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  • We haven't had any noticable hot water for almost 3 months and all the landlord says is he's working on it. Cant afford to move. Do I have to pay rent in may if not fixed
  • Am i suppose to get a lawyer appointed to me by the court for a criminal offense such as racing.
  • When my daughter who is not 4 was born. Her father was not present. We are now married. I never filed for a BC while at the hospital cause I was still deciding a name. Well I have her name now. She has my last name. But I never filed for her BC. My mistake. But being as I never filed for it. It was just my name on the hospital paper work. Me and her father are together and we got married. I went to file for her BC with his name on there of coarse and the sent the paper work back to me saying the information is not correct or the same as the certificate. How so? When I do not have her BC yet?
  • When filing bankruptcy do I need to include the leased land I have in South Dakota on the schedule?
  • I am 17 years old , and a mother to a 1 year old , Am I legally emancipated ?
  • Where to Buy Kamagra Online at the Best Price without Prescription?

  • My children (14 & 17) just started overnights with their father. After a 9 month period where he didn't visit them at all. He has a live in girlfriend and 1 year old child with her. He is now in the habit of leaving my kids to babysit the 1 year old and go out with his girlfriend during his visitation. He and his girlfriend go out drinking. They have a domestic violence history (but more than 2 years ago) involving alcohol both times. Can I prevent this in any way? Isn't visitation supposed to be for my kids to spend time with their father, not babysitting his new kid until midnight/later?
  • My daughter's father bought a new car fo her 17th birthday but it is registered in my(mother) name Now she moved to boyfriends house and there are many problems. Do I have to sign title over to her?
  • My sister’s landlord accepted my sisters money orders for rent, but did not cash them or pay the management co. They are now trying to charge her late fees or evict. My sister got the money orders back. They are all dated as proof of payment, but the company is insisting she pay the late fees. They have a court order for eviction. What are her rights? She has the MO’s as proof! Should she go to court?
  • I recently had to move since my landlord sold the home we were renting. I have asked for my deposit to be returned. He simply ignores my letters. How can I force him to return the deposit?




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  • State Bar of Arizona
  • Maricopa County Bar
    Referral number 602-257-4434
  • Pima County Bar
    Referral number 520-623-4625
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline
  • Bankruptcy Court Self Help Center
  • Certified Legal Document Preparer Program