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  • I get a news letter the first of the month stating maintenance day is 1/21/15. Is that legal notice. They come in twice that day. Once to change the a/c filter, check smoke alarm and look for drippy faucets. They come back to do monthly pest control. It is anywhere from 8 to 5. Lately they have even looked in the refrigerator during this inspection.
  • My sister began occupying my fathers house when he became incapacitated. Unfortunately he has since passed away (11 mos. since she moved in there, which she said was supposed to be temporary). I am the trustee, she is to receive 1/4 of the estate once it's settled. However, she hasnt worked in 3 years, has no desire or attempted to either....she says she isn't going to move out. and says we cant kick her out. As the trustees, do we have the legal right to get her out? She's never paid rent and we paid her other bills in good faith so she could get back on her feet.There is no!
  • My daughter"s debit card was stolen, I know who took it, she has not turned him in. Can I turn him in ?
  • I share custody with my girls father but he has some a week ago he told my 15 year old she had to leave and she been with me ever sense what's my next step to keep her with me
  • My husband managed a duplex for 4 yrs until he passed away 2wks ago, We moved from duplex 9 months ago he subleased our apt to"friends" the terms we may move back anytime & still use 50% of the property as our own. He also had a rv that he had rented out &occupants remained a watched over property. Within 2wks of his death sub leasers told owner about rv & occupants which was explained & a non issue. Sub lessees then insisted I remove my property per owner,Tenants under our deposit owner said he will be here Tues to take inventory &if anyone removes anything he will consider it property damage
  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I never took my son father down for child support . He was in prison for 8of the 14 years of our son life. Now I want child support. And to know if they will go back and make him pay for the back years

    Where to get Ativan without prescription?

  • I moved in with a,buddy.i been living there for a,month and a, he wants me to move out in a day.what rights do i have
  • My Landlord has been providing poor maintenance that "fixes" the problem. Our a/c has been leaking into the hallway and under the sink where the drain connection is. Because of the poor maintenance and the well-being of my family I pipe snaked the drain and provided proper fittings for the drain a total of 1.5hrs of maintenance. I notified the landlord and asked for a reduction in next months rent for labor and materials, am I within my legal right to do so?
  • puedo pedir una revision de mi expediente y si me puedo hacerme ciudadano tengo mas de 30 anos de residente legal y quiesiera arreglarle los papeles a mis hijos que tuve con varia mujeres tengo 6 hijos en total uno de 26 anos, 2 de 24 anos uno de 19 anos y una de 13 anos la de trece anos es ciudadana americana o seria mas facil meterle los papeles ahora por medio de mi residencia permamente y vivo con mi pareja , estoy casado con la primera mujer y estoy a punto de meter los papeles de divorcio para casarme con mi actual pareja y tiene tres hijos mios la de 13 anos, 1 de 19 y 1 de 24 graci




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program