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  • I would like to leave the state, but was recently informed that even though I have sole custody of my two children that I would hava to file paperwork with the courts because the other parent has visitation. My question is what is the correct paperwok that I need to file?
  • my wife separated from me 4 years ago. she took my son and my stepdaughter with her. I am wondering what rights I may have to see my son and if I have any rights to see my stepdaughter that I raised for five years.
  • i am 15 years old an i got a 2 month old baby and the father is not on the birth certificate an the baby does not have his last name an i dont want him to have any rights because he is not responsible an i cant trust him can he get rights??
  • i was renting a duplex privately owned with my b/f of 9 years. we had an argument,it got violent on his end and the neighbors. i left. he asked me to come back aug 1st 2015. the neighbor got violent i left. at that time they took the fence/gate key away but not my house keys. and I had paid rent for july but was not on the mo to mo lease.they then stole my Aug rent from me by entering my vehicle without my ok. i have been trying to get my stuff out. but they will not let me. i have gotten my clothes. coats. but my furn, jewelry etc. is still there..what are my rights? as im scared.
  • my ex and i have court appointed parenting time in family court. my ex keeps bringing her boyfriend around me during these exchanges and i have an OOP against him for threatening my life. my biggest question is i know he is violating law by doing that and can be arrested but is she in violation of some law in arizona by allowing it? FYI she has known about the OOP since it was issued and she helped fight it for him in court so "i didn't know about it" doesn't apply in this situation. im in fear that my ex is attempting to cause an issue by having him around when we exchange our children
  • My ex pays child support. He moved out of state in March 2014 and no longer can honor his parenting time nor do I believe he has notified the court of his new address. Is there something I should be doing as the petitioner? Can I report his address change? Do I need to file for an increase in support?
  • I married a 16-Year Old female (I was 23) last year legally with proper parental consent. I was curious to know what my guardianship/consent rights are when it comes to my spouse being served legal paperwork or court orders by anyone, including myself. She was not emmancipated before our marriage, and I've had to legally be there to sign on her behalf for reasons such as school signup and notarizing items, so I know that I have some consent.
  • My Mother who is 83 and I are both on the home that we live in. I am her caretaker. If one of of passes away does the home go to the other or can other family members step in or if one of us goes into a assisted living can the home we both own be messed with if the assisted living costs more than can afford?
  • Can I modify a joint custody order to a sole custody? The father is not complying with his obligations. He has sinced moved, and has little or no contact with the boys in months.
  • Last night the maintenance manger at my complex threatened to call the police if I didn't leave. I haven't been officially evicted yet, but he assumed I was since my family removed my belongings. Did he violate my rights under the "self help" measure?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program