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  • I have to take my kids on zoo in sc doing the I have the kids. Do I have tell their mom or get her perision? We have 50/ 50
  • if you're given a 40 day notice do you still have to pay rent because owner is selling the house
  • I am not currently working and haven't for 5 year because I was the homemaker. I'm getting a divorce and since child support requires you put you make a min. of 1255.70 a month can I also put in how much day care will be for my 2 sons even if they are not in day care yet, but will be when I find a job? When entering day care in the child support agreement child support goes up a lot and I know eventually it will be used. I just am not sure if they will allow me to put that in there. If I have to put I make money, shouldn't I be required to add in child care too?
  • Is it possible to get a free or low income assisted private attorney for a criminal matter (class 1 mist.)in Maricopa County before a court appointed attorney?
  • I live in a mobile home park. They own the meters so they have a statement along with the lot rent. My question is the do show the ending and beginning usage and the rate. But they also charge a 20.00 service charge and they have a tax on the usage. But CAN THEY TAX A SERVICE ALONG WITH THE TAX FOR THE USE OF ELECTRICITY. ALONG with a water tax on usage and service charge alongwith RNTX. I thought sewer was figured on the amount of water used ?
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  • How much notice does my landlord need to enter my apartment?
  • What is the actual process for evicting a homeowner after the property has been foreclosed, including timeframes?
  • IfIget emancipated and move out on my own wouldI be able tohave a room mate?
  • I recently bought a mobile home park and a tenant is behind on paying rent. What are the laws on eviction when the tenant owns their mobile home and they aren't paying rent?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program