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  • i have raised my 14 yr old son by myself since he was 1 year old. his mom left and i have not seen her in about 13 years. my problem is that i never signed the birth certificate. up until now i havent had any problems enrolling him in school but last year they told me i have till this upcoming school year to get on his birth certificate. i have no idea what steps i need to take to get this taken care of. his name is exactly my name so i think that should help. please help
  • I have sent the Other Party's income request form to his employer twice and haven't received a response. What should I do next in order to get his income information so I can modify child support?
  • I was married a few days more than 6months now. We entered into a covenant marriage, and my husband has not been here since. He has lived in north carolina the entire marriage, he is a compulsive liar, he has stolen money from me, and has also verbally and emotionally abused me. Is there anyway to have the marriage annulled?
  • I have 2 investment homes in AZ and my primary home in CA where I live. Short sale is not an option for me b/c I don't qualify because I have assets. My question is if I foreclose on the 2 investment homes will the lenders put liens on my primary home that has about $200k in equity? Or do I just have poor credit for 7 years?
  • I made a huge mistake by cosigning on a car loan for a girlfriend back on 09/15/08. She only made 9 payments on the vehicle then let it go back to the bank. It’s been almost 6-1/2 years since she made her last payment and now they’re coming after me, after all these years have gone by. I was told that Arizona Statute of Limitations A.R.S. § 47-2725 is four (4) years for auto loans. But their attorney is ignoring that and coming after me regardless. It's now October 2015 and they are coming after me for the loan amount + interest totaling $13,000 altogether. I'm retired and living solely on Social Security of $1,776 per month and two small pensions totaling $624 which = $2,400 per month. And I'm living with my daughter to make ends meet. Therefore I can't afford to pay theses people. I had an initial pre-trial conference on 10/8/15 and represented myself because I can’t afford an attorney. It was determined that there will be a trial on 12/14/15. I told the loan company in court “that I have no money and living on $2,400 per month and living with my daughter to make ends meet, and they’re still pursuing the trial date. My questions are: 1) Will the Arizona Statute of Limitations A.R.S. § 47-2725 four (4) years get me out of this mess completely? 2) I've been told and read online that Social Security income and Pensions “cannot be garnished”. Do you know if this is true? If it's true then I have nothing to worry about and won't need to file bankruptcy. 3) If I lose my case can I file bankruptcy on a judgement that's been awarded against me? 4) Can they levy / garnish my checking account where my Social Security checks and Pension checks are electronically deposited? Thank You for your help.
  • We are in a lease and the owner listed house for sale. Can they post pictures of our belongings on the sites they're advertising the house on? I feel violated and fear a break in.
  • I'm 29 citizen of phoenix az. I have been thru a violent abused on my age of 8.9.10. Thru 16 . My dad was a domestic violence and and my mom let him violence fighting like I was another man, not his son.i help them with my five brothers younger, and clean up everithing . My dad was a violent person he have record even in mexico. Too violent with me and discriminate of been gay and much more staff. Do I have a right. He never help me . Never do nothing for me. He trough me from his house having no place to go after a remodel everithing. And didn't pay me nothing,can I take them to court for thi
  • What forms does my husband need to file to get visitation of his daughters, the mother is in AZ and we are in NV. She is threatening to leave the state and not let him know where she is going. She has medical conditions and went to jail for domestic violence, even had her eldest daughter taken away because she abused her
  • If my parents die in Phoenix, AZ and want to be cremated and have me take their ashes to OR to be buried, what is the proceedure I need to make?
  • How can we stop paying child support for our daughter who has been living with us for the last 5 years? We have asked her mother to write a letter to have it stopped, but she refuses. She is worried they will try to make her pay the money back, since she has been taking it under false pretenses. PLease help!




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program