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  • I just found out I am being sued for child support for a child that was born 16 years ago, can I sue the mother for not telling me about this child 16 years ago
  • My dad left when i was baby. He just came back into my life a year ago, my mom has custody of me. But this past year i have been emointally abused and have had a few situatons with being physically abused as well. This is causing my school work to drop, and i cant take living here anymore. I have tried to find a way to live with my dad until i graduate, but i would like to know if there is any legal way i can move out, so I can get my life together and finish school without any problems.
  • How do I get proction for my grandchilden when my son girl freind can provide a home for them. Son is in jail. we have guardianship of there first child do to drug abuse by monther. She is now living with a cousin and her family along with her sister and there family in one home.
  • I am asking this question on behalf of my dear friend who is a senior and does not own a computer in which to ask this question. A year ago, my friends son bought a home in Youngtown, Arizona, for his mom 76 yrs of age and his dad who is 84 yrs of age, to live in until they die, rent free. Today he wants to evict them. What can they do? Do they have any rights? What are AZ laws regarding unwritten tenancy agreements?
  • I was in a auto accident(rear ended)insured resides in Az. His Insurance company is located in Ca. I want to take his insurance co. to a Small Claims Court in Az. How do I serve summons to the Insurance Co. since Insurance is located in CA. but it does business in Az.(out of venue)
  • I am drawing ss disability and I have a car I have been paying for 4 years just owe 6 payments but car broke down over a year ago and I cannot afford to get it fixed and can't afford the payment anymore. I was getting help to pay the payment but my son moved off and lost his job. My name is on a piece of property a half acre with my daughter she lives on the property can they sue me and get the property? 
  • My sons father and I went to court and a custody arrangement was ordered in court. my son's father hasn't used his visitation for 9 months. Yesterday he said he wanted to see him again. I brought my son to a public location to try to allow him to become familiar with his dad again but my son who is three was noticeably afraid During the visit my son's father said that if I did not let him immediately take his for court ordered visits he would inform the judge. What can I do to have the current order imediately changed so that he can get to know father agian before having overnight visits
  • The back sliding door in our rental home has a broken lock. I have requested repairs be done and the landlord said he would fix it but it has been over 6 months and it has still not been repaired. I do not feel safe in my home because I can not lock the door and someone could come in and harm me. What can I do to remedy this situation. Do I have any rights? Is this a health and safety issue? Is the landlord required to make sure the back door lock is in working condition?
  • my husband has a 7 year old daughter from a previous relationship we moved here from hawaii to be closer to her. in dec. 2012 she came to live with us, now in 3/2013 her mom wants her back when the school year is over. does my husband have any rights. he loves his daughter and wants her to live with us. his daughter like living with us too what can we do? were do we start? does he have a right to keep her? or does he have to just give her up again? my husband is heart broken Her mom doesnt have a stable job or home. when we got her they were living in a domestic violence shelter WHAT TO DO??




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program