,she now has moved out, been her for 8 months, how do I go about getting legal guardianship here, The mother is a drug addict ,supposedly not using,but do believe she does,without it showing, she wants guardianship back. Father lives in Ohio ,he hasn't had contact in two years,.
  • My soon to be ex wife and I are going through divorce. In the preliminary it States that we each keep the vehicle that were driving and we are responsible for the payments on the that vehicle. Will she decided to be sneaky and dirty and she had one of her friends who is a repo agent come on to my property and steal the vehicle from me even though I wasn't behind the payments. Is that legal? And what about all the money that I paid on the vehicle even though it was in her name which is technically community property community property. I just bought brand new tires for the truck brand new rims
  • Does ahcccs provide counseling services for minor children? I feel that my children are having a difficult time with their father being incarcerated.
  • we were evicted from a trailer court recently but i own my trailer outright, paid for free and clear. Can the park take my trailer from me? Its too old to move and they say that if I sell it I have to sell it for a minimum of what is owed to them or they will evict the new owner. That doesnt seem right to me.
  • my landlord gave me a notice to terminate my tenancy she says that i destroyed the outside which is not true and that i had illegal occupants living with me not true and that the inside of my house was unsafe and unhealthy also not true an inspector was at my house twice at the same time she is talking about they saw nothing wrong also a couple of months ago I asked the landlord to fix my air conditioning she failed to do so so I called section 8 they gave her thirty days to fix it she did on the last day of the thirty days so she told me Iin the phone that that's why she is really kicking me
  • We have been married for 23 years. My husbands last surviving parent recently passed away leaving my husband some property and money. If I file for divorce is that inheritance considered community property?
  • maybe someone can answer me on this I currently renting a 2 bedroom apartment in Bullhead city Arizona, a month ago I found out that my apartment is infested with termites, the landlord or apartment manager responded by sending a maintenance worker to look into it and he was not sure what we're dealing with so he reported back to the office and they send a pest control to look into it and he confirmed that it was termites and they need to call a termite specialist and he came and looked at it said it was a mild case so he went back and told the manager what needs to be done and the estimate but all that was over 3 weeks ago and I heard nothing about since then so I called and the lady who works there did not seem to know whats going on with this so she replied "I will let the manager know and have them call you" well another week passed so I drop buy the office and paid rent and I ask the lady again about and she said the exterminator has not got back to them so now I'm not sure what to do, I personally believe they are giving me the run around and do to the history and incompetence and procrastination of the maintenance service provided since we been living there I am highly concern to the point that I should just bail out of my lease and move somewhere else but the problem with that is I cannot afford to when I'm providing for my kids so I am thinking i should seek some legal council on the situation
  • I need to no if I can be Evicted cause I wrote letter to the Manager letting her no she over charged me for Rent for the mouth of July. I was placed her threw a Domestic vilioce Shelter n everything was explained to the Manager when I was brought here. She was told that I get paid every 2 weeks and that I work at ----. So we explained to her ( Manager ) that I will not be able to pay the Rent on the First of the Mo. She agreed with that and said she will work with me on the Rent. Now the Housing program Paid the Rent up for 3 mos. Now she is Evicteing me for being late on this Mo.




  • Please select your county of residence below.



  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program